Book Blogger Confessions is a meme that posts the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month, where book bloggers "confess" and vent about topics that are unique to us. Feel free to share, vent and offer solutions. Just keep it respectful - no bashing authors or other bloggers!
If you want to participate just grab our button and include it in your post with a link to either Tiger's All Consuming Media or For What It's Worth. We will be providing a linky at the end of our posts so people can "hop" to see all the participants answers.
Memes. Love em' or hate em'? How many do you participate in? Which kinds do you like best? Do you feel like there are too many?
Both. I love em’ & hate em’. I think they’re a fun way to share our hobby (obsession), find new authors, bloggers and books but it can be overdone.
I participate in a few now but not on a regular basis. I used to do them all religiously but when I realized I was freaking out trying to have a WoW pick ready for Wednesday’s even though there wasn’t a book I was waiting for I new I wasn’t participating in memes for the right reason. It can’t just be about getting “hits”, it should be because you really are enthusiastic about whatever the meme is.
Currently I participate in Tune in Tuesday, Must Read Monday, Waiting on Wednesday and an occasional Follow Friday/TGIF meme but only if there is something I have to say. I don’t really obsess over getting a post ready.
I like the discussion memes that open dialogue like this one and the Friday features with questions. I enjoy the various mailbox memes but I get bored after a while looking at the same books and I don’t know what to say other than YAY! Enjoy your books! lol Teaser Tuesday is kind of fun too although I’ve never participated.
I don’t think there are too many memes. Who’s to say anyway? (The blogger police???? dun….dun…dun…) It’s all in good fun and it gets the word out about authors and books so it’s all good to me. I don’t need to participate in every one to still enjoy them.
I don’t like blogs that ONLY post memes but again that’s their right to do whatever they want on their own blog. I just like to also read reviews that show the bloggers reading tastes and personality a little more. Meme only blogs feel more promotional to me whereas I’m looking for opinions and interaction.
Questions for:
June 4th: Choosing your next book. How do you decide which book to read next? How do you balance “review” reading with “fun” reading?
June 18th: We have created a blogging time machine! Pretend you can start over. Knowing what you know now about blogging – what do you wish you did differently when it comes to creating your blog?
I regularly do FF (of course) and some form of IMM or Stacking the Shelves. I did WoW for a long time, because everyone else did it. It always felt like an obligation. I liked reading other people's WoW but it was a hassle to find my own. It finally occurred to me that no one was making me do WoW. So I stopped. And now I do the memes I enjoy.
ReplyDeleteI love Top Ten Tuesday, but I've never participated, because I'm too lazy - the posts require more work than I feel like doing.
I think you made a really good point here. Memes are only good to use when you have SOMETHING to say, and you're not just fishing around to come up with a post. That's become my rule personally.
ReplyDeleteI love the variety of memes that are available - big, small, discussion, pictures, lists, music - there's always something that interests me going on.
ReplyDeleteAfter I realised that those book blogger policemen aren't going to come and put me in solitary confinement if I didn't participate EVERY SINGLE WEEK I felt much better - now I just do them when it works for me :-D
I like to do TT and WoW. I still post a book haul, but don't actually participate in a meme for that. I've found that I've enjoyed stepping back from the mad dash to get linked up and comment like crazy. I really enjoy this meme, but have been so busy that I haven't had time. And I agree, it does get tiring when you feel like your making the same comment at each blog. I try to vary it up, but it gets hard.
ReplyDeleteGreat question! I have tried a few different memes, but now feel like I'm comfortable with the few I participate in.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you that the memes are easier and more fun when you have something to say. I really like ones that show the blogger's personality and also that don't take a lot of time.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely, I love memes that encourage an actual dialogue about books, authors, or blogging topics instead of just page views. I think that memes can be a great way to have fun, meet new bloggers and see what everyone is reading. I have found so many fantastic reads (and bloggers) through memes, but just like anything there can be too much of a good thing. I have definitely been turned off by blogs that only post memes - there just isn't enough original content to keep me interested.
ReplyDeleteI think memes are really valuable to new bloggers and can definitely generate traffic and get the word out about your blog. But personally- the best decision I ever made for MY blog was cutting out all but one meme. Now I only do Stacking The Shelves on Sundays as that post has become part of my routine and I genuinely enjoy it (though I don't worry at all about page views and comments like I did at the beginning.)
ReplyDeleteI guess I just hated that my reviews got overlooked in favour of memes. I found it kind of pointless to post a WOW for a book, have everybody fawn all over it, and then when the book came out and I posted a review- very few people looked at THAT! But now that I post mostly reviews, I get a lot of more comments and views than any meme ever got me. :)
Love the discussion memes like this one though and I wish there was a lot more of them.
I still do WoW's but only when I'm really looking forward to a book. I found that everyone was just scrambling through all the links to get a page view back.
DeleteI want it to really be about the books but I don't begrudge anyone who does do them. They are a lot of fun and a great way to get your blog out there.
" I think they’re a fun way to share our hobby (obsession), find new authors, bloggers and books but it can be overdone. "
ReplyDeletePerfect! Why didn't I write that? Lol.
I definitely love the discussion ones more. And I really wish there were more of them.
So many new ones are cropping up & I love them. They take more effort to participate in but I think they're worth it.
DeleteIt really brings a sense of community to the book blogging world which is nice.
I completely agree. Like almost everything in life it is all about balance. I don't like blogs that are all memes, but the reverse is also true. A blog that is only review doesn't really give you a good insight into the blogger. You only get their opinions about books, nothing really about themselves personally. I love the memes that are thought provoking and give us a glimpse of who the blogger really is.
ReplyDeleteThat's so true. Reviews are the best for finding out if a book is worth picking up but a good meme can reflect so much more about the blogger and their personality. I like making connections with other bloggers - not just scrolling through review after review and memes can help with that.
DeleteSame thing happened to me for Waiting on Wednesdays! I loved that meme so hard, but then it always became this last-minute scramble through my Goodreads TBR to find an awesome-looking book that hadn't been released yet. I feel more comfortable doing a loose schedule and just participating in other memes when I feel inclined.
ReplyDeleteI used to freak out over WoW too, so I stopped doing it. In all honesty, I skip right over them in my blogroll too. I would much rather hear someone's thoughts on a book and add it that way, then be dazzled by a blurb or a shiny cover.
ReplyDeleteI used to do a few memes, but I haven't done any for a really long time. I wasn't sure if my readers were annoyed by them, or if they liked them so I just stopped. I have thought about picking a couple up--your Blogger Confessions has intrigued me because you are really starting conversations and interesting ones at that.
ReplyDeleteIf someone loves memes then do them, I, well I do like some, but I do not want to clutter my blog as I have reviews to post..and I got a few old reviews that should be posted too. I do not want to read blogs that are just about memes either, i want reviews and sure a few memes cos then you learn stuff..but too many, no thanks
ReplyDeleteI agree that there are some good meme's and great way to meet other bloggers, but if thats all that the blog does then I start watching it closely. I love this one because its a discussion
ReplyDeleteI'm not doing memes right now, but that may change later. It's just the time thing for me at the moment. I enjoy memes when other people do them... when they enjoy doing them. Sometimes you can tell. :)
ReplyDeleteLOL i totally agree with you on the blogger police! teaser tuesdays is so much fun, even though I rarely have a chance to participate in it anymore. Thanks for hosting!!
ReplyDeleteYes! My blog has done about fiveish memes (I think?) but I'm trying to cut it down and we spread them out. I've decided to lax on Waiting on Wednesday too since I stopped thinking of books I'm actually waiting for. Like you, I think memes are fine when you have SOMETHING to say. I always try to make mine a little substantial and not like it's just filler.
ReplyDeleteExactly. Even if I do a WoW now, I try to say *why* I'm waiting for he book rather than just posting a cover.
DeleteWell, that was an interesting mix of responses to this weeks question. I had no idea how others felt about this issue. It seems that there is this unwritten code about how many meme posts you can have. Plus, I never really thought about my readers getting bored with me doing the same meme week in and week out. I figured if I was still enjoying it that was what counts. The biggest surprise came in the form of all the "scandal" comments. That makes me a bit sad. Anyway, I feel like I am going away with this just a bit more open minded. Perhaps I will shake up my meme participation just a bit.
ReplyDeleteI think you should do as many or as few memes as you want. Your blog. As long as you don't feel like you *have* to do them as I was starting to feel. I stopped enjoying them so now I just do them as the mood hits lol
DeleteThat's just my opinion anyway. I think memes (even multiple ones per week) can reflect the bloggers personality if done right.
I understand what you mean. I stopped doing most memes because it was too much work. Now, I just do a post whenever I have free time. I'm much less stressed this way, plus it's more fun.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first started blogging, I did a ton of memes - it was a great way to get acclimated to the book blogging world and get my blog out there. Slowly, I realized that it was just too much and some were starting to stress me out! Now I only do a few - three weekly and yours two times a week. But, if I don't think I will have the time to visit others also participating, then I don't do it that day. I do the ones I do because I like the discussions they encourage or I find they help me organize myself for the week.
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad I came across this meme - not only does it foster great discussions, but it forces me to take a second look at my blog - what I'm doing, what I'm not doing, etc.
That's s so funny that you mentioned them helping you get organized for the week.
DeleteI had a family emergency and couldn't really blog regularly the past few weeks and I had absolutely no clue what day it was without daily blogging in my life.
I need Tune in or Teaser Tuesday, Waiting on Wednesday etc to help me know what day it is lol
So happy to have you participating in the meme! I know so many of us feel like we're the only ones stressing out over these things. It helps to know you're not alone.