
Thursday, March 2, 2017

listening to: podcasts

I’m still struggling a bit with reading, although I’ve read a few great YA’s recently – that, unfortunately, I can’t review yet. Sooooon though!

One reason reading is getting tougher for me, is that my tastes are changing. I’m much more interested in non-fiction these days and that’s rough when you have 150-something YA/romance books on your shelf!

I’ve wanted to give audio books a try since so many of you love that format but man do I struggle! I get distracted so easily. I use music and TV as background noise so audio doesn’t tend to keep my attention.

I’ve decided to try podcasts since they’re a bit shorter, the subject matter is varied and I can dabble in the non-fiction world without spending money on MORE books!

So here are a few I’ve been listening to – feel free to suggest any that you enjoy!

download (1)

Presidential - the Washington Post

Jen from YA Romantics is the one who got me interested in Podcasts and this was one she recently blogged about so I’m giving it a go. 44 episodes cover the legacy of each American President. It’s kind of American President *light*. It isn’t a deep exploration of their presidency – more of a look a their personality traits and how that shaped their decision making during pivotal points in history. I’m only up to John Adams but I kind of like it. Ok – so I DID get distracted several times but some facts did manage to permeate my brain since I could answer several trivia questions Kevin asked me afterwards. lol


Get Smart - Amazon Audible Channels

Daily playlist of fun facts. This one is kind of fun and great for my short attention span. So far I’ve learned how naked mole rats evolved to feel no pain, how frogs tongues can go from sticky to slimy and why most people consider themselves to be morally superior. It’s basically a collection of facts from different sources like science magazines, newspapers etc in soundbite form.


Rewind – Amazon Audible Channels

Pivotal moments in history and insight into people you may or may not heard of before.

I really like this one! The subjects are really varied. There’s a 6 minute podcast “Letters from Jacqueline Kennedy to the man she didn’t marry”, “The Tyranny of George III (30 minutes) and my favorite so far, “The Henry Ford of Literature” ( 41 minutes) about Emanuel Haldeman-Julius, publisher of Little Blue books. A small, 3 1/2” x 5”, 50 page book that introduced literature, philosophy, sex, birth control, racism, homosexuality to the working class in the 1920’s, a time when that was very controversial. Fascinating – flawed man.

* The Amazon  podcasts are all free for Amazon Prime members.

So what else should I be trying? I wouldn't mind a little more humor added to the mix.


  1. I've decided the quality of the Presidential episodes depends a lot on the guests they invite. Some of the episodes have been really interesting to me (Nixon and Ford) and others more "meh" (Carter and Reagan). It could also be that I knew less about Nixon and Ford I suppose.
    Will have to try "Rewind" as I'm kind of loving the history theme....
    Jen @ YA Romantics

    1. I really struggled with Washington at certain points because she did a really long intro and then asked kind of dumb questions. But I'm getting into her style now and it's moving along better. I'll let you know how I progress!

      Who are you up to now? I should be up to the Nixon stuff when you circle back to the beginning lol

  2. I'm glad you're finding something that works for ya! I've not done podcasts yet.

    1. I wouldn't say I LOVE them but my concentration is getting better.

  3. Same, girl. Same. Though, I find that I'm having an easier time listening to audiobooks rather than reading. So I'm not doing too badly. I did see that podcast recommendation from Jen so I might do that this weekend!

    I hope you'll get back up on the horse soon!

    1. How I wish I could concentrate on audiobooks! Maybe I'll work my way up to them.

  4. I haven't tried podcasts before, I need to find some!

    1. There's so much variety that there really is something for everyone.

  5. I want to try podcasts, but I just do not know

  6. I'm trying to get out and walk more, so I've been trying podcasts for that and it works because I can keep my focus. I'm listening to My Favorite Murder which is two ladies talking about true crime, etc. It's also funny which might sound surprising, but you'll understand if you check it out. It definitely keeps my attention!

    The random fact one sounds fun. I love learning those little tidbits.


  7. Yay! I listen to fiction podcasts though but if you want to try one I recommend Welcome toNight Vale or King Falls AM

    1. I will check it out. I listened to one of mine this am and didn't get distracted once! lol I'm improving.

  8. I saw that AUdible had a podcast zone but I've never checked it out. Thanks for the recs. I've only listened to The Last Podcast on the Left but it gets pretty dark.

    1. I'm trying to use Prime more other than for the free shipping lol

  9. I really should try Amazon Podcasts, I mostly listen to podcasts through my church since they have so many and they are free and I love learning new things.

    1. I checked it out because they have so many included with Prime. I don't really want to pay until I know I have the attention span for it.

  10. Oh I do love my podcasts (I often have the same problem as you when it comes to paying attention to audiobooks). These are all new to me, but I can definitely see myself appreciating all of them in some way. I really love and recommend the NPR podcasts Serial, This American Life, Radiolab.

  11. Aw, not a prime member but these podcasts look interesting. I usually have to be doing an activity where I don't need a lot of concentration (like a passenger in a car for a couple of hours) or certain crafts. Hm... you have me thinking I need to check out different podcasts I have found at my library.

  12. I should try it out while being a prime member ...but I always forget about this

  13. We are prime members...maybe I'll check these out...but as of now I am trying desperately to finish my current time anymore since hubby and I commute together now :-/
