For What It's Worth

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Tell me something tuesday: reading habits

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Tell Me Something Tuesday is hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings and discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging.


What are some of your reading habits, good and bad?

I thought this would be an easy one to answer but it wasn’t. I don’t think I have any reading habits. I just do it. lol I’ve listed a few things but I can’t come up with much. I bet when you guys start answering I’ll be like…OH YEAH! and have to update the post.


I’ve learned to make time for fun reads in between review reads. I rarely go through reading slumps now. I don’t have as many reviews to post anymore but I’m good with that. I’d rather be happy with my reading.

I only read when I feel like it and take time off if I want to.

I read fast. That’s not exactly a habit but being able to start a book at 4 and be done by bedtime is really helpful when it comes to keeping up with reading/blogging.


I’m a mood reader. I cannot force myself to read what I’m *supposed* to read and that bites me in the ass when I take on too many review requests and I fail at any reading challenge other than the Goodreads challenge because of it.

I get distracted easily so I can only read at home. The TV or Kevin being around is ok but I can’t read in waiting rooms, or in the car or at the beach. So it’s home or nothing.

It kills me to DNF. I really need to start doing this one more.

What are your good/bad reading habits? Help me add to this pathetic list! Hahaha


  1. I'm a mood reader too and easily gets distracted, so I only read books at home. But of course that doesn't guarantee I won't be carrying a book or kindle in my bag when I go out hihi.

    Good reading habits? I'm not really sure if what I am doing is good or bad, but whenever I finish a book, I make sure to write a review before pursuing another book . That's really hard to do especially that I easily get distracted by other books haha.

    1. I'm a mood reviewer too lol

      The review either comes to me or it doesn't. I jot down notes right after finishing but sometimes the review doesn't come to me for awhile.

  2. Replies
    1. I caaaaaaan't lol I have dnf'd two books this year so I guess I'm on my way!

  3. DNF-ing can be the best decision you can make sometimes. Definitely do it if you're not feeling it. Don't feel bad about it. Don't feel compelled to finish, or that you're missing out if you don't push through it. Chances are, if you're contemplating DNF-ing it you're not going to miss out on anything!

    I'm not entirely sure what good reading habits are, to be honest. :S I just... read. Like you said. I am really bad at reading if there's a lot of talking going on around me. Like if there's a movie on or something I cannot read unless if I read aloud. Great post Karen! :D

    1. I don't feel bad but I neeeeed to know what happens! lol I'm a skimmer though if a book isn't working for me. I'll read a 300 page book in 15 minutes just to find out what happened - but I don't review those books if that happens because to me it's not really reading.

      I can read with the tv in the background but only at a lower volume but definitely no one talking around me.

  4. I wish I read that fast. Would be such a good thing for my TBR pile :) I get distracted to when reading out in places like waiting rooms or the kids activities. It is hard to DNF. I wind up skimming books instead of DNFing a lot. I need to make room for more of "my" reads instead of just review books. Fun post!

    1. It does nothing for your TBR pile lol I'm still sooooo behind!

      I'm a skimmer too. I just have to know what happens even if I'm not enjoying the book.

  5. Lol, I can read almost anywhere, but I'm only a medium speed reader. I do have get through audiobooks fast because A. I listen to them while doing things like driving, cooking, walking, and B. I listen to them at 2x speed for the most part. It's my greatest reading skill, but there are lots and lots of people who think I'm nuts to do it. I personally think it sounds more natural to my ears, and 1x speed can be sooooooo slow. It does depend on narrators (British narrators tend to narrate faster than American narrators, so sometimes I can't do 2x) and what I'm doing (if I'm trying to do something that requires to much of my attention, I end up having to rewind and relisten).

    1. I don't do audio books (but I'm planning on it) so I'm interested to see what speeding up someone's voice sounds like lol

      I'm such a horrible multitasker so I think audio will be limited to walking/driving for me.

  6. That's why I don't take on many review requests these days. I read what I want to and then review them. When I was reviewing requests, there were too many books I didn't care for and reading became a chore.

    1. Yes! I rarely accept requests now and I rarely need to DNF a book because I'm choosing what I want to read instead.

  7. Oh I loved your good and bad habits here. I am a fast reader too, which is a plus when I get behind on my ARC's and I can get through them pretty quickly if I fall behind. But I do try to rotate between reading ARC and then a book on my shelf whether its a library book or a book I have owned and haven't gotten to yet. It also keeps me from going into book slumps.

    1. It's a life save with blogging. I am unfortunately, not a speed post writer lol

  8. I share all of your bads as well. I am the slowest reader on the planet. That combined with my easily distracted mind, makes Netgalley a very dangerous place for me. I currently have zero good reading habits. I need to change that as soon as I finish up my current commitments. It's starting to feel like a job again and that's no fun at all.

    1. The only thing I have going for me is how fast I read lol

      I don't borrow much from Netgalley so that has never been a problem but I had A LOT of books from BEA/ALA and being a mood reader is awful when you have that many books to read and don't want any of the dozens of books you just brought home.

  9. I've gotten way better at DNFing books. I just don't have the time.

    I read more than one book at a time - I guess this is good or bad, depending on the person, but it's pretty good for me. It lets me read more and as long as I go back and forth, I keep it all straight.

    I can read almost anywhere - even if it's noisy or the TV is on.


    1. I've tried taking my Paperwhite places but I get so distracted by people's conversations and then they'll start asking me what I read so I don't bother even trying anymore.

  10. I'm a mood reader but I still force myself into reading books (if I need a review or something). Usually it doesn't impact my reading experience. BUT I do have two library books I'm reading right now because they're due in a week, and I am tempted to DNF them both. It's bad. I don't think I've had a reading slump in a while...knock on wood.

    1. It's the review books that drain me but I've cut back so much it's scary. I have ONE for this month and TWO for next. That's it.

  11. I never used to DNF a book but over the past year I have learned to just stop when it's not working. Time is too precious to waste on something you don't like and reading should never be a chore (and reading a book you're not enjoying is a chore).

    1. So true. I wish I could. I do skim really fast though so it's not like I labor over the book for days. I just don'r review those because I almost consider them a dnf. Or I do a dnf post to explain why.

  12. I really neeeeed to be better at that but honestly, since I've cut back on review books it doesn't happen to me much anymore. I enjoy most of what I read enough to want to finish.

  13. Yes mood reader here and I have gotten better with DNF books . That's great that you can read so many books :)

  14. Getting fun reads mixed in between review books is really helpful for me too

    1. I think you have to do that to stay recharged when it comes to reading.

  15. I'm a mood reader too although usually I'm lucky enough that my mood matches what I have to read. Not taking review copies (at least not much) definitely helps with that though! And mixing fun reads or whatever in with the commitments does keep things fresh I think.

    1. I agree! That's why I'm not taking as many requests anymore. Maybe 2-3 per month.

  16. I try my hardest not to DNF books but some times I have to give up. My curiosity always made me read to the end but I would end up even more disappointed and mad that I wasted my time on a book that I didn't like instead of reading one that I liked. lol I also read really fast. My husband is always surprised when I tell him I've finished another book. I have a hard time concentrating while reading in certain situations too. If there is music on it makes it harder for me to focus because I want to sing along. haha I am also a mood reader which has given me a lot of problems when it comes to my ARCs. I'll read a synopsis and think it sounds amazing but when the time comes to read it, I'm not in the mood for that type of story. lol

  17. I'm also a mood reader, and yeah, that's why I don't do any reading challenge other than the Goodreads one. It also kills me to dnf, which is why I almost never do it. I don't consider those bad reading habits though! Okay it sucks when I can't figure out what mood I'm in and have no idea what to read LOL, but maybe being mood readers helps us get into books more? And I've ended up finding some great books by not dnfing because they actually did get better lol.

    1. I know! Sometimes it gets better and what if I miss that????!!! lol

      I dnf'd two books this year but it still nags at me. I'd rather skim and at least know what happened.

  18. I can't write just about anything unless I have some control over my environment. I just can't think. I can read but sometimes it is way too distracting to read and that always gives me a headache. Darn distracting people. LOL

  19. I've gotten so much better on the DNF front this past couple years. It's freeing once you get the hang of it :)

  20. I'm also a mood reader! Hate DNFing as well, so if a book bores me, I will just sort of fast-skip through it.
