For What It's Worth

Saturday, March 12, 2011

In My Mailbox

So last week I tried to shame myself into reading my looming TBR pile instead of buying new books. It seems to have worked! I read 4 books this past week. (on my 5th book today) I also sorted through the stack and cut about 10 books loose. They will be sorted into giveaway and library donation piles - never to be read by me. I will not feel guilty. Nope. OK Maybe just a tad but it's better to focus on the books I'm interested in reading instead of getting myself into another reading slump.

Now for the downside. I bought more books. Only two though, and they're very tiny paperbacks so they don't even really count. Right? I blame B&N - they sent me a 15% off coupon. You should not be enabling an addict B&N!!

I bought:

Blue Diablo by Ann Aguirre - The author has been added to my must read author list. I already love her Sirantha Jax series and I was completely blown away by her YA debut novel - Enclave (releases 4/12) so I'm trying to catch up on all her series.

How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf by Molly Harper - I've read a few books by Molly Harper and they are always fun palette cleanser types of books for me and this sounds adorable.

The Best of Fine Cooking - Breakfast - I have a weakness for cooking magazines (& for breakfast) I'm sure if you ask me a month from now I will not have made anything from this magazine even though it will be littered with post-it notes of recipes I want to try.

Under the Radar - I just started getting this magazine because it has - oh - actual music as content! Unlike a certain other music magazine that cares more about various singers drug addled sex lives AND has Snookie on the cover this month. WTF?

What did you get this week??


  1. Great books and glad that you read through the reading pile. Got Grimspace this week.

  2. Can't wait to see what you think of How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf, I thought it was cute:) I've been wanting to read Blue Diablo as well since I'm a fan of Ann Aguirre, you'll have to let me know how it is!

  3. Aww, the cover for How To Flirt With A Naked Werewolf is so cute! I subscribe to Taste of Home magazine, so I can relate to your weakness for cooking magazines :)

    LOVE YOU!!!

  4. I do the same thing with cooking magazines and books! They're everywhere and dozens of post-it notes sticking out everywhere. I think I've cooking maybe 5 things out of something in the last six months. XD I just can't help it when I see pretty pictures of food. I have to buy.

    Great IMM this week! ;D

  5. that breakfast cover has me wanting to go raid the kitchen!!

  6. Yay Karen! I'll be reading How to Flirt with a Naked Werewolf soon! I've read some great reviews for it.

    And I'll be inviting myself over for breakfast, thank you. :D

  7. I'm so proud of you for donating books! You are an excellent blogger, madam.

    Blue Diablo was good--but i thought the heroine should have stuck with the guy I picked. :-)

  8. I'm so glad you got UNDER THE RADAR! I was on the verge of buying you a subscription. :-) I like to keep the issues and look back on them a year or two down the road and see which bands have grown or disappeared.
