Sense8 - Netflix
Sense8 is about eight strangers from around the globe (Mexico City, Nairobi, Mumbai, Reykjavik, Seoul, Berlin, Chicago, and San Francisco) who are telepathically connected. As the show goes on, they share emotions, skills and can even travel through time and space to *visit* each other when needed.
I have to say the first 2 episodes are pure WTF-ery. I had no clue what was going on, who anyone was, or what the point of this show was. If you can make it to episodes 3&4 you’ll start getting (a few) answers and become attached to the characters enough to keep going. If you don’t like it by episode 4 I would say you probably should give up. It doesn’t really change in tone and it’s a wildly uneven series. Some episodes are pure brilliance while others drag so you have to feel invested enough to watch.
Diversity is the selling point for this show. It’s breathtaking in scope. I felt like I was plunged into other countries and cultures with each episode. The show occasionally gets caught up in it’s own high concept, lingering on scenes for too long just to make a point but it’s hard to fault a show for pushing the envelope this way.
For a while I couldn’t understand why I kept watching when I’m SO impatient with other shows this confusing but I realized that Sense8 takes a different approach to showing humanity. While most shows – especially on cable – show the worst of us and glorify that, Sense8 shows the best of us. 8 wildly diverse strangers, seemingly unconnected, fight to help each other and figure out their predicament. Are they perfect? Not at all, but it’s nice to finally have characters you feel good rooting for.
I also had to surrender and read Wikipedia to finally learn everyone's names lol
Heads up: There is a graphic sex/nudity but I didn’t find it to be *gazey* or exploitive so it didn’t really bother me.
This is a fun article with 29 Powerful Quotes From Sense8 on BuzzFeed

Elliot Alderson (Rami Malek) works as a cyber-security whiz kid by day at Allsafe and is a vigilante hacker by night until the Fsociety – led by Mr. Robot (Christian Slater) – recruits him to join his team of hackers in taking down E-Corp – the company he’s paid to protect in his day job.
I’m not sure I understand all the intricacies of the hacking, E-Corp, or Fsociety yet but Elliot as a morphine fueled, unreliable narrator (anti?) hero is fascinating. He’s socially awkward and uses his hacking to feel closer to people and avenge his friends. What he’s doing is obviously wrong yet who wouldn’t want to see a cheating asshole or child porn perpetrator taken down. You’re never quite sure if what’s going on is real or an exaggeration of Elliot’s drug fueled mind.
I also like the way the show has portrayed the women in Elliot’s life so far. Although they are there because of Elliot – they have their own personalities and flaws.
I can’t say I’m 100% hooked yet but it’s got enough going for it, especially with Rami Malek, to keep me watching for now.
Summer movies…
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl – I didn’t love the book all that much but I enjoyed the movie more. It was VERY quirky – hit or miss but cute.
Jurassic World – Decent summer popcorn movie. I went to see Chris Pratt but they didn’t really give him much to do and I didn’t hate Bryce Dallas Howard’s character as much as everyone else seemed to. Yeah – she started out uptight but then got pretty badass IMO.
Inside Out – Adorable! Younger kids will love all the bright colors and slapstick jokes but I think this one was secretly made for adults. It brings up a lot of bittersweet memories of youth and will probably make parents with kids tear up a few times as they think about their babies growing up.
Spy – I thought this movie was going to one big fat joke at Melissa McCarthy’s expense but thankfully it wasn’t. Loads of fun – lots of laughs. Make sure you stay for the credits. GREAT blooper scene with Melissa and Jason Statham.
Mad Max: Fury Road – I didn’t like this movie. There – I said it! lol I think I’m the only one (other than 3 people I saw it with – they didn’t like it either).
The Duff – So different than the book – which is fine but it lost it’s heart IMO. It was an ok movie and very well cast but it ended up being just another generic teen movie that I’ve seen dozens of times already.
Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day – A fun, silly, slightly over-the-top family film!
I could not make it through ep1 of Robot and Sense, sigh.
ReplyDeleteI've never met anyone less patient than me - until you lol
DeleteI do try to give a show 2-4 episodes though. But I'll quit after one season if things aren't moving forward. I hate watching characters flail about for up 7 seasons.
Sense8 sounds just like my thing! for all the reasons you mentioned, but also because it reminds me of Heroes a little :). I hope it's going to air in Italy at some point. We have a channel called Rai 4 where most of the sci-fi/fantasy stuff around gets caught ultimately ;).
ReplyDeleteSometimes the sheer scope of the show is a hindrance - bouncing around with 8 complex characters and locations but if you can hang int here it's really good.
DeleteThe other thing I love is that other than them *sensing* each others feelings, they don't really have super powers. Just certain skills that help each be stronger when necessary. Hacking, fighting, driving - it's cool
Boo Karen, you didn't like Fury Road? 😞 I had no expectations for it and ended up loving it!
ReplyDeleteI'm happy you finished Sense8! It really was beautiful how the show managed to show their different sides and still highlight their redeeming qualities. I can't wait til Season 2 gives us answers!
Inside Out crushed my soul. I was in tears from Lava until the end credits.
I KNOW! I went with my husband and two other people and we're the only 4 that I know of that didn't like this movie O_O
DeleteYeah - I blubbered several times during Inside Out.
I haven't heard of these but want to try robot
ReplyDeleteIt's a super quirky show with an atypical hero. He's likable (sort of lol) but unreliable & they do the hacking scenes really well.
DeleteI started caring and getting attached to characters around eps 3&4 - understanding around 5-7 lol
ReplyDeleteIt must be an extraordinarily difficult show to film between balancing the character arc's, the locations, and then somehow joining all of that together. I think it flounders some times (imo) but still really good.
I heard that about the DUFF, which is a shame. The book is unique, and the movie trailer did make it sound like another "plain girl gets a makeover and hot boy falls for her" plot.
ReplyDeleteI'm still on the fence about Sense8. I may try it next week and if so will let you know!
Jen @ YA Romantics
Yeah - it was fine. Generic YA Rom Com fine. But it lost every single thing that made the book special and unique.
DeleteLet me know if you watch Sense8. Overall I liked it a lot but I was on the fence most of the time. Just when I thought of quitting there would be a brilliant episode that pulled me back in.
I saw the first ep of Sese 8. It's too intense for me atm, it's on my list though for when I want something that has substance. I'm watching braindead shows for now, and just got caught up with Hell on Wheels!
ReplyDeleteThe first few episodes are very intense and hella confusing. After that it's a mix of badassery and humor.
DeleteI saw the duff and concur so different. we just watched it for Robbie. Also I am watching Mr. Robot and that's crazy town too. I thought inside out was okay .There I said it lol
ReplyDeleteThe casting was perfect but the script was so far from the book and generic that I'm not sure why they bothered.
DeleteAnd Inside Out...WHAT? How dare you???!! JK lol
I might try Sense8...sounds like something I would enjoy! And I so agree anout Mad Max (of course I haven't seen the originals) but so bad!!
ReplyDeleteOh yay! Join our tiny club of the only four people who didn't like that movie lol
DeleteI've been wanting to watch Mr. Robot, but I just never have enough time to watch TV. I have been seeing some films though - including Jurassic World (I liked it and Bryce Dallas Howard did well), Inside Out ( really cute), Spy (quite funny!), and I WANT to see Me and Earl and the Dying Girl, I haven't read the book though.
Mr. Robot is so weird but I like it. I thought I might get annoyed as it went on but I'm actually liking it even more.
DeleteI've been wanting to try Sense 8. I'm trying "Human" but I keep missing eps. Reminded me of that with the Mr. Robot title. :) Might have to try that one too.
ReplyDeleteI definitely want to see 'Earl', I guess I may skip the book though.
ReplyDeleteYESSSS to Sense8. So weird. So awesome. So much nudity. Haven't watched Mr. Robot yet but it's on my DVR for a rainy day. Not sure about the movies. Maybe? Probably wait until they're on TV.