For What It's Worth

Monday, June 5, 2017

monday musings…

June TBR:

Here is my June TBR pile. I do expect to read more than three books, of course, but this is the winding down of the ARC pile via ALA. From here on out I have only one or two books per month for review. It’s like a HUGE weight lifted off of me! I feel FREEEEEEEEEE lol

ALA/BEA are wonderful events but it’s so easy to get overwhelmed by piles of books.

My next goal is to get the older TBR books read. I have been making some headway but now that the bulk of my review ARC’s are done, it’s full steam ahead! 


I’m SUPER excited about these three books!

*Click on the title and it will lead you to the book’s Goodreads page

The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee – Pirates! Adventure! Magical artifacts! Romance! Vice AND virtue! Sign me up!

Perfect Ten by L. Philips – LGBQT “coming –of – age romcom with a touch of magic.” This sounds so freaking adorable and the cover with a unicorn is the cutest thing.

Bad Romance by Heather Demetrios – I loved Demetrios’s  YA contemporary I’ll Meet You There. It was gritty and gutted me which is incredibly rare for me when I'm reading. My friend told me about Bad Romance – a novel about an abusive relationship and I have no doubt that the author will handle the topic well. I’m trying to get emotionally prepared to read it though.

May reading:

I managed to read 22 books for the month of May!

Enemies Like You, Mature Content, Unnatural Vice and When Dimple Met Rishi were my favorites.

Oddly, all of those books had an enemies to more trope.

You can see my full May reading shelf here:

Karen's book recommendations, liked quotes, book clubs, book trivia, book lists (read-may-2017 shelf)

Goodreads Reading Challenge:

87 books read already?? I gotta be honest. A LOT of these were novellas. I’m still a little shocked though. I don’t feel like I’m reading that much O_o. I think it’s because I’m not reviewing everything anymore. Reading for fun removes a lot of the pressure and I can just relax about it.

2017 Reading Challenge

2017 Reading Challenge
Karen has read 87 books toward her goal of 120 books.

What are you reading goals for June? Any recommendations?


  1. You can do it :D

    I am so happy I decided to focus on my books...2 years ago! I am down to 15 unread on my shelf now. I know, crazy little

    1. I've made some great headway with my books the past few months reading everything the month it came out (I've had the arc's longer) Now I hit the old stuff!

      I can't even imagine what only 15 books is like lol

      I'll need to count again towards the end of summer but I started with 149.

  2. Ohh The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue looks big and I can't wait for Dimple!

    1. I just finished Dimple and it was adorable!

  3. Wow, 22 books a month is AWESOME! So proud of you. I hope you enjoy these three books. Happy reading! :)

    1. I read fast so, it's staying on track with what I'm *supposed* t read that's the problem lol

  4. Love that Very appropriate LOL.
    22 books in May? Whoa, no wonder that Figgy holds a grudge on you ;D. Don't let him stand in your way to TBR conquering!

    1. It's a cover to a box that I have.

      Figgy and I will always be doing battle I think lol

  5. Girl, a HUGE congrats on getting that many read last month! I think I managed to get through 2. *hangs head in shame-lol* Involved in so much stuff and very behind on my TBR pile which is massive. Hope your day is fab! Hugs...RO #Getsocial17

    1. NO SHAME!!!

      I had a few years where the struggle to read was real.

  6. Wow, you're doing phenomenal with your Goodreads challenge. I'm very impressed.
    Stopping in for the #getsocial17 event!

    1. Thanks! Some months are better than others but I've been on a roll this year I guess.

  7. I really enjoyed Perfect Ten! I cannot wait to read Bad Romance and can't wait to see what you think of it. 22 books is so many and you are kicking some butt on the GR challenge. I am listening to When Dimple Met RIshi now and enjoying it. Happy reading :)

    1. I'm reading it this week!

      Yeah When Dimple Met Rishi is adorable!

  8. 87 books is awesome! And I hope The Gentleman's Guide is a good one- I heard it was.

    1. * fingers crossed* but it sounds like a lot of fun!

  9. Oh The Gentelman's Guide sounds really good!

    Holy cheeseballs you had a productive May!

    1. My reading is going well - I wish my review writing was as productive lol

  10. 22 books is awesome! Enjoy your books and have a great June!

  11. Oh, love, love. I so want to read The Gentleman's Guide badly! You're so lucky.

    I hope you'll enjoy your reads this month, Karen!

  12. That's an impressive amount of reading material. Hope you have a good time :)

    1. I'm really looking forward to this month's reading.

  13. Popping in from the get social event.Added you to our following list.Happy Reading! Joelle from Angels with Attitude Book Reviews

  14. I've never gone too crazy on Netgalley. I'm always afraid they won't approve me if I don't read and review everything so it keeps me in check lol

    My bigger issue is all the years of going to BEA/ALA. I've never caught up!

  15. My May reading sucked and so will June. You rocked it though! YaY! Oh and those books look good. I hope they are good for you!

    1. I try not to think about it so I was surprised when I saw that. it felt more like 10 lol

  16. Yep, those TBR piles sure can rack up a lot of books. #getsocial17

    1. *cries* My goal this year is to get down to abut 50 physical TBR books. I started with 149

  17. I'm trying to review MOST of the books I'm reading, but yeah, I'm skipping some. Your June TBR looks awesome though. I really want to read The Gentlemen's Guide and Perfect Ten.


    1. I don't anymore - or stick to mini's for most and I think that's why my reading #'s are so high. Less pressure.

  18. 87 books is amazing! I like how sometimes when we don't feel like we're reading a lot, we really are. #getsocial17

    1. I know! It didn't feel like that many at all!

  19. Dang look at you go with all those books in May. That's awesome :)

    1. This year has been really good so far. I think it's because I'm sticking more to *fun* reading rather than review reading.

  20. 91 books so far! That's amazing. And how did you manage to read 22 in the month of May alone? I am impressed. How do you find the time? I would like to figure out how to do it cause I never have as much time to read as I wish. Which one of the books you've read this year has been your favorite? I enjoyed visiting your blog. Keep up the good work!

    - Mama Vicky


    1. Honestly though a LOT of those were novellas.

      I read really fast. Like one book a day is no sweat. I can start around 5pm and be done by bed time.

      The last book I read that I loved was When Dimple Met Rishi - really cute and fun.

  21. 22 books in one month? I do so envy people who read fast, and have the time to do so. #getsocial17

    1. I do read really fast. I can finish a book in a few hours, but some months I only get to 4-5 books. It depends on my mood.

  22. I'm looking forward to Bad Romance too! 22 books in May is incredible! Even if I had everyday open and free I'm not sure I could read that much, congratulations!
