
Thursday, August 18, 2016

ALA16 Book spotlight –September arc’s


SEPTEMBER ARC’S already??!!!

Yup! By some miracle, I’ve actually finished all my August TBR reads and it’s only the 17th. I figure I should get a jump on this towering pile.

I should be a good little blogger and do one of those fun polls where my followers pick my next book but I’m so contrary. Once you pick one I WILL NOT read it. It will become the very last book I want to read…because I HAVE to. lol


I’d be happy to accept your input. Have you read any of these yet? Read any good reviews? (feel free to leave a link) Looking forward to a particular book and want me to take the plunge first?

The ones I'm looking forward to are Girl Mans Up, The Littlest Bigfoot and The Queen of Blood. I've heard excellent things about all of them.


  1. i have not seen anything thing about any of read along :)

  2. I think you should read Girl Mans Up, The Littlest Bigfoot and The Queen of Blood for last (doing some reverse psychology in case someone urges you to read your books of choice LOL).
    I had never heard of Kids of Appetite before (such a weird, intriguing title. I went to look it up on GR and still haven't got a clue of what it's about LOL). Same for The Weight of Zero...this one sounds tough. I guess you'll have to "sandwich" it between a couple of lighter reads.

    1. I've heard really good things about Queen of Blood and I love the author so that's one I'm looking forward to.

      I'm such a mood reader though and most of these books look kind of heavy. I was lucky with the August books being lighter and exactly what I needed for my distracted brain.

  3. Ha! Its like a backwards poll then, youll only read what hasn't been voted for! Im reading the new Rosamund Hodge now.

    1. I've read mostly negative reviews for that one so I'm interested to hear what you think.

  4. Oh, wow. I'm so jealous that you're able to get a head start. I'm curiously motivated! Thanks, Karen. I have a few of these ARCs, but I have yet to tackle what's left of my August ARCs. *cries*

    1. My August TBR were all light/fun books so I was able to breeze through them. Of course there weren't as many as this month so getting a head start will be good.

  5. Haven't read any of these, but hope you love them!!

  6. I haven't heard of any of these....but the titles sound interesting.

  7. Girl mans up and Ripple are both pretty good. I enjoyed them both. Yeah for being such a good little reader this month. :) I was curious about swan riders

  8. I have NOT read any of these but I do have Stalking Jack the Ripper and The Littlest Bigfoot from BEA that I need to read. I'm currently working my September ARCs as well. I'm glad to be a bit ahead. I'm trying to get as many read/reviewed/scheduled as I can especially since I'm going on vacation in the beginning of September and won't have much time to do blog stuff. :)


  9. Ooh! What looks like an interesting selection. The Littlest Bigfoot and Stalking The Ripper are the two titles that particularly appeal to me.

    1. It's a pretty good pile to be over whlemed by lol

  10. Some of those look very good. Hm... I think I was supposed to get the Durst novel, but haven't yet. I hope these (or at least most) turn out to be winners for you. Can't wait to see what you think about them.

    1. That's the one I'm most looking forward to. Mary - Book Swarm - loved it.

  11. Yay for getting August done so early! I still have 5 left for August but have managed to read a couple Sept and October ones already so not too stressed. Hope you have some really good ones in the pile :)

    1. Already read one cute one so fingers crossed!

  12. Please read Stalking Jack the Ripper first! Want to know what that's about and if it's any good.

  13. Way to go, Karen! I have some of those books from BEA, and I want to get started, too. I'm the same way as you - as soon as I feel like there's any kind of constraint on reading, I just won't do it, either.
    Happy reading.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
