
Wednesday, March 8, 2017

review: operation prom date (tactics in flirting #1) by cindi madsen

33224662Kate ships tons of fictional couples, but IRL her OTP is her and Mick, the hot quarterback she’s crushed on since, like, forever. With only one semester left of senior year, it’s now or never if she wants to land him in time for prom. Since she’s flirtationally challenged, she enlists Cooper Callihan, the guy who turned popular seemingly overnight but who used to be a good friend.

Cooper lives and breathes rowing, but his partner just broke his wrist. When he remembers Kate’s good with a set of oars, he strikes a deal: help him train, and he’ll make sure her crush notices her. Only he didn’t know how addicting spending time with her would be. Or how the more successful the Operation is, the more jealousy he experiences.
The mission has been set. The troops have their marching orders. But what if the target is the wrong guy all along?

Disclaimer: This Entangled Teen Crush book contains stargazing, accidental swimming, and poker swindling. This kissing practice will melt your ereader…and give you a new couple to ship. ~ Goodreads

Source: e-arc provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review

Release Date: March 13, 2017


Operation Prom Date was the sweet, funny, swoony book I needed in my life right now!

Kate is a math-geek and fan girl, obsessed with TV shows and her *ships* (favorite couple pairings) and has been in love with the hot quarterback, Mick, as long as she can remember. He’s been nice to her in the past, but has never shown a romantic interest and probably never will since Kate can’t manage to string more than one sentence together in his presence.

Cooper (a boy she had a passing friendship with years ago) notices and tells her that Mick sees her as too serious to date.

At this point, Kate just wants to go to her high school prom with Mick and enlists Cooper to help her be more flirty and less serious to get Mick’s attention. Cooper needs help with rowing practice while his partner recovers from an injury, so he agrees to help Kate with *Operation Prom Date* in exchange for her help with rowing.

Of course you know where this is all going. Kate will realize Mick is a tool, Cooper will fall for Kate against his better judgement but, even knowing all that in advance, you will fall hard for these two.
Their friendship is real, their chemistry is sizzling and it was so nice to see Kate discover what she wants, and DESERVES from a relationship.

Sure the story is about boys, kissing, and first loves but it was also about Kate doing what felt right and comfortable for her.

Both Kate and Cooper were really realistic YA characters. They didn’t always get it right the first time and weren’t always sure what they wanted but they were relatable and people you could really enjoy spending time with – even if it’s in a fictional world. I liked them so much.

Aaaaand Cooper! Lordy, I loved that boy! So sweet and adorable! And he’s a pro at the BIG GESTURE to win over the girl.

If, like me, you need a light, fun, easy breezy read that will leave you with a big smile on your face – Operation Prom Date is it.


  1. Light and fun, well I do adore that!

  2. Now I would have passed on this one because I was thinking that it would be overly-dramatic. This does sound cute and something I would end up enjoying. Me thinks you changed my mind. :D

    1. Oh no! Not at all. I mean...a little drama because you gotta have some lol but very light on the angst and heavy on the swoony cuteness.

  3. You know even with the predictability it sounds good.

  4. Replies
    1. It really was. i think you would like it Julie.

  5. I'm glad Kate and Cooper were enjoyable and realistic teens! :)


    1. They were. And really nice too - I would want to hang out with them.

  6. I'm reaching 30 and I have to admit I can still so relate to this cute high schooler story :))

  7. Aw this sounds like such a cute book. Sometimes you just need a cute book to read :) Great review!!

    1. Exactly. It was just a nice, adorable story.

  8. Cute and fun is exactly the right remedy if you're having a rough slump. :D Glad you enjoyed it!

    1. I love Madsen's adult romances but this YA was a really cute one.

  9. Oh that does sound adorable! I have one of her adult ones on my kindle, I think.
