For What It's Worth

Monday, February 12, 2018

my Monday musings

 Meme time again!  Hosted by The Blended Blog.


  1. Kisses or Hugs? I'll go with hug.
  2. Candy or Flowers? Ooh tough one! I LOVE flowers but I’d rather have a plant that lasts forever (or until I kill it) than a bouquet, which my husband and friends know and oblige. And of course – I’ll always take some candy!
  3. Baking or Cooking? I don’t love either but I cook more than I bake because I suck more at baking than cooking. Basically – I need to eat so I do what I gotta do.
  4. Do you remember your first kiss? Yes, I was on the doorstep of my bff’s house (the boy lived across the street. It was 7th grade and he had just given me an ugly watch and asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend. It was a blah kiss and he dumped me for my best friend a few months later. Ahhh – young love.
  5. Favorite color of roses? I’m not a huge rose fan, unless they’re antique roses from my yard. I like how messy and wild looking the old fashioned varieties are - but I once bought my MIL beautiful roses that were a peachy, orange color. I know, that sounds ugly, but they were gorgeous.
  6. Conversation hearts? To read but not to eat.
  7. Do you leave love notes? Not really. We leave surprise treats or snacks. I also just got a small letter board recently, so we sometimes leave snarky messages to each other. Cuz we’re romantic like that lol
  8. Do you decorate for Valentine’s Day? No. Sometimes I put on a red tablecloth or pull out a heart mug but nothing major.
  9. Red or Pink? Either – neither – don’t care lol.
  10. Milk, white or dark chocolate? Dark. But I just had the BEST milk chocolate sent to me from Finland. Mmmmmmmmm
  11. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes. I knew Kevin for a few years before we dated and never felt a thing for him – we were just friends and dating other people during that time - but his car broke down and he needed a ride to and from work. I offered and we went to a drive –thru to eat after I picked him up one of the days and WHAM. I knew right then this was it. So it wasn’t love at first sight for us. More like love at first take out after knowing you for 3 years but I believe it can happen.
  12. Do you give humorous or serious Valentine’s Day cards? Both, whatever expresses my feeling the best.
  13. Favorite chick flick or romantic movie?  I’m SO bad at remembering movies….The Proposal is a fun one that I always watch when it’s on.
  14. Stay in or go out? We never go out on Valentine’s Dat – everywhere is packed. As you can probably tell from some of my answers – I’m not a super romantic type lol We’re kind of practical we don’t make too big a deal out of the day.


  1. Ah, I'm not a plant person. I wouldn't even know how much water to give lol. So I like bouquets! I also like to let them dry out and then keep them because they're so pretty. I have four vases of dried flowers in my room right now! Lol about your first kiss. Agreed about the convo hearts. YES DARK.

    1. The other reason I'm anti bouquet is that the last bouquet sent Fonzi to the ER to induce vomiting after he ate potentially toxic Lilies. And I have to put it so far out the way of the cat it's not worth it. lol

  2. You're always entertaining LOL. Loved the first kiss story and the one about love-at-nth-sight with Kevin! 😄
    I hate Valentine's Day. I think it's forced on us...and maybe you know me enough to guess what I do when someone tries to force something on me 😡😂. Also, I'm even LESS romantic than you LOL. I guess you suspected that too, since I don't even do romance books...

    1. Ha! It's weird that I love romance novels. This is a recent development. I'm SO unromantic in my real life lol

      I'm not a fan of any commercial holiday - except maybe Halloween but now that everyone makes a big deal out of it - it's been ruined for me lol

    2. I hear you about Halloween. Here too, since a few years ago, it's become a big thing...I mean, we didn't even HAVE Halloween a few years ago. There are so many things we basically copy and paste from the U.S. LOL. And now there are more and more kids running around town and demanding treats from poor shop keepers while they're busy doing their job. ON A SATURDAY EVENING.

  3. Love all of these!! I love hearing how you two met. I cracked up at the cooking thoughts exactly. I used to want all things romantic for Valentine's Day, and this year I told my husband not to waste money on a card, and all I want is for him to clean the inside of my car for me. I'm all about the practical gifts these days. :)

    1. After 30 years it's all about being practical lol We have everything we need as far as gifts.

  4. I like your story of knowing Kevin was "the one" if you will. LOL I'm single, so Valentine's Day isn't really a big thing for me. However, if I'll totally take any and all candy over flowers.


    1. It was weird. We just shoveling food in our mouths and I'm like...why am I all of a sudden thinking of him this way??? lol

      He had told a really stupid joke and I literally spit my soda on his dashboard and apparently that was it for both of us. True love lol

  5. My bday is just one week after so we do not bother going out on VDay cos of that

  6. Hahaha. I was standing on the lid of my toilet to change a light bulb and it cracked.
    Me to husband: I just ordered a new toilet seat on Amazon
    Husband: Great- my Valentine's Day shopping is taken care of.
    I laughed. We've been married a long time. We don't do gifts but we are going out for dinner...

    1. Ha! I love that. When you've been married for a long time you tend to care about the practical stuff more. Or at least I do.

  7. What a scandalous "love" story, Karen! Haha. I'll take chocolate any day, I don't have a green thumb.

    1. It's even more scandalous. He was dating my friend. I'm a YA novel!!! lol

    2. Sorry to butt in but WHAT? A LIVE YA NOVEL! 😂

  8. I love dark chocolate!! We never go out on Valentine's Day either. I hate crowds!!

    1. Same. If we did go out it would be either before or after the big day.

  9. I’m in the minority because I’d pass on both flowers and candy (don’t care for flowers and I have no sweet tooth). Sometimes I swear I was born without certain girl genes that make me love flowers/chocolate/babies. LOL I got a chuckle at your first kiss happening right after he gave you an ugly watch. Haha. Like you, my husband and I don’t make a big deal of Valentine’s. We exchange cards (usually) and that’s about it.

    Tanya @ Girl Plus Books

    1. I think I'm missing that gene as well so high five! lol I have my )very low maintenance) butterfly garden so I'd rather have plants to throw there instead of finding a vase or whatever.

  10. You sound like my kind of person. I'm not super romantic either. I do love flowers, but like you I'd rather have a plant that lasts longer/forever or candy. I also believe in love at first sight. I knew from the very first time I met my husband that I was going to marry him. :) And, The Proposal is one of my favorites as well. :)

    1. Yay for love at first sight! I'm surprised how many people believe in it. I expected a more jaded response lol

  11. lol, this was so fun to read. I believe in love at first sight too. I knew from the first moment I saw my husband that he was the one. And he was! I'd never experienced that before meeting him and dated quite a few jerks. His smile won me over instantly.

    1. Same here. I NEVER thought I would even get married. I had zero desire to and then BAM lol

  12. Candy. :) Definitely candy. And I'll go with milk OR dark chocolate lol, they're all good! And that's an awesome story about you and your husband. Fun post :)

  13. I believe in love at first sight! Jacob and I met at work, and the first time I saw him was at an employee meeting during the wee hours of the morning. My coffee-deprived brain saw him and thought, "Ohh, pretty. Let's see if this can go somewhere." Hahaha. We started hanging out after work with other employees and eventually started dating. Now we're married and have three crazy kids, lol.

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. We're also not VDay people. We tend to stay home and buy candy for the children.

    2. I can see that. Jacob is a good guy and you're adorable together :-)

  14. I love these tags too. Always a lot of fun.

    I guess none of us are romantics according to my comments lol

  15. I have never liked getting a bouquet because they die. I love getting chocolate. This year my husband got me an Instant Pot. Even better than candy lol

    1. Ooh! Enjoy your Instant Pot. I love mine! And yes, that's better than candy. I like practical things :-)

  16. I'm not a flower person at all, I used to work as a florist so that experience kind of ruined flowers for me and plants are so damn hard, do I water? Do I not? What do I do? But my mom is very much into them so she always brings pants home which is nice since I don't have to do anything LOL. I only like Valentine's Day because the stores are packed with discount candy and chocolate, that's so awesome!

    1. I can't do potted plants but I have quite a few outdoor gardens. i stick to native plants. If they require effort I let them die lol

      I get most holiday things in the days after. It's cheaper!

  17. LOL at the (until I kill it) bit. Yes. I know that well. ;)

  18. Happy Valentines Day darling!! I hope you have had a great day and I love this post so much.

    Hugs and kisses I like both of for different reasons. Hugs are so comforting but kisses I love because its a way to show all sorts of emotions.
