
Monday, October 3, 2016

September tbr fail

I’ve been right on track with TBR/ALA arc reading the past few months but September brought me to a screeching halt.

  1. There were a LOT of ARC’s for Sept. – 16 total. That's a lot, even for my fast reading pace.
  2. It was already a touch and go – I dnf’d a few. Which I guess is good. At least I could move on but it made reading slower than normal as I struggled to find something I enjoyed.
  3. My dog was sick for almost 2 weeks and in the ER for 2 nights. I couldn’t concentrate enough to read so that was the final straw that did me in for the month.
So here’s what I have left from September (& of course a new October pile to contend with! GAH). Even if I’m behind, I want to spotlight the titles since the publishers and authors were kind enough to give me copies for review. My intention is still  to read and review them all but obviously I missed the release month target.

Title link goes to Goodreads page. If a trusted friend reviewed any of the titles, I’ll include a link.


Stalking Jack the Ripper (Stalking Jack the Ripper #1) by Kerri Maniscalco – This is described as YA horror but most reviewers feel it’s more YA historical/gothic and for older YA readers. Ratings seem to be OMG 5 stars and meh – 3 stars because of insta love and predictability. Almost everyone agrees on their love for the kick ass heroine and mystery aspect.

* Review by Jamie (Two Chicks on Books)

The only Road by Alexandra Diaz – Diaz’s debut novel, Of All the Stupid Things, was the very first book I ever reviewed on my blog and she’s the first author I ever met IRL (at a signing) so I have a soft spot for her books.

The Only Road is a mid-grade novel about a boy making a “treacherous and life-changing journey from his home in Guatemala to live with his older brother in the United Sates.”

The bombs the Brought Us Together by Brian Conaghan“Fourteen-year-old Hamish Law has lived in Little Town, on the border with Old Country, all his life. He knows the rules: no going out after dark; no drinking; no litter; no fighting. You don't want to get on the wrong side of the people who run Little Town. When he meets Pavel Duda, a refugee from Old Country, the rules start to get broken. Then the bombs come, and the soldiers from Old Country, and Little Town changes for ever.”

This book has very mixed reviews which surprised me but a lot of people trouble with how intense and close to reality it is and I don’t think that would bother me.

* Review by Lauren from Shooting Stars Mag

The Weight of Zero by Karen Fortunati “Seventeen-year-old Cath knows Zero is coming for her. Zero, the devastating depression born of Catherine’s bipolar disease, has almost triumphed once, propelling Catherine to her first suicide attempt. With Zero only temporarily restrained by the latest med du jour, time is running out. In an old ballet shoebox, Catherine stockpiles meds, preparing to take her own life when Zero next arrives.”

The Weight of Zero has been very well reviewed on Goodreads and gets high marks for the way it deals with mental illness – which isn’t always the case – so I’m looking forward to reading it.

* Review by Jen – YA Romantics (She loved it and I trust her as my book yoda completely so this one will be read soon)

Bright Smoke, Cold Fire by Roasmund Hodge“When the mysterious fog of the Ruining crept over the world, the living died and the dead rose. Only the walled city of Viyara was left untouched.” Also described as inspired by Romeo and Juliette.

Hodge is always YAY! or nay for me so I’m curious as to how I’ll feel about this one. Mixed reviews by people I trust so that’s no help! lol

* Review by Melissa from Books and Things (3 star)
Review by Mary from The Book Swarm (4 stars)

Ripple by Heather Smith Meloche“When their too-adult lives lead them down self-destructive paths, these broken teens find a way to heal in this YA novel perfect for fans of Ellen Hopkins.”

oooh, I don’t know. Sounds like angsty romance. I thought it was sci-fi when I grabbed it so my bad. Great reviews on Goodreads but this type of read doesn’t often go well for me.

The Queen of Blood (The Queens of Renthia #1) by Sara Beth Durst“An idealistic young student and a banished warrior become allies in a battle to save their realm in this first book of a mesmerizing epic fantasy series, filled with political intrigue, violent magic, malevolent spirits, and thrilling adventure.”

This is book I’m most looking forward to because I LOVE Durst. She writes a wide variety of mid-grade and YA and my friend Mary gave it a rare, for her, 5 stars and “splendiferous”

Have you guys read any of these or have them on your TBR? Let me know where I should start!


  1. Good idea to spotlight the books and link to a trusted blogger's review or two. I understand how you can feel that you owe the authors that much - of course, it's just because you're a kind soul, but we love you for that! :)

    Kiss the old boy for me (of course I mean Beau...not Kevin ;D).

    1. It's something at least.

      Are you saying Kevin's OLD! Bahahaha We're both 51 now. *sobs* but a very young 51 lol

  2. 16 is a lot of ARCs for one month!!! Sorry about your dog :( Hope you have a better October and enjoy your books!

    1. I read really fast so it was doable but not when I'm stressed and glazed over from lack of sleep. The words were just blurring lol

  3. I think October is gonna be my fail ARC month. I have at least 7 ARCs that most come out tomorrow. You had a good reason for not having a good reading month, gotta focus on the family!

    Smart idea of spotlighting the books!

    1. I don't think I'm going to do much better in October. There are 12 books plus catch up with Sept. BUT I only have 3 for November so I can catch up then I guess.

  4. I did not do well with my pile last month, I read all other kinds of books instead

  5. I am sad I didn't get the Durst one. I was supposed to but something happened. I will have to pick it up at the library. You might enjoy Bright Smoke better than I did. I really couldn't put my finger on why I didn't like it more.

    I want to bury myself into a book when one of the puppies are sick but never can. I totally understand. ((HUGS)) and lots of love sent your way!

    1. Yeah I can't read when I'm that stressed lol I even tried some no brainier novellas but nope.

  6. I hope your dog is doing much better! I'm curious about Stalking Jack the Ripper. The reviews are so all over the place, but it sounds interesting!

    1. Thank you. He is.

      I thought for sure SJtR woudl be a slam dunk for everyone. I'm going to give it a try anyway.

  7. Thanks for linking to my review for The Bombs that Brought Us Together! I really liked Stalking Jack the Ripper - I didn't find the love too insta-love, but everyone is different. September was definitely an insane month for ARCs. I got through most of them, but there are some I've missed and hope to get to when I can - but I do need to focus a bit more on October/November at the moment. I hope your dog is doing better! Poor baby.


    1. The October review pile is almost as big as September! I'm doomed lol

  8. I've seen Stalking The Ripper on a few blogs recently and despite the very mixed reviews - and the fact its part of a series - hope to read it for myself.

    Another great selection, thanks.

    1. I didn't realize it was a series or that it had more of a paranormal - zombies etc - element. I thought it was historical/mystery.

  9. Aw, thanks for linking to my review of The Weight of Zero. Readers who loved Perks of Being a Wallflower will really enjoy it - I thought it was really well done!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. I think I'm going to give it a try today. I'm in a slump :-(

  10. Oh no! How is the pup doing now? Do they know what was wrong? I always panic whenever my furbaby gets sick. I hope he's on the mend now and it was nothing serious.

    I've tried to read The Bombs That Brought Us Together and unfortunately it was a DNF for me. It was the style of writing that felt awkward and I couldn't move past it to actually immerse myself. I haven't read anything by Roasmund Hodge yet, despite owning a few of her titles. Really looking forward to seeing what you think of that one, I know her books are either a massive hit or miss for a lot of readers <3

  11. Ahhh on the herd pup! That will throw you off so easily. Hope he's bounced back and feeling good again. Bummer on the pile. Mine has been that way this month. Oct so far has been a struggle. Hope your reading is going better!
