Tell Me Something Tuesday is hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings and discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging.
Question: For those who don’t have the time to re-read series, which ones would you re-read if found the time?
I haven’t re-read a book since I started blogging and it’s something I used to do ALLLL the time and wish desperately to do again.
I broke this down a little because I have a keeper shelf of all my favorites. I’m only counting my physical books for the sake of this post. If I added e-books well….I don’t have that long and my memory isn’t that great anyway.
My favorite book
Wicked Game by Jeri Smith-Ready
This is one of my favorite series – one of my first vampire/PNR books and one of the main reasons I started blogging.
I love it so much that I have it in English, French and German.
My PNR/UF phase favorites
I have no idea if I would still Cat & Bones, Eric & Sookie anymore but I used to re-read those books several times PER WEEK. I would love to re-read Carolyn Crane’s Mind Games series again. That was such twisty fun!
I’ve given up on the Ward’s BDB and I doubt I would re-read any of the others from the series but Z! And Stacia Kane seems to have abandoned her Downside Ghosts series but I miss Terrible!
Books I adored but would I still love them?
I’m not so sure so I’m kind of afraid to re-read this batch. They’re kind of perfection in my memories so maybe it’s best to keep it that way.
Favorite series
My Ghost and the Goth series by Stacey Kade is annotated (meaning the author wrote notes throughout) so it is something I like to browse though now and again for fun but haven't done a full re-read.
The Razorland Trilogy by Ann Aguirre is still one of my favorite dystopian series. I had beta read them as she was writing and haven't done a full reading of the finished versions so that would be fun!
I want It That Way also by Aguirre is one of my favorite NA series.
And The Hallowed Ones duology is underrated IMO. It’s EXCELLENT! Thought provoking and creepy AF!
Tammara Webber is probably most popular for her NA novel Easy – but she was one of the first indie authors I ever worked with when I was newbie blogger and it’s her YA Between the Lines series that’s my favorite. I would love to binge read this again one day.
The Chocolate Kiss by Laura Florand made me swoon in delight but I haven’t had a chance to re-read it yet.
I loved Going Too Far so much, but it's been forever since I read it and I wonder how I'd feel about it now. Same with Sunshine. I'm a HUGE fan of Laura Florand! I've re-read several of the Amour et Chocolate series. Sooo amazing! I want to try Downward Ghosts. Fab post, Karen! :)
ReplyDeleteI re-read it once and really liked it but didn't LOVE it like I had the first time so I doubt I'll read it again.
DeleteI love Florand too! Beautiful stories that make me swoon.
It's really hit or miss. I don't re-read often but have a few. Some I LOVED still (Z is the only BDB I've re-read) and others I was left going omg this is terrible! lol
ReplyDeleteI just haven't had time but I'm more in control of my reading pile so I really want to start re-reading again. I am a little afraid to though lol
DeleteSame here - I don't really re-read now that I blog - I've discovered so many books I want to read, I don't make time to go back... UNLESS it's via audiobooks. I do most of my "re-reading" via audiobooks.
ReplyDeleteAudio never really works for me but I wonder if re-reads might be a better fit. I don't need to pay as close attention but I still get to revisit those worlds.
DeleteOh gosh, I LOVE Wicked Game and that whole series. So good. I'd love to re-read that someday too. I used to re-read books a bit more before blogging, but yeah, it's pretty difficult to do so now. I really should make more room for it - at least standalone books because those wouldn't be as tough to get through!
I think that's how we met Lauren - wasn't it when you auctioned off WG? Or one of her books anyway.
DeleteI don't reread much. I'm always nervous I won't love my favorites a second time around. I don't think I would like Eric & Sookie anymore and wouldn't reread but I sure loved those first books in the series a lot when I read them.
ReplyDeleteI got started to get annoyed with Sookie way back then when I had more patience so I know I couldn't' take her now lol And I loved Eric then - let's just keep it that way and not ruin my memories haha
DeleteMany things I did not know about you - and I need to try Wicked Games!
ReplyDeleteJen Ryland Reviews
I have depths Jen... lol
DeleteOMG I really need to read Wicked Game! I read Shade by that author and really got into it. Her characters are so heartfelt.
ReplyDeleteIt's a really funny, original take on vampires!
DeleteLike you it isn't often i re-read a book, let alone a series, any more. I also loved The Hallowed Ones book. Quite different, I love the Amish setting and that the vampires are more your traditional vampires.
ReplyDeleteI don't reread but if I had more time I least when looking forward to new books in the series. I loved The Hallowed Ones duology and need to read the Razorland series someday.
ReplyDeleteDid you actually read Wicked Game in French and German too? 😉
ReplyDeleteThat series is severely underrated - though I have a few issues with it, especially the way the ending was probably remember my review. But the radio angle and the way it ties in with the vampires' unlives - plus their OCD - was top notch. And I love the "lifeblood of Rock'nRoll" pin! I didn't know there was merchandise.
I did not - or I tried to muddle through but couldn't lol
DeleteI do remember that you didn't love the ending but not why.
There was a lot of merchandise! I have a mug/tote bag & pins. Some was gifted to me.
Here goes...
To reread and not love those awesome ones as much, oh how I fear it
ReplyDeleteIt's scary! Don't want to ruin the perfect memory of it.
DeleteI haven't heard of Wicked Game because I don't really read paranormal books, but will check it out now.
ReplyDeleteTori @ In Tori Lex
I haven't read any PNR in YEARS - this is more UF/PNR but a favorite of mine.
DeleteI miss Terrible too and co sign with what you said about authors. I don't really reread books as much due to school and I can't say that I have done it lately.
ReplyDeleteAfter I wrote this I saw that Kane is planning on writing another book. Not sure that I want to go back after all this time. I don't remember much.
DeleteI really did like the Sookie books for a while and then I got bored with the series.
ReplyDeleteMe too. It was just a rehash of her saying she didn't want to get involved then getting involved lol
DeleteOh, I LOVED Easy! Landon/Lucas is right up there for my all time fav NA book boyfriend...
ReplyDeleteI've never read Cat & Bones (Night huntress series) but I still plan to at some point.
The Sookie Stackhouse books are on my 'hope to re-read series' pile. I know most people hated the final book and how everything ended but I didn't. It made perfect sense to me and fit who Sookie was and what she wanted in life...
Easy and Lucas are great. I had read her YA series long before that came out though.
DeleteI didn't make it that far with Sookie but I know what happens. I do think it's a fitting ending for her.
I love to re- read but I hardly do it anymore. Wicked Game looks fun, and I love the pins. :)
ReplyDeleteI kept saying that I wanted to re-read this year but I think catching up on the TBR took precedent. So maybe that will be my goal for 2019 lol
DeleteOhmygoodness I want your whole little vampire collection there lol. I haven't heard of Wicked Game, I don't think, but I need to check it out! I haven't read nearly enough vamp books this year!
ReplyDeleteI think you would like it Kristen! It's different than most vampire series. More UF I think although it has romance.
DeleteUgh, I love Easy so much. I need to eventually finish the series. You just made me super nostalgic for my urban fantasy phase. I think I reread Sherrilyn Kenyon a million tiimes.
ReplyDeleteWhat genre is The Hallowed Ones?
I have not read UF/PNR in soooo long!!! And it was all I read years ago.
DeleteI would say Hallowed One is dystopian/horror - It's about a girl from an Amish community that has to deal with vampires after a girl rescues an outsider. It's REALLY good Amber!
I love how you have your shelves. I haven't read any of these, but I want to read The Ghost and the Goth. I have so many series that I'm re-reading because I haven't finished the series and I don't remember what's going on. I'm pretty sure the only series I've 100% finished is Harry Potter. Yikes.
ReplyDeleteThat was a such an original, fun, underappreciated series.
DeleteI quit most series several years ago because I couldn't keep up and started losing track of everything.
Isn’t it sad that we don’t have time to reread anymore? I think one day I will, but then again, like you I wonder if they will hold up. I certainly need to try Wicked Game. Loved reading your reread recommendations.
ReplyDeleteIt is! It's something I loved to do and now I don't know that I even want to. I do like having my favorites close by - just in case lol
DeleteI think I've only reread lately when it was a new book that came out in a series and it was YEARS since the last one. Usually my brain remembers enough (which is shocking... if you only knew! LOL) to let me continue without a reread. I do have Wicked Game on my wishlist and also The Hallowed Ones. I need to get back to reading soon! Oh and yea... sometimes it is best to leave the memory of perfection alone. I hate it when I want to recapture that feeling and it just isn't there on a reread. :(
ReplyDeleteMy tastes have changed so much = particularly with romances so I have no idea how they would hold up.
DeleteI used to reread soooooo much forever ago, now I rarely do. There's only 2 books I do reread now for some reason haha
ReplyDeleteI re-read books every week before blogging. Now I can barely keep up with new books never mind re-reading.
DeleteI rarely have time to reread either. You've reminded me that I have to read the second Hallowed Ones book.
ReplyDeleteNicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
I loved that duology!
DeleteI never have time to re-read either! The only series I've re-read is Harry Potter, but I have read a couple books over the years more than once.
ReplyDeleteHP seems to be an annual re-read for a lot of people. I loved it but don't see myself re-reading it. I do wish I had more time to get to a few other series though.
DeleteI barely have time to keep up with life - what even is rereading. 😅 I've never been a fan of rereading - there's always a risk going through the journey again. What if I hate the book? 😭
ReplyDeleteI love those pics though!
"I barely have time to keep up with life" LMAO yes!!! #truth
DeleteThere are sooo many books that I want to re-read, but haven't found the time for. Right now, I make myself re-read at least 5 books every year (not including Harry Potter, because I re-read those every Fall). I try to pick a different 5 each year, but sometimes I'll repeat a favorite. Occasionally, I'll exceed my goad and read more! I always find something new to love about books I love. A different quote or fact might stick out that I missed the first time.
ReplyDeleteMy tastes have changed so drastically over the years that I'm not sure all of my favorites would hold up.
DeleteAhhh yes! BDB must hit any kid of fav list! I need to read Tammara Webber... she's been on my TBR for a long time!
ReplyDeleteNaomi @ Naomi’s Reading Palace
She's most popular for her NA series but I did love her YA as well.
DeleteI read most of the True Blood series (after I watched the show) and liked them pretty well.
ReplyDeleteI think I was probably burned out on vampires at that point. I had started with Twilight and read dozens of series from there. I was a huge fan of Eric and I could see where that was going lol
DeleteI feel you. I tend to pick up books I have read or listened to and simply listen to a random chapter or two..just to revisit the world. The Others, anything by Ilona Andrews and all of the Harry Potter books and Red Rising Saga.
ReplyDeleteI think everyone struggles to reread when blogging. It's a difficult balance to find which is why I've begun requesting fewer ARCs (that and I've fallen behind with them). I think you should go for it. Books don't always meet up to expectations when you reread which sucks but the majority do. It's the books you reread from when you were younger that are difficult for me. Harry Potter has stood the test of time though so I'm happy.
ReplyDeleteThere are so many new books I want to read that rereading has pretty much stopped these last five years! I want to read Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, IT, and quite a few of my horror collection again. Gah, need to find time first!