For What It's Worth

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

whatever wednesday

IMG_20180227_121900_058I told all of you Monday that I was summoned for jury duty that day and had no idea how long it would last. It was a super long day of hurry-up-and-wait but I didn't have to serve on a case and that was it so yay! Can't really talk publicly about any of it

Any-hoo…I brought a book to pass the time and wanted something that was too *plotty* and wasn’t a review book because I can’t really concentrate with people around me.

Craig & Fred was an impulse purchase that I’ve had on my shelf for months and seemed perfect for the occasion. ~ Goodreads

Here’s the book trailer:

This isn’t a review – because I haven’t quite finished reading it yet - but I wanted to give it a quick shout out because I’m enjoying it so much more than I thought I would.

Craig was a U.S. Marine who found Fred while serving in Afghanistan and was able to bring him home to the U.S.

I knew I would get caught up in the saving of Fred because…well, you know I’m an animal lover and I’ve worked with rescue dogs for years now but I was surprised by how much I also loved hearing Craig’s story about how he felt lost before joining the Marines and his problems returning to civilian life.

The story alternates between Craig’s time in the Marines and after he gets home. Suffering from PTSD, Craig, Fred and his friend Josh, who also served and is a single leg amputee, take a road trip. Through Fred, as an ice breaker/conversation starter, they are able to open a dialogue with strangers and work through their experiences. Basically, Craig saves Fred - then Fred saves Craig.

It’s really good so far!

And while I was reading this book waiting for my name to be called – there were several former Marines sitting around me talking about Iraq and Afghanistan, and how they were the first U.S. troops to enter Saddam Hussein’s palace during the invasion of Iraq. Really sad stories but it was so weird to be reading about some of these things and then having the people around me describing the same experiences right next to me.

So yeah, not always happy stuff but it is a very uplifting and often funny story. I highly recommend it.

**Since a few people have expressed concern in the comments - FRED LIVES and is on Instagram  and other social media to follow! I would never read or recommend a book where the dog dies!


  1. Interesting experience, wasn't it? Especially since you hadn't to endure it for more than one day LOL. I'm sure your pets would have wasted away without you!

    That sounds like a nice read.

    1. Oh man...were they traumatized by the change in schedule. Mom abandoned them!

      I'm enjoying this book SO much! It's been a long time since I've had this much fun reading.

  2. Interesting that you were hearing the stories as you were reading the book. As the wife of a veteran, I always find it heartbreaking to hear the stories of many of the men and women once they return home.

    1. It was a weird juxtaposition for sure.

      my husband was in the Navy on submarines during that time. So he didn't have those combat experiences but even he came back changed. It's just a different way of life than the civilian world.

  3. As long as they both are fine in the end

    1. They are! I made sure before I bought it lol And they are on instagram now.

  4. I will definitely add this to my TBR list. It sounds really good.

    1. It really is! I'm glad I took the chance and bought it. it's not something I would usually read.

  5. Oh, my goodness... I haven't heard of this book before, but I just watched that clip you shared and I'd love to read it <3 Sounds like my kind of read, so thank you for sharing this! Glad to hear all went well and that you weren't assigned to a long case.

    XOXO and hope you're having a great week!

    1. I just finished and I loved it. It was dark a times because of everything Craig went through but still a very uplifting read.

  6. That's fascinating that people were talking about these topics around you while you were reading the book. I tend to avoid most war-based books as my brother was in the Army, but I'm glad that you are enjoying this. And yay for not being assigned to a case - I assume you didn't want to be? LOL


    1. Isn't it? It was so odd reading about the place and having people describe it in great detail right next to me.

      I can understand about not wanting to read it. Kevin was in the Navy on subs and I can't read or watch anything like that. Even now that he's out. I couldn't contact him when he was to sea and it was so scary.

      If I watch a sub movie with him, he complains about all the inaccuracies lol

    2. And no I didn't want to be lol I get panic attacks so I was kind of nervous about that. I don't mind jury duty in theory though. I think it would be interesting.

  7. I'm glad you're enjoying this one! I know you said you brought this one with you because you didn't think you'd be able to concentrate with people around you, but it sounds like you were still able to enjoy it! It sounds like an adorable story, and so glad to hear it's uplifting!

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. I honestly didn't get much reading in there. Maybe 2-3 chapters?? I get too distracted but I loved it enough that I read it non stop once I got home.

  8. I just want to know if the dog dies because if he does, then no matter how feel good it is, then I don't want anything to do with it, lol.

    1. He's fine and living at home in the U.S. with Craig! He even has an Instagram account. I checked before I bought it. Lol

      I rarely even read animal books for that reason.

  9. Jury duty is the worst, but at least you got some reading done. This is the second time today I have seen this book. It sounds quite charming, and actually made me a little verklempt. Glad that there is happy with the sad in this one.

    1. Oh really?? What blog? I would love to see what other people thought of it. It was an impulse purchase for me at the check out in Walmart. It's nto something I would normally pick up.

  10. Glad you are enjoying the book more than you thought you would. Sounds like you picked the right book to bring with you to jury duty. :)

    1. It was perfect for that. An engrossing story but not one you have to follow too closely or worry if you get interrupted.

  11. It was more of a long day waiting. I was exhausted even though I didn't do anything lol

  12. YaY! No jury duty! LOL Luckily I don't have to do those anymore (medical excuse) but my first one was on a child abuse case. Couldn't believe they didn't dismiss me right away... it took 15 min. ;) I was working with abused kids at the time. Don't think I'd want me on the jury if I was the defendant.

    I also figured he lived since he is in the video you shared. :D I also remember recommending Oogy but no one wanted to believe he was okay in the end of the book and had his forever home. I think I'd enjoy this one.

    1. I don't really like reading animals books at all - even if they are okay (working with animals has made me too judgmental, especially when it comes to training methods and *bad* dogs) but this one worked for me.

  13. This sounds like a wonderful story, Karen! I'm so glad you wouldn't recommend a story where the dog dies, because booo to that kind of story. Although, I guess if the dog is a hero in the way he or she goes, it is a story that should be told as well, but I'd have to prepare myself to read something like that!

    Glad you didn't have to serve on the jury! I've had to sit and wait to see if I'd be picked and it sucks and feels like a waste of a day.

    1. Yeah - A lot of dogs in these books live a long happy life and die of old age but Fred is young and traveling with his dad still!

  14. Ah, the scourge of jury duty. I know it's necessary but I live in fear of being called because of the disruption it'd cause if I got selected!
    I like the sounds of this book. I love hearing stories of service personnel keeping their service animals and how they help each other.

    1. He wasn't a service animal (technically - because he was a much needed moral booster on base) but I've read a few online stories where the soldiers have found a way to send strays home.

  15. That sounds great. I would never read a book where the dog dies either.

  16. wow this seems to be a great book that touches on mental health and disability! and yay for no animals dying here and you not having to serve as jury :)

    1. It really is a people/soldier story as well as a dog story. Very well done IMO.

  17. This sounds like a really good book. As an Air Force Veteran, I always get the chance to meet other vets or active duty members and some of their stories are fun, others are tragic. Sorry you got stuck on jury duty, but glad you had something good to read. Hugs...RO

  18. Craig & Fred sounds great! And that would be kind of funny, hearing the vets tell stories while reading about similar things.

    1. It was really weird. I had just finished reading about what the base looked like and here they were right behind me describing flying into it.

  19. Also a huge animal lover but like you I avoid heartwarming animal stories as they often involve some kind of tragic story. Glad this one was great!
    Jen Ryland Reviews

    1. I don't even like the ones that don't end in tragedy. I especially hate the stories about a crazy, untrained dog wreaking havoc on his owners lives. The owners are so clueless and usually take them to asshole trainers and I get mad lol

  20. I have a thing for books featuring ex-army guys, plus Fred looks so adorable and I'm so happy he lives on. T_T <3

    1. Well, here you go! Ex military and a dog lol

  21. So glad Fred lives! Thanks for that. I hate it when the dog dies.

    1. Of course!! I would never post about a dog that dies lol

  22. Ooo is this nonfiction?

    Also happy that your Jury Duty is over!

    1. It is! Look at me - reading a *real* book bahahahaha

  23. Normally I'm not that into memoirs, but I love the sound of Craig and Fred! There's just something about a dog-central story that tugs on my heartstrings every time, even if it does have some really sad parts.

    1. I loved this one Danya. Craig had such a laid back, honest writing style. It wasn't overly embellished for laughs or to wring emotion out of you.

  24. LOL the concern is real, Karen. The concern is real! My mom is always reading books like this but near every time the pup or kitty or such dies at the end and I'm like nope. I'm not doing it!

    It does sound good, though. And, yes. Some of the stories are hard to listen to. I get a lot of that at the USO. Sometimes they need to talk and get things off their chest and that's what we're there for.
