For What It's Worth

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

whatever wednesday: movies

I’m usually so far behind with movies but I went a little movie going crazy this past week and saw THREE. Look at me being on top of this whole entertainment thing! lol

First up –

 Love, Simon

Adorable! If you loved 80’s John Huges films and all things rom-com, then you’ll love Love, Simon. I only vaugly remember the book so, other than the main storyline of Simon exchanging anonymous e-mails with “Blue”, a fellow classmate that has just come out as gay – I can’t say how accurate it was to the book.

It has all the teen rom-com trappings of slightly inept adults, grand gestures and cool music. At one point I felt that a side story involving Simon’s bully and one of his friends almost took over Simon’s story but otherwise this was all I was hoping for.

I didn’t think a movie could pull off the emails and Simon going through his list of suspects but they did a great job with it.

And can I just say I want Simon’s bedroom??!!!! The whole bed is surrounded by chalkboard walls and a shelf! In a cute little alcove!


Game Night

Starring Jason Bateman and Rachel McAdams as a couple who thinks they are having a murder mystery party and find out it’s very, very real. Loads of fun, great cast but definitely for the adults only.


Tomb Raider

I barely remember the original, starring Angelina Jolie, and I’ve never played the game so I might not be the best judge of this movie but it was ehh. Alicia Vikander was great as Lara and the action scenes were intense but the movie lacks any sense of fun and adventure. I didn’t see anything that hasn’t been in a hundred other movies of this type and seriously – Lara should have died about a dozen times or at least got her pony tail messed up. Defintely not the worst movie I’ve ever seen and I don’t regret seeing it – but it didn’t stand out either.

Have you seen any good movies? What should I see next?


  1. Game Night sounds really good. That's unfortunate Lara Croft wasn't better. I love kick-ass female movies. :)

    1. She's very kick ass so you might like it. I just felt like I've seen this story a million times before and this movie was missing that sense of fun even though it had more heart than most.

  2. I totally wanna watch Game Night

    1. I think you would really like it!! It has your kind of humor.

  3. Oh snap, I totally want Simon's bedroom. That looks awesome! Game Night sounds like a funny premise lol.

    1. Me tooooo! And I'm in my 50's lol

      Game night was so much fun. Very dark humor but I liked it.

  4. I so want to see Simon. I am hoping it hangs out in theaters for a while because I won't have a chance for a while. Game Night looks fun too.

    1. It's so cute! I will probably buy the DVD because I would watch it again - a few times lol

  5. CHALKBOARD WALLS!? ASDFGHJKL MY HEART! ♥ Love, Simon doesn't come out until freaking MAY in my country, so I'll have to torture myself with stills from the movie until then. T_T

    - Aimee @ Aimee, Always

    1. I KNOW!!! I want them so bad!!! And his bed is in a little alcove - perfect for reading!

  6. I liked it and I thought Alicia did a good job but there was no real sense of danger (we know she's going to live) or fun.

    They added a lot of heart to it though with her relationship with her dad and hopefully now that that's all out of the way, they can have more fun with it in the next one.

  7. Love, Simon is sooo precious! I think I want to see it again! The first thing that Matt said was that it felt like a John Hughes' film, which I love!

    I didn't give Game Night any thought but I may rent it on google one of these days. And I haven't heard anything good about Tomb Raider, I'm mostly 'meh' to the idea of it. I don't think I saw the Jolie adaptation.

    And look at you, 3 movies!! I barely average one movie per month!

    1. Me too!! I'm pretty sure I'll buy it too which is rare for me but it's perfect when you need something feel good to watch.

      Go see Game Night Amber! I think you'd like it.

  8. I haven't seen any of these but Game Night is on my radar. I don't usually go out to see movies, so I will wait for it to be released on Netflix. From what I've seen in the trailers, it looks like I'd be laughing a lot. ;)

  9. I'm glad to hear you liked Love, Simon. You know I loved that one. And OMG, I want Simon's bedroom too! Those chalkboard walls are fantastic. I saw Game Night too - definitely for the adults, but it was fun! I liked a lot of the actors. I really like Alicia Vikander, but I'm not interested in Tomb Raider - sorry it didn't really work for you though.


    1. Both great movies - in totally different ways lol

      I neeeed Simon's bedroom. I did paint a wall with chalkboard paint but not like that!

      I wish I liked Tomb Raider more. She's awesome but I think in their quest to take it more seriously they went *too* serious. There's no sense of fun and you know she's not really in danger so each scene is like yeah she's fine lol

  10. I want to to see the first two. I read somewhere that the new Tomb Raider actress was being body shamed because she didn't have the voluptuous figure of Jolie. People make me so crazy mad!

    1. Yes, some male critic complained that she didn't have the boobs from the game. *eyeroll*

      I thought the actress was quite good but the film is blah. i think it would be good as a rental though.

  11. Love SImon sounds like it's right up my street if it's for fans of John Hughes films and all things rom com. I mean, that's basically my jam. I already knew I wanted to watch but you're just giving me more reasons to drag my friends along kicking and screaming. Game Night sounds ridiculous but the trailer was laugh out loud funny and I heard some surprsingly good reviews so I definitely want to watch. The only film I'm not interested in is Lara Croft. The Angelina Jolie ones were a guilty pleasure but I'm just not interested in a reboot. Maybe folks will make me change my mind but much like I wasn't interested in the game reboot neither am I interested in the film one, even if it does have a really good cast.

    1. I ended up going while my husband was out of town because I was too impatient to wait for him lol but I might drag him and go again.

      Game Night IS ridiculous but fun!

      I thought the cast was really underused in TR. She's on her own a lot and the supporting cast kind of drifts in and out of her orbit as needed.

  12. I haven't watched either of those. I did like the original Tomb Raider so I don't know if I'll watch this one or not. I did just watch Justice League and I liked it.

    1. This version is a bit more serious and had good action sequences but felt so similar to so many other movies that I was just ho-hum about it. I think I would have liked it more if I watched it at home lol

  13. I haven't been here in so long —I love the blog design! Game Night looks sooooo funny. Are you going to see Ready Player One? My son wants to go we both read the book.

    1. ANDREA!!!! Hiiiiii!

      I think you would like Game Night.

      Honestly, it's a minor miracle I've seen this many movies lol I'm not sure when it will happen again.

    2. Hi!!! I'm always stalking your Instagram and Twitter, so thought I could go for the hat trick and stalk the blog lol

  14. I know! It was so weird seeing movies while they are still in theaters!

    I'm in my 50's and I still want Simon's room lol

  15. Game Night sounds like a blast, I remember seeing a preview for it and thinking it looked fun. Tomb Raider doesn't really surprise me, I kinda want to see it but might wait to stream it? Movies are so expensive now!

    1. I think it would a lot more fun as a streaming movie.

  16. Aw definitely need the fun and adventure vibe in that kind of movie. Bummer. I'm doing tv series right now so no movies from me.

    1. You know she's not going to die so even though the scenes are well done, they get increasingly dangerous without any sense of danger or fun so...

  17. I really want to see Love, Simon! I want that room, too! Lol.

    I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed Game Night! I laughed watching the trailer and was wondering if the movie would be just as good.

    Do You Dog-ear?

    1. It really is. I was worried all the funny parts were in the trailer but it's good all the way through.

  18. I really, really want to watch Love, Simon- I'm glad you ended up liking it! And yessss, I'd love that room too tbh, it's so pretty! <3

    1. Cute movie but I could not stop drooling over that bedroom.

  19. First of all, I love how you change the blog header depending on the season and events, so creative and I love it! And yes for Simon, I can't wait, plus the soundtrack is amazing šŸ˜ Tomb Raider looks badass too!

  20. I really want to see Game Night. I saw the trailer for it the other day and it looks very funny. Anything with Jason Bateman tends to be really good.

  21. I think you're the only person I know that has seen Tomb Raider. I used to play the games all the time. I've missed the last two games though but I'm curious about this movie. I don't think it's a big contender as well thought out plot movie but it looks like a decent way to pass a couple of hours.
