For What It's Worth

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

tell me something tuesday

Tell Me Something Tuesday is hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings and discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

Question: Why should you leave comments?

Because blogging is hard and time consuming and if no one leaves comments – you feel like you’re blogging into a void. lol

That’s a simple answer but it’s true. I think most of us get into this to chat about books so when you work hard on a post and no one responds it can feel like a waste of time.

I also know there are bigger blogs that get lots of hits but no comments. For me, I would rather have interaction than hits.

And I also understand that commenting can be time consuming and hard to fit in in addition to all the other things one has to do each day - so I understand both sides.

I try to squeeze in an hour each morning and then another at night to comment on blogs or respond to comments on my blog.

I know you’ll probably feel the same about the subject but please jump in and share your thoughts! And how do you fit commenting into your schedule?


  1. I said the same. I would rather have interaction than hits

    1. I don't even look at my stats unless I have to anymore.

  2. Blogging is time consuming but I try as much as I can to comment on all the blogs I follow at least a couple of times a week, just to say hi and show that I like the blogs and support the bloggers. It obviously depends on what is posted as to how often I comment but I do try! My schedule needs a shake up but it is my time management that it the issue rather than any issue with the blogs I follow or comments I receive. I just need to reorganise my time better!

    1. It really is and I don't think a lot of people understand the time you have to put into posting and then another few hours into commenting. But I try to make time everyday.

  3. Quote: "I also know there are bigger blogs that get lots of hits but no comments. For me, I would rather have interaction than hits."
    I noticed that too - but I believe that, most of the times, those are the blogs where comments get unreplied. I know that not everyone goes back and looks for replies to their comments, but when you do it and there aren' feels like you're commenting in a void. LOL.

    I try to comment timely, but sometimes I simply bookmark the post and come back to it later. Sometimes I'm guilty of reading but not commenting...I think it's a common problem though, because for instance, I see that some of my reviews get read, but don't get comments...and yep, it's sometimes hard to comment on reviews LOL.

    1. I feel like maybe people got to those blogs more for industry news and giveaways - they tend to have more promotional type posts but I don't know.

      I also know that quite a few don't bother to interact with followers or commenters so I don't bother with them.

      I don't need an in depth conversation lol but I don't like it if it's just like - hey I got my page view - don't care who you are.

    2. Exactly! I can understand not always having time to reply, but at least pay a visit to the commenter if you don't. I mean, acknowledge them somehow!

    3. And sometimes you just don't have anything to say or at least not for every post - but like the saying's the thought that counts :-)

      And there are people that I chat with all the time on Twitter or Instagram about books but we don't visit each others blogs at all. But I still feel supported in a way.

  4. Sometimes I do have to wait a couple hours after I've read the blog post to comment, but it's like having a conversation with other readers- you need to comment and not be alone Lol.

    1. I'm lucky that I have a few hours most mornings to comment.

      Even if it's one sided and they don't respond back - I still love getting comments. I think we all do.

  5. Great topic! Comments are a pretty big deal because without them you feel like you're talking to yourself. It's time consuming, but sometimes you just need to set time aside for it. :)

    1. I try to commit at least an hour a day. I have my regulars and then try to toss in a few new blogs every week. But some days I can't. Blogging is hard lol

  6. “I would rather have interactions than hits.”
    YES!!! So agree with this. It’s much more important to me to have a few meaningful interactions than gain views but silent masses. I mean, that’s why we do this, right? To talk about what we love, to share with others, to engage.

    1. I think if you have sponsors or ads the hits matter but that's not where I'm at these days with blogging.
      I just want to make friends and chat.

  7. I agree. I love all my comments and I try to visit all the blogs that interact with me at least a couple times a week.

    1. I'm happy with my little group of regulars :-) It's what still makes this fun after all these years.

  8. Yep, I wouldn’t blog if I didn’t get the validation through comments, otherwise, what is the point? I need encouragement. Lately, I have been struggling with blogging. I keep getting busy and behind. Last week, I didn’t blog at all, too much going on. Hoping to get back on top this week.

    1. When I first started - I didn't expect anyone to even know I existed but now the comments are what keeps me going.

      I think we all go through those periods of falling behind. i just roll with it now and take it as a sign that I need a break or have other things to do but it can be hard to juggle if you have posts due at a certain date.

  9. It's definitely nice to get comments to know people are actually interested in what you write. I don't have a lot of readers on my blog mainly because I don't post much anymore and most of the readers I do have don't comment, but that's okay. I enjoy the comments I do get. It helps me get to know a person when they respond and I think making connections with others is one of the biggest reasons for having a blog.

    1. Back int he day, I hosted a lot of events and posted every day. i don't have the #'s (good stats) anymore but I have a fun group of people that I like to talk to and that's more important to me these days.

  10. Yes I have noticed the larger sites have zero comments most of the time. And I would much prefer more comments over page hits. Comments just give me all the warm fuzzies and they also give me a smile and brighten up my day. I do feel like commenting is the best way to socialize in the blogosphere because its one of the best ways to get to know other bloggers and connect with them.

    1. I think we're all just trying to hang in there - larger sites included - and don't have the time we used to but I would rather blog on a smaller, more manageable scale that allows me to interact with others.

  11. You are so right, and now I feel bad about reading posts without commenting. I know I am lucky to have a handful of homies, who always visit me, and it does make me feel like I am not just screaming into the void.

    1. I don't comment on every post either. I run out of time but I have my core group that I try to visit every few days and that's all you can do!

  12. Yup totally agree. I love having interaction. I get that it is hard and I can't always fit in the amount of commenting I want but I try!

    1. It is hard. Some days I only make it to a few blogs but I try to visit my regulars at least a few days per week.

  13. I totally agree! Blogging with no interaction is a real bummer.

    1. It takes so much energy and then if no one reads it...*tears* lol

  14. I am sooooo bad about leaving comments. One of my goals for 2019 is to be better at it, but I don't want to just leave a generic comment, you know? I want to leave something that is thought out and more personal. If I can't come up with something to say or my time is limited, I am more likely to not leave a comment.

    1. I know people get touchy about short or *not meaningful* comments but it doesn't really bother me. As long as it's not a *great post* said in a way that means they just want the hit back...I'd rather spend my time with blogs/bloggers I actually enjoy.

      And sometimes I just don't relate to the posts enough to comment but I try to leave at least one per week.

      I understand that there is only so much time in a day. I've spent almost 1/2 hour responding to comments this morning so I haven't managed to visit anyone!

  15. I agree with that- to me comments and meaningful interaction are so much more important than a ton of hits. what good are oodles of hits if no one comments, or there's no conversation? That's no fun. :)

    1. The group I have now leave such awesome comments - it's kind of gone past even talking about books. We all have our own personalities and quirks and kind of know each other now so the comments are so much fun.

  16. Another really great topic Karen! I think most of us love feeling like what we talk about is noticed by other readers, but it's hard to gage if no one really responds and comments, right? I like the interaction because I get to meet all these neat people with some of the same interests and we get to become friends too. Still, I love the huge blogs too. There's one blogger, "The Chump Lady" who is super popular. She makes money from her site, and there are literally hundreds of comments on a daily basis. She may have time to respond to the first 3 posts(lol), but the other 286 or more are commented on by other readers and they have these real conversations about many issues. Hope your Wednesday is wonderful! Hugs...RO

    1. I think some of the bigger blogs don't need to interact and that's not really their purpose. If you accept ads or sponsors then the hits are more important.

      that site sounds like it spins off something even better though - interaction between followers!

      book review blogs seem a little different. If no one comments or talks books then it's a lot of work for nothing - or at least you don't see any results so it can seem like a lonely endeavor.

  17. I think comments show that people are actually interested, as opposed to just views...who knows what they are actually reading/thinking? I like seeing what people think, so comments are great. It can be tough to fit in commenting though. I try and do some every single day, but once in a blue moon, that doesn't work. I do my best though.


    1. I've been taking weekends off from blogging/commenting and I feel like I miss things or fall behind but I also kind of need it so I can come back refreshed.

      It takes SO much time though!

  18. I love this, and amen to feeling as though we're just screaming into a void! I've definitely felt this way myself. I'm not sure that I set aside time each day to comment, I feel like each day a week, I visit a few other bloggers and then comment on as many posts as I can to play catchup. I would like to devote time to doing this more often, because I feel guilty when I don't get to repay the favor, and truthfully, I love to hear what my gals (and guys!) are up to :)

    Also I agree completely re: having more interactions than hits! XOXO and hope you're having a great week, my sweet!

    1. I love your blog and how conversational it is. Makes it super easy to comment and have something to say :-)

  19. I'm with you, its all about the interaction as opposed to the 'hits'; sharing the bloggy love. Like a child on her birthday/Christmas morning I love it when people leave a comment and get sooo excited to see new 'faces' on my blog. That said, I do get a teeny-weeny bit annoyed by people who leave a comment obviously not having read my post.

    1. Or spam comments where they say how valuable your post is and try to sell watches lol

  20. Yesss spread the commenting worth! I may not have time to comment to replies on my own blog, but I make sure to visit blogs and chat.

    Keep the book love going!

    Amber Elise @ Du Livre

    1. I consider any interaction good. Some people are not great at blog commenting but love to chat on twitter etc. It's all good to me!

  21. I’m the same! I spend an hour commenting in the morning and another hour (or more) commenting while I’m watching TV at night. I try really hard to comment back to everyone who comments on my blog. It doesn’t always happen, though. When life gets busy, blog comments are the first thing to get neglected.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Life is always getting in the way damn it!! We can only do our best.

  22. I agree with you, it's definitely better to have interaction than random viewers! I hate mornings so there is not a CHANCE I would be commenting then, but usually I try after I get my kids to bed for an hour or two, and then a little more on the weekends if I can. But it is hard- I wish I could do more, I feel like I USED to do more (and I guess I did!) but now with so much going on, it's hard. Especially with so many awesome blogs out there!

    1. I'm not blogging as much as I used to and I started taking weekends off from commenting as well.

      I noticed most people aren't posting as much and that has made it easier to keep up.

  23. I'm with you. I'd rather have a small blog with comments than a huge blog with no interaction. Those bigger blogs bug me because they seem to ignore all the comments.

    1. I hate when I see people begging for hits/comments on social media and then don't bother visiting anyone themselves.

  24. I think comments is what keep this community together and a way to appreciate the content you just read! So I could never be happy with a super big blog with no comments no matter how big! Great post!
