
Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Reading: Getting back on track!

I had requested a few books from Netgalley – some last year – thinking I had plenty of time to read and review them. And I did. But you bloggers/readers know how that goes…

I kept getting sidetracked by Kindle deals, mood reading, and a few ARC’s that people LOVED but that I can’t really review until April. (P.S. those were Geekerella and Alex, Approximately – both REALLY good!)

But now it’s time to get my act together and get these books READ. Hopefully by Feb 28th. Totally doable for me since I’m a fast reader. I just need to have a plan and focus!

So here’s the reading plan for the next 2-3 weeks:

download (9)

Madly (New York #2) by Ruthie Knox I LOVED the first book, Truly, in the New York series SO much. I can’t wait to read this one. If you haven’t started this series yet – I HIGHLY recommend reading Truly while waiting for Madly to come out on March 14th. (My 5 star review for Truly here.)

Etched in Bone (The Others #5) by Anne Bishop is the final book in this amazing series! I’m a little nervous because the plot, while original and gripping is slow brewing and it surprised me that this will be it. Can it wrap everything up satisfactory enough for me? I don’t know but I’m starting this one first becasue it comes out on March 7th. Rip off that band aid! lol

After a few adult/NA books under her belt, Madsen is returning with a new YA series – Tactics in Flirting – starting with Operation Prom Date. I love Madsen’s book and this one looks fun, flirty and adorable. just what I’m in the mood for! Release date: March 13th

Then I want to knock off at least 2 books from this epic 139 book TBR pile.

So, I’ll see how it goes. Usually if I put myself on the line publicly but give myself some wiggle room I succeed. Wish me luck!


  1. Good luck with you reading plans, Karen! I’m awful with any kind of reading goals and shedules. The moment I declare I plan to read book A, my mood strikes and I end up reading book B. Lol.

    In the last couple of weeks several of my bookish friends praised Truly and Madly. I need to read them. And hopefully I’ll be able to start The Others this year, I want to binge read it.

    1. I am the same! I can't do challenges or schedules at all. I'm a winger! lol

      I figure this is just 3 books I neeeed to get done so maybe I can embarrass myself into reading them on time lol

      Truly is a gorgeous romance novel. I hope you give it a try.

  2. Luck! ;)
    Get your ass on...the couch (cats and dogs permitting) and read ALL THE THINGS!

  3. I finished Etched in Bone recently :) Was good. It's the last of Meg's stories, but there will be a continuation next year with a different lead character and town!!

    1. I finished and liked how it ended but I think I'll skip the spinoff.

  4. Grrrrl I know. I feel your pain. <3

    You can do it!

  5. Hhmm,guess I'm not helping this goal huh? :-p

    1. No you aren't but to be fair I sabotaged myself yesterday buying a book and requesting another lol

      But I did read one review book!

  6. I really do want to read The Others series...maybe with all the books out, I'll finally get to it soon. Good luck with your reading goals!

    1. This is the last one so you can do a binge read!

  7. I can't wait to read "Etched in Bone". I'm so sad that it's the last book on the series, but at the same time I'm dying to know how it all ends.

    Happy readings! ;)

  8. Ooh, The Others series has always been one I've been interested in reading, but had no idea it was a five plus book series. I recently went a little mad on Netgalley with auto approved publishers on there, then had a stack of review copies arrive so now I'm in a panic and really should be reading :D

  9. SO excited about Alex Approx - loved her first book!
    Jen @ YA Romantics

  10. Good luck with your reading! *pets all the pretties*

  11. I heard The Others will have a spin off... so good... right? I'm not quite to #5 yet. :D
