For What It's Worth

Thursday, June 1, 2017

June Pick your book giveaway!

Since I’m starting to blog on a {mostly} regular basis again – I’m going to try to get back to hosting my monthly Pick Your Book Giveaways.


The winner will be able to choose any ONE book, up to $15 value, as long as it is released during the month of June, 2017.

June books

Need a little inspiration?

Most Popular Books Published in June 2017 list
YA Releases of June 2017 list
New and Upcoming Book Releases June 2017

Rules & stuff!

The winner will be announced on July 1st on this post in the rafflecopter form - and notified by email. Winner has 48 hours to respond or I will pick another winner.

International entries OK as long as The Book Depository ships to your country.

To enter – fill out the Rafflecopter form and answer the question – What book book are you most looking forward to in June in the comments.

Extra Entries:

All *optional* and NOT required. Do as few or as many as you would like.

+1 follow me on Bloglovin
+1 follow me on Twitter - @teamsheltie
+1 follow me on Instagram – @teamsheltie
+1 Tweet about the giveaway

* My Giveaway Policy!

Thanks for stopping by and good luck!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. i don't know yet there so many choices

  2. Thanks for the chance to win! There are so many books coming out this month that I want. I know The Gentlemen's Guide to Vice and Virtue is top of the list though!


  3. Book of the Lost and Found by Moïra Fowley-Doyle appeals to me - and the first pages on Amazon sound amazing. Oh, and I forgot that Down Among the Sticks and Bones by Seanan McGuire releases in June too!
    Thank you Santa :).

  4. I would love Dating You, Hating You!

  5. I would probably choose Our Dark Duet by V.Schwab.

  6. Super excited for Dating You/Hating You by Christina Lauren, Roar by Cora Carmack and Our Dark Duet by Victoria Schwab.
    Thanks for a generous giveaway! :)

  7. I'm most looking forward to Once and For All by Sarah Dessen. I've missed having new Dessen books to read during the summer.

  8. I might choose Roar- that one's looking pretty good!

  9. I would love to read Roar by Cora Carmach. It really looks so good!!!

  10. Once and For All

  11. Definitely Our Dark Duet by V.Schwab
    Samantha D

  12. I'm looking forward to The Darkest Promise by Gena Showalter.

  13. ROAR sounds interesting thank you.

  14. Roar by Cora Carmack looks great, love the cover.

  15. Well Our Dark duet by V Schwab for instance, but kind of hoping I will get that one to review so I will get it sooner

  16. Once and For All by Sarah Dessen! I love her other books!

  17. I would choose The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue, I'd love a finished copy!

  18. I'm super excited for Our Dark Duet and Bad Romance :)
    Rafflecopter name: Megan S.

  19. Dating you, Hating you (I love hate/love romance =p)
    Thanks for this giveaway !

  20. Dating You, Hating You sounds really good, as do Stay by Sarina Bowen and My Roommate's Girl by Juliana Keyes. I'm sure there will be others that I'll want also.

  21. There are so many pretty ones this month. I'm looking forward to Comeback Cowboy (I mean, cowboys, hello!) lol Thanks for the giveaway!

  22. Sarah Dessen's book sounds so cool though :3

  23. I really can't wait to get my hands on Roar!

  24. So many wonderful books coming out in June. Thank's for the giveaway! Visiting for the #getsocial17 event.

  25. Ashlee Mallory's Her Surprise Engagement!

  26. The Midnight Jewel by Richelle Mead,love,love her books! :)

  27. I'm excited for Our Dark Duet and Roar. :)

  28. I'm wanting to read Once and For All! I just started reading Sarah Dessen and I am enjoying her books immensely. Thank you for the giveaway!
