
Friday, November 24, 2017

black friday book bonanza giveaway

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I’m joining in the 7th Annual Black Friday Book Bonanza Hop, hosted by Reading Reality & The Caffeinated Reviewer, again this year!

Stay home – avoid the crowds and win book-ish things!
For my giveaway – the winner will receive any one book, up to $15 value

Rules & stuff!

This giveaway officially starts on Black Friday, 11/24 and ends Monday 11/27. My winner will be announced on November 28th on this post in the rafflecopter form - and notified by email. Winner has 48 hours to respond or I will pick another winner. (read my full * My Giveaway Policy here)

International entries OK as long as The Book Depository ships to your country.

To enter – fill out the Rafflecopter form and answer the question: What is your favorite (or least favorite thing) about the holidays?

Extra Entries:

All *optional* and NOT required. Do as few or as many as you would like. (links in sidebar)
+1 follow me on Bloglovin
+1 follow me on Twitter - @teamsheltie
+1 follow me on Instagram – @teamsheltie
+1 Tweet about the giveaway

Be sure to visit all the participating blogs and good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
* I also have my monthly Pick Your Book Giveaway going on right now – link is in the sidebar


  1. My to-do list during the holidays - eat, sleep, drink and be merry.

  2. I love the food and the gifts! Thank you for the giveaway!

  3. I love spending time with my family.

  4. "What is your favorite (or least favorite thing) about the holidays?" Resting and recuperating!

  5. Favorite? Not sure, but I do love gingerbread cookies lol. Least favorite? That all the stores get so much busier!

  6. My favorite things about the holidays are that I get to be with my family and eat good food

  7. In my country we don't celebrate Thanksgiving but if I project this question to Christmas then I hate christmas music and the way some people goes extremly overboard with decoration. I love the food and the time I can spend with my family.

  8. I love cooking for Christmas. :)

  9. Family getting together is the best!

  10. Getting together with the whole family.
    Thank you!

  11. Favorite is getting together with family and shopping. I love having an excuse to shop :)

  12. Hate the crowds: love the decorations and food :)

  13. My least favorite is the shopping. I am not a shopper at all!

  14. My favorite thing about Holiday? Food, rest, family bonding and a lot of free time to read hihi

  15. I'm not a big fan of Holliday shopping.... lol

  16. Thanks for the great giveaway. Happy Black Friday!!!

  17. I like spending time with my husband and kids during the holidays.

  18. My favorite thing is getting to snuggle with the kids and read Christmas stories....even now that they're teens. :)

  19. I love the lights, music and the spirit. I hate people getting violent over something stupid!

  20. The tinsel!!! The worst is the crowds and the christmas carols, ugh

  21. My favorite is all the food :)

  22. Least favorite is the crowds at the mall. Favorite is all the lights and family that visit.

  23. My least favorite thing is the cold and horrible weather around the holidays :(

  24. I hate crowds in shopping malls

  25. I just love being able to spend time with family, football and good food. Nothing is better. Have no plans but to relax, read and blog today hehe

  26. I always like all the lights and festive feel around this time of the year.

  27. My fave thing about the holidays has got to be the family time :)
    Megan S.

  28. My favorite is spending time with family.

  29. My favorite is the respite and rest from the demands of my job. My least favorite part is all the preparation and traveling to only stay for a few hours.

  30. I hate going to crowded shopping malls and I just love it when we spend some blessed time together with the family.

  31. My favorite thing about the holidays is seeing the entire family several times and catching up on the year and seeing all the new great grandchildren!!!

  32. I love that everything is so joyful with the lights and the music and all!

  33. my favorite thing is the get together. actually yesterday for Thanksgiving, I had 3 gets together, starting at 2 pm. came home at 3:30.... am!!
    Thank you and don't forget to enter my own giveaway, in the gratitude giveaway hop:

  34. I have SO MANY "favorite things"-- I wouldn't know where to begin! Christmas Eve is actually my favorite holiday. But... I've been having a rough time these past few years, and Black Friday and the weeks leading up to (and after!) it have been especially difficult. I'm struggling financially like I never thought possible, and it adds so many things on top of the immense stress that's already there. ...I'm just trying to ignore it, I think, and focus on what really matters to me.

  35. Thanks for the giveaway; I like the change of the weather. :)

  36. My favorite thing about holidays is the food! :)

  37. My favourite thing about the holiday is the break I get from the demand of my job.

  38. least thing I like about the holidays is how quickly decorations are put up and in about 40 days time, they'll be taken down.

  39. My favorite things about the holidays is the shopping, decorations and getting to spend extra time with my family. The two weeks vacation from work is exciting too!

  40. I hate the crowds, but I love being with family.

  41. Favorite thing is family.

  42. I do love to catch up with loved ones.

  43. All the beautiful lights and good cheer!

  44. I love all the lights, but my least favorite thing is the endless Xmas carols. I always like them the first few times, but by the end of the holiday, I'm ready to not hear them again for another year.

  45. My favorite thing about the holidays is decorating with my son. My least favorite thing is how everyone forgets the reason for the season!

  46. Spending some quality time with my family! That's the best part!

  47. I love wrapping presents with pretty paper :-)

  48. the least is the crowds in the stores

    tiramisu392 (at)

  49. the least favorite is crowded stores, but I avoid that by shopping online

    Most favorite? Is celebrating the holidays with my 2 year old boy, I love watching his excitement.

  50. Visiting my family. It's the only time I'm able to see all of them.

  51. My least favorite thing is figuring out what to give to people who don't have many interests. My favorite thing is the music and the decorations.

  52. Thanks for the fab giveaway! My favorite thing about the holidays is probably all the fun events that go on - like my cookie exchange party next week! Least favorite? I can sometimes deal with a lot of depression this time of the year.


  53. I love spending time with family. I can't stand the holiday shopping crowds.

  54. I love getting together with family and friends over the holidays. I don’t enjoy all the traffic and crowds .

  55. I love the food and getting and buying presents, also spending time with the family :)

  56. I love spending time with my family, food,and shooping :D :)

  57. The Christmas music is definitely one of my favorite things. :)

  58. My favorite thing is family's getting together, usually sharing a wonderful meal and catching up on what everyone has been doing the past year.

  59. My favorite thing about the holidays is spending time with my family and watching all of the holiday movies that come on.

  60. Favorite things about holiday are the food feast, long vacations, and wrapping gifts for family and friends.
    Thanks for the chance!

  61. My favorite thing about the holidays is spending time with family! I also love all the heartwarming (and cheesy) holiday movies on TV.

  62. My favorite thing about the holidays is spending quality time with family.

  63. I love the calmness and piecefullness surrounding the holidays, everything decorated with Christmas lights and Christmas music playing from the speakers.

  64. I love spending time with my family. Oh and watching my kids open presents on Christmas morning.

  65. My least favourite part is the pressure to do things that health in no way allows.
    jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com

  66. I like the chill-out time. Five days off in a row, with nothing to do other than eat chocolate and read my books :)

  67. Spending time with all of my family!! Thanks!

  68. It's the most pumpkinful time of the year!

  69. "What is your favorite (or least favorite thing) about the holidays?" discount :))

  70. Besides the Christmas music, decorations and great food, it's hanging out with the family.

  71. I love getting to spend time with my family, and we always make SO MUCH DELICIOUS FOOD. We always try a new vegan-friendly meal each year. It's a great way to expand on our favorites!

    Do You Dog-ear?

  72. My least favorite thing about the holidays is how stressed out everyone gets over scheduling and gifts the closer Christmas is. Thanksgiving is more fun--just food and family!

  73. The traffic and crowds. Shopping takes a lot of time especially if you want to find the perfect gifts for everyone!

  74. Favorite: Choosing gifts for people. Least: Having to deal with people I'd rather not.

  75. My favorite thing is a busy house again when my kids come home from college.

  76. So many things Karen. So many things. I think my favourite is being able to watch people open their presents, especially how excited the pupper gets with all the wrapping paper and then we bring out his own presents. I hate that Christmas is during summer here and it's common to be boiling hot on Christmas day. It's exhausting enough cooking for the entire family and spending he day in a hot kitchen (no matter how high you turn up the air conditioner, you still end up hot and flustered). The dishes afterwards are a killer too. At least it's only one day a year, thank god.

  77. My favorite thing about the holiday is spending extra time with friends and family.

  78. My favorite thing about the holidays is seeing my mom

  79. I love the time off from school, as well as seeing family that I don't get to see the rest of the year.

  80. I love Christmas. It brings families together and it's usually so cheerful and festive. I love walking around my neighborhood at night, looking at all the decorations lit up. I used to love how excited my niece would get about Santa coming. She'd track him online via the Santa radar website. She'd write him letters. She would even leave out cookies and milk for him. I just have a lot of fond memories with this time of year. :)

  81. I love being with family and friends at the holidays!

  82. I love spending time celebrating with my family.

  83. I love all of the food and the holiday cheer that comes with the season!
