The Underbed is a place where Thomas's toys go once he has moved on to newer, more exciting toys. Jack (in the box) has just been added to this group.
As Thomas sleeps at night the toys come to life dancing and playing in the moonlight. They are brought to life by Thomas's love and imagination and without it they fade. Jack is shunned by all his former friends when he tries to leave the Underbed to join them as he used to. Only the Snow Angel befriends him when she sneaks away from the ever watchful eyes of the Red Night.
One day Thomas's father brings him a Spirit Doll from Africa. Thomas is weary of it but his father hangs it over his bed. Shortly after it crashes to the floor - letting out The Plucker - a spirit that sucks the souls of children by killing their toys. He hopes to collect enough souls to make himself human and create havoc on earth.
During the night The Plucker's creations, "Foulthings", torture and kill the toys. One of them has Angel and Jack fights to rescue her.
Mabelle (Thomas's caretaker-who knows a thing or two about the dark spirits) finds Jack and the other toys in the aftermath of the battle and knows what she has to do. She repairs Jack giving him all he needs to beat the Plucker. She tells him, "It's done. You's no longer a toy, but a weapon of the Lord. A viper. A devil slayer.
This is a story about simple toys that must band together to save the boy they love and each other. This is a very dark tale and not for the kiddies. The artwork takes center stage and is absolutly stunning. While the story is good, it's the artwork the brings it to life. Every detail from the story shows up in the drawings.
I know it's about toys but I did find myself getting upset when they got hurt. It is quite graphic.
The book is sick, twisted, beautiful and imaginative. I really enjoyed it. I happen to like twisted so it was ok with me but don't say you weren't warned :-) This would make a great coffee table book as long as you don't mind potentially freaking out your friends and family!
Loved: The artwork. Amazing!
Nitpick: none really
Overall a 3.5 out of 4.
3 out of 4 for story, & 4 out of 4 for the artwork.
To read more about Brom and his other books/artwork
Great review! I checked this one out from the library once and loved it!! The illustrations are fantastic!