
Friday, October 14, 2016

october tbr–aka: wishful thinking


I have read exactly ONE book so far this month so that pile right there just isn’t going to happen for October. But I did want to highlight all the new releases.

IMG_20161006_230015My little Beau has been battling kidney disease (and a few other things that make it more complicated) for the past year and half and he’s really taken a downturn the past few weeks. I’ve been spending a lot of the time in the ER with him and just not sleeping in general - worrying about him, checking on (annoying him lol) so reading has not been on my things to do list. Even if it’s something that usually helps me.

So anyway send good vibes to this little guy please.

On the fun side of things, Fonzi has started herding. He’s not really sure about the sheep but he thinks ducks and chickens are a lot of fun to chase lol

Here’s a pic of him snoozing with dad on the way to his lesson and then outside the farm. I need to get some herding pics once he figures out what he’s doing.


I’m on Instagram if wish to see more sheltie/Figment/food/book pics

How is everyone else’s October going so far? Any book recommendations? Maybe something light or a novella that’s quick to read.


  1. My October is going down the drain, I requested a lot of NG books so the books I meant to read, ha, maybe one.

    No, not Beau *hugs*

    1. Those are mostly ALA books. I haven't requested a thing in two months. I never even finished September arcs O_O

  2. You know I'm on a hiatus...what you might not know is that I'm not having much time for reading either (which is one of the reasons for my hiatus, because I can't review books I've not read yet LOL). But I can't blame time for everything...I also feel too tired and restless to read when I do have the time, mainly because all the books that need my attention right now aren't physical, and for some reason, reading on a screen is annoying me more than ever lately.

    I SO hear you about lack of sleep. But of course it's not your poor boy's fault. Sending hugs to you both.

    Fonzi, LOL.

    1. I can't read on a computer either. And I'm feeling restless about reading too. IT always makes me nervous - is this a faze or is this IT? lol

      I did sleep last night!!! First time in weeks.

  3. I'm sorry about Beau and hope things improve.
    Super jealous you have What Light! I recently heard about that one and can't wait to read it!

  4. Good luck with book reading. I have been doing school work and birthday :) Keeping busy and staying out of trouble. I did read Den of Wolves and loved it. I've been writing essays and working on my writing so I can get my degree. :)

  5. Aww sending healing juju for Beau. Your furbabies are so cute.That is lovely stack of books.

  6. Did you get all these books from ALA? Holy cow! I'm sending all the positive vibes to Mr. Beau! He's so majestic on the farm, I think he's trying to tell you all something.

  7. Awww...I am sending all the positive thoughts that I can, Beau's way! Its hard to concentrate on anything when you are stressed and worried. Definitely go for some novellas or something light? Do you read any cozy mysteries? I don't recall seeing you review any but I think they are perfect for this time of year and lighthearted enough to be good when stressed. They are also easy to put down and start back up again.

  8. BEAU! I've been sending you lots of positive thoughts and love his way! My vets let me stay as long as I wanted since I calmed my sheltie down when she had kidney disease. It is nice when they come home but the worrying doesn't stop. :(

    I had a sheltie (another one than the one I mentioned) that LOVED to herd ducks. I didn't have to continue since she also had a back problem, but it was fun to see her get excited over it. I hope Fonzi really has fun!

    As for a rec... how about Dispatcher by John Scalzi. It's free at Audible right now and it is narrated by Zachary Quinto. Good worldbuilding in that one.

  9. Oh no, I'm so sorry to hear about Beau! I really hope he gets better, or at least doesn't suffer too much. :( That's so heartbreaking - I can't imagine my dog getting sick. I'd be a wreck!

    Aw, too cute about Fonzi though! I love your Insta pics!


  10. I hope your pup is feeling better. Such a cutie (they both are!). I'd recommend Act Like It by Lucy Parker. It's not a novella but it is pretty short and is a fun, fast read set in the London theater world and featuring a smart, engaging heroine and a hero who's a bit of a grump but slowly warms up to her. I'd also recommend anything by Kylie Scott. She does great banter and funny bits. Her latest book, Dirty, starts with a runaway bride who is discovered by the hero hiding out in his shower.

  11. Aw sweet babes, both of them. Hope Beau is having a better weekend. It really is so stressful when they're feeling poorly. I totally annoy the herd here when they're sick, too. You start to get "that look" from them. lol

  12. I'm so sorry to hear about Beau Karen, I can imagine how distraught you must be. He's such a precious little guy. I don't know much about Kidney Disease in animals, but I can imagine how poorly he must be feeling and knocked around. I hope he begins his good patch soon and his parents can relax a little :) My prayers are with him <3
