
Friday, February 17, 2017

friday fast five

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Stranger Things – Netflix

I know I’m really late to this party but I finally watched Stranger Things and it was AWESOME.
It was spooky, well acted and had great pacing, especially considering how many characters it follows.

I’m really tired of unsolved mysteries and so many twists and turns that you can’t trust anything you watch anymore – or worse - never get answers.

Stranger Things was totally upfront about everything that was happening but it didn’t take away one bit from the tension or the fantastic solid ending.

I can’t wait for season 2!

Santa Clarita Diet – Netflix

OMG this show is HILARIOUS. I haven’t laughed so loud or hard in a long, long time. A warning if you’re squeamish – lots of blood and guts. If you can (or can’t) handle TWD – this is similar on the blood and guts scale.

Please oh please let there be a season 2!

John Wick 2

Decent plot line but this is a pure adrenaline rush of a movie. Just non stop killing/blood and guts. If you were traumatized by THAT scene in the first movie – you are safe watching this one.

Hard Wired by Megan Erickson & Santino Hassell 

I removed this info for this title (3/10/18) due to revelations about Santino Hassell - explained here & it is my belief that Megan Erickson was involved.

Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett ~ Goodreads

I’m reading this one now and it’s so stinking cute!

From the Goodreads summary: “In this delightfully charming teen spin on You’ve Got Mail, the one guy Bailey Rydell can’t stand is actually the boy of her dreams—she just doesn’t know it yet.”

Happy TGIF everyone!


  1. Karen is excited about NOT one, BUT two TV series O_O.
    The world is coming to an end LOL.
    I hope Stranger Things will air on regular TV one day - it sounds like my kind of show.

  2. I still have not watched Stranger things. I am hooked on the Mindy project now

    1. I watched the first 3 or 4?? seasons of Mindy but I don't get Hulu now

  3. Stranger Things was awesome. I was waiting to hear something about Santa Clarita Diet. I cannot wait to get my hands on Alex Approximately!! Glad to hear it is cute! Have a great weekend!

    1. As long as you can handle gory it's great! So funny.

      I finished Alex last night and it was really, really good.

  4. I enjoyed santa Clarieta diet too and I want to see John wick 2 for reasons :) We are watching the office now and its so funny. My kids love Dwight .

    1. For reasons? lol I watched The Office when it was on. Everyone calls Kevin & I Jim and Pam lol

  5. I've read the first book in the Cyber Love series and loved it! I own the second, so I need to get on it since I'm excited about the third coming out. :)

    I'm loving Santa Clarita Diet. It's hilarious! Definitely a lot of guts. I'm not finished yet, but I'm hoping to watch the rest this weekend!


  6. Okay. Santa Clarita Diet is everywhere! I just found out that there are zombies. Hello?! My favourite kind of monsters. :D

    Have a great weekend!

  7. Ooh! The Santa Clarita Diet is screaming out at me and yet dare I? With a low squeamish threshold perhaps a step too far?

  8. Hmmm! Might have to check out Stranger Things now that I have Netflix :)
