For What It's Worth

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Cover reveal and giveaway! Don’t Get Caught by Kurt Dinan

I don’t participate in many cover reveals or blitzes these days – but this cover really caught my eye and it sounds like a fun book!

Also Sourcebooks Fire is hosting a giveaway for an ARC of Don’t Get Caught. Enter using the Rafflecopter form at the end of this post.

Cover Reveal!

Ooh – Ahhh.

I love it! It's so bright and fun! What do you guys think?


 About Don’t Get Caught:

17-year-old Max Cobb is sick of being “Just Max”—the kind of guy whose resume boasts a measly 2.5 GPA and a deep love of heist films. So when an invitation appears in his locker to join the anonymous, untraceable, epic prank-pulling Chaos Club, Max jumps at the opportunity to leave “Just Max” in the dust.

Except that the invite is really a set-up, and Max—plus the 4 other kids who received similar invitations—are apprehended by school security for defacing the water tower.  This time, Max has had enough. Time for Heist Rule #6:

Always Get Payback.

Let the prank war begin...

About Kurt Dinan:

Kurt Dinan is a high school English teacher. He’s had several short stories published, including one in 2010’s The Year’s Best Dark Fantasy and Horror. He lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, with his wife, three young sons, and baby girl. Don’t Get Caught is his first novel.

Enter to Win An Advance Copy of Don’t Get Caught By Kurt Dinan:


  1. Love the cover and the book sounds fun. On my phone but will come back and enter!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. I think I love any cover that's different these days lol

  2. Sounds like a fun read though I confess I'm not too keen on the cover.

    1. Really? Oh well - I like how bright and stark it is.

  3. I don't do many cover reveals either but this one tempted me! I thought this sounded really cute. :D

    1. It made me laugh so I thought - why not?? I just hope I'm not part of a barrage of cover reveals that annoys people. That's usually why I don't do them anymore.

  4. What do the cows have to do with it///

    1. Cow tipping (You tip over sleeping cows) - I'm sure it's one of the pranks in the book.

  5. Obviously many of the folks above haven't heard of cow tipping...

    In high school (long ago), our football team received bouquets of dead roses from the team that always beat us - the team we were to play that weekend (our Homecoming). It was such an insult, the team was inflamed to victory. Of course, the roses were NOT from the opposition, but from the assistant coach (in cahoots with the head coach) to "coach" just such a response. While this was perpetrated by adults, it was still a great prank.

    1. I used to live near a lot of farms so I got what the cows meant - even though I've never went cow tipping myself.

      I don't think I've ever been part of a prank. Or it was so long ago I don't remember anymore lol

  6. So, does that bottom cow give milk shakes? ;) Yea, you know you needed a bad joke today, didn't ya? LOL

    This looks like fun and I also know someone who this fits perfectly!
