
Monday, August 29, 2016

#BookMail–Between worlds by skip brittenham

I received this cool YA novel for review from Penguin Young Readers and it’s a little bit different since it also features Augmented Reality technology. Kind of like Pokemon Go. You download the app (available on iTunes and google Play) and see 3D images -13 in all.

Creatures that pop off the page, diaries, games, magic training and more make this a fully interactive experience for readers.

You can check out the Between the Worlds App website for more information.

I’ve included a few pics that I took using the app from my phone. (The screenshot function didn’t work for the 3D creatures so it’s Kevin taking a picture of my phone using the app) but it gives you an idea of what you will see.

I haven’t finished reading yet and I found the interactive element a bit awkward at times - you have to hover your phone over the page and it's (me) shaky at times but two things - 1) I don’t even play Pokemon Go so this isn't something I'm all that familiar with and 2) I’m not the intended age group for this book so I would love to see what readers age 12+ think of it. I’ll have to have my niece and nephews test it out.

As for the story, so far, it’s a pretty fun, action packed fantasy filled with cool monsters, adventure and a bit of romance.




About the book:
Misfit teens Mayberry and Marshall wander off during a school field trip to the forest, on a dare to find dusty local legend The Wishing Tree. But they get more than they bargained for when they find themselves in Nith, an alternate universe. Along with amazing new powers and furry friends, Nith holds danger and intrigue. With the help of the mysterious Aaron, these two friends try to find their way back home. But some of the inhabitants of Nith have other plans for the teens…

Together, Mayberry and Marshall must learn to control their new powers, escape their enemies, find their way home, and come to terms with their growing attraction. ~ Goodreads

*Have you guys tried any interactive books yet? I know there are a few out there but this was my first time giving one a try.


  1. Oh, this is a cool idea! I think the intended age group would really love it!

    1. I agree Lauren! The story is fun and the interactive element adds loads of information without bogging down the writing/pacing.

  2. Oh, wow. Uber cool. This is as interactive and experimental as its going to get!

    1. The monsters are pretty cool. I tried some of the spells and it could be me but it was kind of slow. But I'm sure I'm doing it wrong and a kid would have fun with it. lol

  3. I do think I know someone who would LOVE this one. I would be bugged by having to stop and play so I'd probably just play around with it. :) I can see this drawing some reader reluctant kids in though!

    1. Yeah. I'm kind of impatient. You don't really need to stop though. There are only 13 pages that interact so it's not like you are constantly stopping. And it's just extra info so you could go back and do it for a re-read.

  4. I have the book and didn't know that it was an interactive one. I saw one like this with harper teen a while back with another series . Sounds interesting. Moves this book up the reading pile

    1. Yes! You should do it and see what your kids think! I'm curious.

  5. Yeah, my phone won't be able to handle that and I'm too cheap to get a new one. It looks cool though!

    1. Ha! Still a fun story without the interaction.

  6. Oh WOWSERS! This is amazing and such a brilliant way to get kids into reading again, especially boys. How incredible would it be to have fully immersive reading experience, wearing sensory glasses and able to walk through book scenes in a 3d view. Gosh I hope I see it in my lifetime. Thanks so much for sharing Karen, it's absolutely amazing! <3

    1. I think they would enjoy it. An actual 3D book would be all kinds of awesome!

  7. Hmm, interesting. I'm definitely intrigued by the interactive element though how well I'd cope with this I don't know.

    1. It's a fun element to the story. I wonder how kids will feel about it. For me it's a lot of work lol

  8. This is so cool!! I don't know anything about this book, but now I'm definitely going to have to check it out.

    Tracy @ Cornerfolds

    1. It's a pretty fun story - even without the interactive part.

  9. Ha -- cool but not sure this is for readers of a more advanced age. Like me. I'm completely comfortable with technology but not sure I need an enhanced reading experience!

    Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. I thought the monsters popping up were pretty cool but I don't think this is for me either. I'm too lazy to have to do all that work to read lol

  10. Oh how unique! Now that technology in some of my romance books could be real interesting. Heh

  11. A well-crafted page turner that blends science and fiction with links to the magical lore of past ages. It never talks down to its audience. Well done!
