
Monday, December 12, 2016

review: kiss cam by kiara london

In Kiss Cam, teen author Kiara London asks, what's a little harmless kissing between friends?

Juniper, Jasper, and Lenny have been friends forever and co-own a vlog channel called WereVloggingHere. Their fans are huge "shippers" who believe that Juniper and Jasper are perfect for each other, and, despite warnings from friends and family, a simple Truth-or-Dare inspired kiss soon spirals out of control into a whole new world of making out and surprise kisses.

Juniper and Jasper's relationship begins to shift. But as fan requests for different "Kiss Cam" segments keep pouring in, Juniper puts her worries aside and convinces herself that it doesn't mean anything. After all, it's just kissing… right?

~ Goodreads

Source: ARC provided by the publisher via ALA16 in exchange for an honest review

Mini review:

Cute friends to more romance but it drags out for too long and lags in spots.

This was one of the first YA's I've read that made me feel too old to read. We're living in the age of vlogging and oversharing our lives and that just isn't something I can relate to.

However, teens will probably relate to Juniper, Jasper, and Lenny's crazy on camera antics to get more likes and the fandom *shipping* them in various couple forms.


  1. Hey K!! I love the graphics you have for this one!! But I think the review is actually missing? *sad* :(

    1. The review is in the graphic

      So that plan obviously didn't work lol

      Will regroup and try again next time!

    2. Aaaand I just fixed it so they are two separate things.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Haha, Keionda, I was wondering about the same thing.

      Kids will probably love the concept, but even then...I hope they'll grow out of the sharing-everything craze soon LOL.

    5. It was in the box (previous graphic) but probably looked like the book summary so you didn't notice lol

      Then, when I looked at it on my phone it was so tiny you couldn't read it anyway. Oh well...

      These two were kissing all over the place and filming it because that's what their fans wanted. lol

  2. I'm not that old, but sometimes I FEEL old when it comes to things like this. haha Thanks for sharing though!

  3. A shame you found this lagged in places.

    I certainly now what you mean about not relating to things. Whilst I can generally relate to characters and situations in books marketed at young adults and even children there are occasions when try as I might I simply fail to 'get it'.

    1. This is the first time I ever felt like lecturing them lol

      Even if I'm well past those feelings I usually *get it* but not this time.

  4. Interesting concept, I don't think I'd be able to connect with the characters. Sounds great for younger ones though!!

    1. There are a lot of people who love YouTubers and reality TV. This would appeal to them - it's just not my thing,

  5. Love that trope but definitely sounds like one that might be a little too "YA" for me.

    1. The romance was cute but I couldn't relate to the kisses on demand/dare thing though.

  6. I haven’t heard about this book before. I think I’ll have the same issues as you. I think it will be difficult to relate to these characters for me. Though booktubers get more and more popular I struggled to find those I would enjoy. Well, I guess I prefer to read blogs.

    1. I know it's very popular so this book should really appeal to most YA readers. I'm afraid I'm just to old for once lol

      I like reading posts more too. I zone out with the videos.

  7. I wonder if this is based on any current Youtubers. Sounds plausible considering their fanbase. I love young adult but this would be far too young for me too Karen. I'd love to see books classed as young adult and mature young adult, but it's a very big age group. Sorry you couldn't have enjoyed this one but hopefully your next read knocks your socks off.

    1. It think teens will totally relate to this. I'm private so the whole YouTube thing is baffling to me lol

  8. Ah yes I've had them where they just make me feel too old. lol I tend to like older YA when I grab it instead of new releases. I do love those friends to more romances, though :)

    1. This wasn't so much too young as a lifestyle I don't get. lol I'm on social media but I don't get into making people personalities or care about their life.

  9. it sounds cute and fun but I hate when a book makes me feel old.

    1. The teens didn't seem too young but what *kids these days* are into social media wise (in my old lady voice lol) is baffling to me.

  10. Ha ha -- the book I'm reading right now is way too young for me. It's not even internet stuff, it's just really sweet and simple and I'm losing interest. I feel obligated to finish it, because it's not the book's fault that I'm reading YA...
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  11. This one sounds cute, great post though :) x Benish @ Beenazai
