
Monday, January 2, 2017

New years {non} resolution - One Word 2017

I’m not big on making resolutions and I stumbled onto this One Word thing a few years ago. it really works for me.

The idea is to choose a Word and let that word guide you for the year and hopefully after. Rather than a concrete resolution that you may or may not do or that ends once you complete your goal.

In the past I’ve chosen Disconnect, Laugh and Simplify. I write my word on a post it note and stick it next to my computer as a gentle reminder. All of these words have stayed with me and changed how I think and react to things even after the year ends.

So….I think we can all agree that 2016 sucked. There was SO much loss. I’m not sure things are going to get better (way to be optimistic about the future Karen! lol) so my Word for 2017 is going to be…..

Word Cloud

In 2017, I want to remember to find, and seek out, JOY. Remember that there is goodness, kindness and love in the world and not be drowned out by the negativity.

That does not mean ignoring reality or living in a bubble but taking care of yourself and appreciating the things that make you happy in life, however small, is important!

And I’ll keep Disconnect, Laugh and Simplify in my thoughts because I’m pretty sure they all be needed to find Joy. And of course lots and lots of kitten/puppy pictures and videos! 

What are your resolutions/words for 2017?


  1. Quote:
    "And I’ll keep Disconnect, Laugh and Simplify in my thoughts because I’m pretty sure they all be needed to find Joy."
    It sounds like part of a blurb for a fantasy book where the words are characters and Joy is missing and someone is searching for it/her LOL. I think it would work!

    I hope your new year will be full of joy. I hate to be a party pooper, but mine already went downhill.

    1. lol My new epic fantasy series!

    2. And I'm sorry it's not getting off to a good start for you Roberta.

      As everyone was rushing to get 2016 over with, I kept thinking, but 2017 scares the shit out of me! lol

  2. I love this idea so much! I hope you find joy around every corner. I think my word is "strength."

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I'll have to think of a word for this year for me! I like your picks though!!

  5. I love this idea! And we all definitely need more Joy!

  6. Happy New Year, Karen! I just posted about my word for 2017; the first one I've ever done. I think it's a good one for the year though. I like "joy" though because 2016 really WAS rough. :)


    1. It REALLY was. I saw your post and word and I love it.

  7. Joy is a great word for the new year :D

  8. Happy New Year, Karen! I love the idea of holding one particular and important word close for the year. Joy is a wonderful word for the year!!

    1. Thanks! It really works for me.

      Happy new Year.

  9. Loving reading these Words Of The Year. Joy is such a lovely one and of course what we wish ourselves and each other.

    For myself, I've spent much time contemplating what mine might be but have yet to settle on one word.

    1. It's weird because that's not even a word that I use - I think I would say happiness or something - but it felt right and with my words I go with my gut.

      Karen @For What It's Worth

  10. Joy is a great word. I picked play. I'm hoping to remind myself not to take life so seriously.

  11. That's a good word and there is so much joy in life. I hope that you find it. There is joy in the simple things. Good luck with this one. Mine is Growth :)

  12. Ooo maybe it was you I'd seen this idea from. I have a post going up this weekend about my phrase for the year. I knew I'd seen the idea a couple years ago but couldn't remember where. Joy is a great choice :)

    1. Quite a few people have done it this year. It's catching on lol

  13. You know how I look forward to your words of the year. And maybe one year I will join you and pick one.
    I like "joy" a lot and wish you a lot of it in 2017!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. II'm not going to BEA this year but we hope to still make a NYC trip - hope we have time to see each other.

  14. I love the one word concept Karen, as it's not a set goal and can be interpreted to suit your mood or circumstances as well. I think my word for the year is probably health. I spent so much of 2016 nursing family members back to health and have been sick for the last five weeks myself. here's to an incredibly 2017, filled with health, love and joy <3

    1. Yeah - it's more of a state of mind rather than a thing I NEED to do.

      It's tough caring for loved ones when they're sick. Make sure you take care of yourself as well.

  15. Well done on the word choice this year, Karen. I really love that you choose just the ones word to stick by as your New Year's resolution and it works out so well for you! I'm more of a traditional resolution list maker, but someday I'll try this one word idea.

  16. Whatever works! List make me feel overwhelmed and then I don't do anything lol

  17. I really like this One Word resolution for the year. I want to try it. I just need to think a little what my word would be. I hope your 2017 would be filled with joy, Karen.
