For What It's Worth

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Tune in Tuesday: Raleigh Ritchie


Tune In Tuesday is a weekly feature in which bloggers get to showcase another one of their loves, music! The feature was originally created and hosted by Ginger over at GReads! but can now be found over at Kate’s Tales of Books and Bands.


You might recognize Raleigh Ritchie – better known (for now) as Jacob Anderson – as the Grey Worm from Game of Thrones. Who knew he was a talented musician as well??

Stronger Than Ever

Bloodsport (my favorite)

Stay Inside


  1. I love your Tune in Tuesdays! And, holy cow, I didn't know Grey Worm was a singer! (They do say that, for some people, making music is like having you suppose that is where Grey Worm puts his energies when he's not guarding the Khaleesi? Haha--kidding.)

    1. He (the Grey Worm) is very repressed sexually. Poor guy. But Ritchie is a great singer. I do love his songs.

      Did you see my Tune in Tuesday with Hozier a few weeks ago? He has these really deep videos (that make me cry) and I read an interview where the interviewer was interpreting his songs as indictments against the catholic church and all these big ideas and Hozier said…nope - they're all about sex and having orgasms. lol

  2. Very cool! I love versatile entertainers. Thanks for sharing, Karen!

  3. OK Raleigh/Grey Worm just got extra hot papi points from me! And that accent! Swoon!!!!

  4. Fun, didn't know he was a musician

  5. Oh I enjoyed all 3 of those! Now I need to catch up on my GoT watching! :)
