For What It's Worth

Monday, May 5, 2014

Please….take my books!

I have a HUGE stack of books that I need to get cleared out before I head to BEA this year.

I’m going to make this super simple – just enter your name and email on the Rafflecopter form for whatever books you’re interested in. This giveaway ends Friday night so I can get the packages in the mail by the weekend.

I’m sorry – but this is US only because of shipping costs. I promise to have an international giveaway up by next week so check back my international peeps!

These are all ARC’s (read once but in good condition) – some are signed – but to me, so unless your name is Karen, that’s not a plus.

Here we go!

Box #1

Ten (signed to me) and 3:59 by Gretchen McNeil


Box #2

Across the Star-Swept Sea by Diana Peterfeund, All I Need by Susane Colasanti, (both signed to me) Wild Cards by Simone Elkeles


Box #3

Mind Games & Perfect Lies by Kiersten White, Just Like Us by Suzanne young and Cat Patrick


Box #4

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black, Vicious by V.E. Schwab, Loss by Jackie Morse Kessler



  1. Hi!, thanks for the opportunity.
    And I wanted to enter Vicious & Coldest Girl in Coldtown giveaway but the rafflecopter says Across the Star-Swept Sea, All I Need and Wild Cards.

  2. Way to clear your bookshelves! Thanks for the giveaway, and I hope you have a blast at BEA :)

  3. LOL, coming from a book lover, the title is hilarious :).

  4. Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. I love it. So cool of you to share. :)

  6. Thanks for sharing your lovelies with us. I really can't wait to see your BEA haul. I haven't kept up with all the books available this year but from the few I've scene it looks like it'll be awesome pickings.

  7. LOL--you sound like me. Signed books? Um, thanks? But, really, I stand in line at BEA so I can say hey to the author and get the much-desired book. And for a break from the floor. Not for the autograph.

  8. Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Have fun at BEA.

  9. I so need to do this... one day. LOL

    Great giveaway. You won't forget to pick me up for this, right? LOL

  10. thanks for the awesome giveaways :)

  11. I should do the same!! Great idea! That said I couldn't resist trying to win 3:59! lol

  12. Go Karen!! You need to make room for BEA books. Can't wait to see you!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  13. oh you are so lucky for going to BEA this yea :D it will prob be very fun!

  14. I should totally start getting rid of some books as well. See you in a few weeks dear!
