
Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Happiness is...blogger friends

There's been a lot of depressing news in the blogosphere as of late. Joyous Reads has a Life Lately post  that pretty much covers it and reflects how I feel about it all. For now - I want to keep the focus on the positive side of blogging and bloggers.

But first the not so happy news. We lost our sheltie, Beau, a few weeks ago. Most of you already know this and I don't want to keep harping on it but I wanted to share how wonderful everyone was to me when I needed it.

As people heard about Beau I got an out pouring of love, hugs, support, gifts and chocolate from all my blogger/online friends. DM's,, emails, was amazing and really helped me in a way that I don't think anything or anyone else could have. So many of you are animal lovers and really *got it* and those of you who weren't still had followed Beau's journey these past few years and were there for me all the way.

I wanted to share a pic of some of the things people sent my way. I'm not naming anyone specifically only because I don't want to be a doofus and leave anyone out. The emails, tweets and virtual hugs meant just as much to me as the gifts. THANK YOU ALL!

And in the life goes on department - this little girl is staying with us for the week. Meet Millie...

She's so funny and quite the snuggler. She burrows under the covers and wags her tail almost all night lol

You can see the blur in the 2nd pic where her tail should be visible. 

That's all from my world - Happy November everyone! May it be better than October.


  1. Hugs again.
    Aha, I did wonder about the Millie burrito

    1. Yeah she's here for the week. She's hilarious and just what I needed right now.

  2. First off, thank you for the link to Joy's blog - I just commented. You know how I feel about it, I guess...I started blogging to give exposure to less hyped books, and I will continue doing so, no matter what some tight-ass dude thinks about it. Like some commenters said under that post, at the end of the day, reviews are what we'll always fall back on.
    We have spoken about Beau at lenght, so I'll just add that you're a lucky lady to have all those friends who care and try to put a smile on your face. I'm sure you've earned them anyway :).
    LOL, I need a Millie wagging her tail at me right now. It's such a shitty period.

    1. I really enjoy her blog!

      We've discussed the whole blogging thing many times and really the bottom line is you need to block out all the noise and do it for your self so you can have fun with it.

      YOU are definitely at the top of that thank you list for always checking in on Beau (& me!). It helps more than words (or a shrot post) can say. <3

      I'm sorry to hear that things are shitty for you too. It's been that kind of year for us all - hasn't it?? Consider yourself wagged at lol

    2. Thank you! And thanks for the wagging LOL.

  3. Those gifts are so sweet - you've got an amazing support system Karen! And Millie looks like an adorable spazz!

    1. She is! She's either sound asleep under a blanket or acting like she was shot out of a cannon.She only has two speeds lol!

      And thank you for your kind words after Beau {{hugs}}

  4. The tail waggle--it has a healing touch almost nothing else has! (((((((((((( hugs )))))))))

    1. She's making me laugh and I needed that. Puppy (even though she's an oldie)healing powers FTW!!

  5. Awww...Hugs again Karen! And now I understand that Burrito photo..I was so confused!. Hope that the extra love bug around the house helps keep your spirits up and starts November off on the right foot...or wagging tail...or whatever:)

    1. lol - the pupritto. She gets cold if she isn't burrowed under a blanket. She's just visiting though.

  6. I'm so very sorry for your loss. How wonderful to be surrounded by so many great friendships - such sweet gifts! It's awesome to have such great blogger friends.

  7. Oh she has the cutest face! I hope yall are having a good little visit with lots of belly rubs <3

  8. Wonderful! I did get your e-mail so I'll be sending something your way besides this ((HUG))

    BTW, totally love that magnet!

  9. I'm so sorry about the loss of Beau! I'm glad there plenty of bloggy and online love for you though!


  10. Aww that's so lovely, so good to hear that there's some positive stuff coming out of the blogosphere lately. And that tail!

  11. While I'm clearly walking in late, I'm sorry about what happened. It's not that comforting, but life goes on and gives us chances to learn and do more. I hope things get better. :)

  12. She looks sweet and mischievous :-) blogger and reader friends are amazing, sending you big hugs, darling x
