
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

My {maybe} ghost encounter

I’ve posted this story on here before but a lot of you are new followers so I thought I would post it again in time for Halloween.

I MAY have had a real life ghost encounter. You be the judge.

When I was very young (around 7 or 8 years old) I used to play out in my yard along a very long rose bush hedge that separated our yard from my neighbors yard. I knew them a little – they would let me play under their huge Weeping Willow tree and sometimes invited me in for lemonade.

One day while I was playing on my side of the rose bushes an elderly woman in a long white dress came up to me and started talking. She asked me what game I was playing, talked about the roses, her family and about the people who lived in the neighborhood. She said it was nice to meet me and left.

I did tell my mother about the woman but she said she hadn’t seen anything (she always watched me play through the kitchen window) and she probably thought I was making it up. I was an only child so I did tend to have a bit of an active imagination - creating imaginary friends. lol

A few weeks had passed when my neighbors (two sisters) invited me in for a drink after a day of playing under the willow tree. While in their house I saw a picture on the mantle of the woman I had talked to and told them about our conversation. Well – they completely freaked out! They kept asking if I was sure it was her. I was positive because I didn’t know anyone else that old at the time other than my grandmother. 

It turned out the woman was their mother who had died the year before. The things the older woman had told me were things that only she would know about their family. Not something a 12 year old would know on her own.

My neighbor’s brought me home and had a heated discussion with my mother. I have no idea what they said but they never talked to me again. They still let me play in their yard but never offered me a drink or invited me again and I had no clue why or if I had done something wrong. My mother wouldn’t discuss it with me.

I’m still not sure I actually saw a ghost and nothing like that ever happened to me again but that’s what happened and you can interpret that story as you wish!


  1. Sounds to be like you saw a ghost! But that's kinda mean of your neighbors to react how they did since it's not like you did anything wrong. I also believe I've had a ghost encounter, though not quite as vivid as yours as I didn't actually see or speak to the ghost. Freaky stuff!

    1. I think they were just freaked out - not mad but I was a kid and no clue what my saying all that might mean to them. I was just talking about the lady I met.

  2. I'm a big believer in ghosts and have had my share of experiences too. My last one involved my mom though. Lol. I insisted on going to this one used book store downtown and so she took me. It was in a very old building and I was thrilled to be looking around. Well my mom wanted to get out of there because she felt funny. I was walking down one of the isles by myself when my hair started standing up like I had had my hair rubbed with a balloon. Now you'd think it would have sent me running for the door but nope, it didn't occur to me that it was weird. Then as I was leaving the store I felt a cold hand brush my neck. That's when it hit me that I had had a ghost encounter. Lol. I'm not particularly scared of them but cold fingers on the neck is not fun! My mom will not set foot in that store or even pass it anymore.

    1. Eeeee that's creepy! At least I didn't know my ghost encounter was a ghost at the time lol

  3. Ohhh spooky. I really do not know if I believe or not...dunno. SOmetimes yes, sometimes no

    1. I'm the same. I guess I did have an encounter but I didn't really realize it while it was happening so my brain thinks there must be a logical explanation that I was too young to figure out.'s hard to explain the story away as anything but a ghost.

  4. I think you totally saw a ghost. How else could you explain that? That's kind of awful of your neighbors though. I mean, did they think you somehow learned things about their mother and pretended to see her ghost? Weird.

    I believe in ghosts, but I've never had an actual encounter.


    1. I think they were just freaked out and scared. They probably started thinking of me as some freaky kid from a horror movie lol

      I've never experienced anything else.

  5. I could see them freaking out about that lol

  6. ╠╣αppy Ѽ ╠╣αlloween
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    ┊ ┊┊ ┊┊ Ѽ ☻ ٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶
    ┊ ┊┊ ┊☻^v^
    .....┊ ┊┊٩(●̮̮̃•̃)۶
    Ѽ ☻

    1. That's adorable!!

      Happy Halloween to you too!

  7. THAT IS SUPER CREEPY KAREN, BUT ALSO SUPER COOL. I'm such a sucker for ghost stories but I don't have any encounters myself. I'm sad that the neighbors got so mad at you though!

    1. I don't think they were mad as much as totally freaked out. I guess they could have been curious instead but I get it.

  8. Oh my! That's so creepy Karen. Honestly, the hair in the back of my neck is standing up while I was reading it. I do love to watch horror movies but I easily get spook when it's a real encounter, hehe.

    I am really curious what your neighbors and your mom talked about though

    Vanessa @ Blushing Geek

    1. Me too! I mean - i was very young...10-ish?? so it's not like I would know these things to lie. We didn't even have the internet back then lol

      I think I just freaked everyone out.

  9. Replies
    1. It helps that I had zero context while it was happening so it wasn't scary to me. It freaked the adults out more.

  10. Wow, that's pretty creepy, Karen. I've never had anything like that happened. Although shortly after getting married and moving out of my family home I got really spooked. Our house was empty since we were waiting for the movers to ship our stuff across the country, and I remember being home alone with my 2 cats one night. My one cat went out into the hallway from the bedroom (where I was) and started hissing and was all puffed up. I investigated but there was nothing there. That following weekend, the Mr and I went out into the garage (where our washer and dryer were) to do laundry and we both noticed that the wall adjacent to the house door was covered in chalk drawings. We'd been there for a few weeks at that point and neither of us ever remembered there being chalk drawings along our garage wall until that very moment. After that, any time the Mr. had to stay at work over night or train for an extended period of time, I always made sure to leave all the lights on in the house. I wasn't too upset that a year later he got relocated and we had to move.

    1. OMG that would scare the shit out of me lol

      I didn't realize my ghost encounter was a ghost encounter until after lol

  11. that seriously gave me the chills, but than I believe in ghosts. When I lived with my mom and dad I used to wake up to the sound of someone calling my name around 3 am in the morning. After I left, my mom was experiencing it instead. One day she picked up a glass to drink and it exploded all over her hand into tiny little shards, there was nothing that should have done that kind of damage. Turns out in our country if a glass explodes it's an old wives tale that someone in your family died. My mom found out shortly after her aunt passed away a few days prior.

    1. Gah! That's SUPER scary!!!

      My only other possible ghostly encounter was after my cat died. I kept hearing meows in my kitchen about a month later. I thought I was just hearing things and missing him but then it woke my husband up a few times and he does NOT imagine things like that.

  12. Oh, NO!!! My hubby is out of town for three days; it means I’m alone with my two little dogs. I’m FREAKING OUT right now. It’s been a while since the last time I read horror books. 🙈🙈🙈👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  13. I'm not a believer, but I have to admit it's a bit difficult to explain the situation logically. You might have seen their mother's pic without even noticing before, but imagining the whole conversation? I don't think so. I'm a little envious now...if only some benevolent spirit would talk to me LOL.

    P.S. love the banner!

    1. I'm not really a believer either - even though I had this experience. I can't explain it away and it may have been a ghost. It's hard to say but I was young and only know my perspective but there could have been more to it that my young brain didn't process. Like possibly a stranger or like you said I saw the picture...I don't know.

  14. Oh, my god... are you kidding?! This story totally gave me goosebumps! I love and live for this kind of thing. Also, I'm kind of sad your neighbors reacted the way they did. I'd think that they'd want to know more about what this woman had said -- especially if they were related to her! It sounds like she was trying to send a message that she's okay and enjoyed the company for a few moments.

    I had a few similar encounters and they are my favorite stories to read, so thanks for sharing! XOXO

  15. That's pretty cool. I am not a believer in ghosts mostly because I have no experience seeing them but I know a few people who do believe. It's a freaky story even if you didn't see a ghost. Pretty harsh reaction from the neighbours, though. I suppose it could have been worse, they could have constantly hassled you to see if you saw the woman again.

  16. I had some creepy encounters while living in a flat in Edinburgh's old town back when I was a student. Always things moving in my peripheral vision and occasionally when I'd wake up in the middle of the night I swear I'd see an out of focus woman looking like she was standing in between floors. Our building was a new build built on the site of a very old tenement building so I figure that she was actually 'standing' where the original floor would have been... I'd write it off as sleepy hallucinations except my incredibly sceptical other half saw her too and he believes in nothing he can't see, hear, smell or touch and my cat would freak out over that corner on the regular, lol.

    I think it sucks that your neighbours cut you out after the encounter with their mum but they probably just didn't know how to handle it... Who would?! :)
