For What It's Worth

Friday, February 19, 2016

Friday Fast Five…


Full Frontal with Samantha Bee

Out of all the post Daily Show/Stephen Colbert shows – I think this one is the most in your face, ballsy of the group. And I love it!

TBS – Mondays 10:30pm



This movie trailer – Cracks. Me. Up.


When Was the Last Time by Kelly Jensen

When Was the Last Time
Gorgeous cover – Lovely story - m/m, after the HEA. For anyone who's been in a long term relationship - this is for you.


Kindle Paperwhite!

Best Buy was having a sale and I had a rewards coupon so I finally caved and bought it. I’ve been looking at the Paperwhite for about a year now & I LOVE it. It’s like the cutest thing ever!




I joined instagram a few weeks ago and so far I’m enjoying it so follow me if you are so inclined. I’m no expert photographer and mostly post pics of books, pets and food – so follow if you’re so inclined and let me know if you’re on there so I can follow you!


  1. Yay for the Paperwhite!! I love mine - it's the best thing ever! Enjoy!

    1. I really love it. Much better than the Kindle app I was using.

  2. When was the last time is one heck of a gorgeous cover, and new to me

    1. Isn't it? That's what drew me to it but it was a great story too.

  3. Keanu! I love those two and that looks so funny!

    Nice Kindle! I still have the old school one. LOL I also need to see that Sam Bee one. Happy weekend!

    1. I love the kitten running like an action hero lol

  4. That book looks good and congrats on the new kindle :) I'm already following you .

  5. Hah that trailer! And I love that cover on When Was the Last Time. I definitely need to check that book out. :)

    1. It was a beautiful story - matches the cover.

  6. All I want to know is, why couldn't Samantha Bee have taken over The Daily Show??? We are so disappointed with Trevor Noah. She would be so much better. Full Frontal is fantastic. Ever since Jon Stewart left we've been adrift. Larry Wilmore is awful, and Stephen Colbert has totally sold out to the network and to corporate interests and is too afraid to offend anybody or cause any controversy.

    1. Sam B and her hubby had a deal with TBS to do a sitcom (which obviously didn't work out and now she has her own show) so I knew she wouldn't be taking over.

      I like Trevor but the show is played more to get a laugh than to be a biting commentary on politics and Larry's show is meh...I usually skip it.

      Colbert was a character so I didn't expect that show to be political but what surprises me is just how bland and boring he is. I at least thought he was going to bring something fresh to late night because he's so smart and a fan of pop culture but he could not be more status quo - in fact he's less innovative than the other guys in late night. I do like the musical guest variety but that's about it.

      But at least we have Samantha now. I think she's better off on TBS. IT seems like they aren't limiting her in anyway and she can go farther with things than she probably could have on Comedy Central. Hopefully she shakes things up.

  7. I saw When Was the Last Time on Goodreads. I'm glad to hear you liked it! I love established couple stories!!

    Yay for getting a Kindle Paperwhite. I got mine as a gift when I graduated college a couple years ago and I LOVE it. It's great to read before bed or whenever you're in a darker area.


    1. You would really like that story Lauren.

      I had my tablet so I never had a problem with low light reading but it was the weight of it that was killing me. This is light as a feather!

  8. I am so about Keanu! Also, yay for Instagram!

  9. Books, food & pets...what Instagram is meant for :D Yay on the paperwhite!

  10. Replies
    1. I've only watched their show a few times but they are always hilarious.

  11. Replies
    1. I LOVE it! Even more than I thought I would :-)

  12. I really do. It's so light compared to my tablet that I was using.

  13. Damn it Karen! I'm in the market for a kindle! I've gotten my nook replaced almost every year and I decided that it was time to take the plunge and get a kindle. I want a sale. *lone tear*

    And Keanu is my EVERYTHING.
