For What It's Worth

Friday, January 10, 2020

Fonzi update!

So for those following along with Fonzi’s long and winding health adventures – he had surgery to remove his gallbladder the day after Christmas. It went really well and he was even able to come home the next day.

Other than problems with one of his pain meds (he vomited and wouldn’t eat whenever he took it) recovery went well. He was a pretty good patient other than being OVER IT with the cone (I called it a satellite dish – it was HUGE) & being stuck in his playpen area for 2 weeks. He started dramatically flopping and chasing his tail. He also woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed at 3 am every morning. Then 4:30. And again at 5:30. His schedule was totally out of whack because of the meds so he was always wanting to eat or go out.

I did not get a lot of sleep the past 2 weeks lol

They took biopsies of everything and they mostly came back ok. The gallbladder was diseased (which we knew), the liver was abnormal but because of the gallbladder and should go back to normal and the stomach, intestines and everything else came back negative.

He had his sutures out Thursday so he is officially free to play and be cone free!

This was our *Braveheart* victory cry after leaving the vets lol

He has a recheck in 2 months to see if that abnormal bloodwork – that started this whole damn thing – goes back to normal.

His spent his first night of freedom sleeping on our bed all night – rare for him. And because I’m just not allowed a good, stress free nights sleep – Figment peed on me. He probably thought he had us to himself with Fonzi’s 2 week confinement and had to retaliate when he realized the evil dog was back.

This is a HUGE relief for me! This I was a super scary surgery with a very high complication and mortality rate but the surgeon was shocked by how well he did. There was a lot of debate with his surgical/internal medicine team as to whether we should do this now or take a wait and see approach. But there was a high risk of the gallbladder rupturing so we went ahead with it and I think the early intervention is what made the difference. IMHO anyway.

I’m REALLY hoping that this means I can finally move on with the new year and have some sense of normalcy in my life again – including reading and blogging.

And THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for all well wishes, good vibes and for checking in on us over the past few weeks!!!! I can't tell you how much it helped me get through all this.



  1. I'm so glad to hear that Fonzi is better and cone free.

  2. This is the BEST post! I love that photo of you two so much and I hope you're able to get some rest this weekend.

    1. I slept pretty well last night. Ok - so I may have woken up to peek in on him a few times - but overall lol

  3. This sounds like such an ordeal, I'm sorry lady! I'm happy the Fonz is doing better though (and that you get to sleep, yay!)!

    1. Sleep is good lol we were on the couch for 5 nights, then moved to the bedroom but I was still up all night giving meds and checking on him.

  4. So happy to hear Fonzie is doing well! *happy dance*

  5. That cat gif had me in stitches! Sphinx cats are... Really something! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    I'm so glad Fonzi is okay and is now free of confinement! Fingers crossed you both get back to normal. (And that Figment gets over his snit and doesn't pee on you again!)

    1. I don't think Figment will ever get over his shit lol but yes, lets hope we all get back to normal (pee free) sleep patterns!

  6. I'm so glad to hear that Fonzi is doing well! Yay! And good riddance to the satellite dish I imagine lol. that's hilarious about Figment though. Well, it probably wasn't to you at the time ha. But hopefully things get back to normal now!

    1. Oh my God - he hated that thing lol After about 5 days he started ramming into things on purpose to try to crush it down - it was a soft cone. We were able to switch to an inflatable donut and he liked that much better.

  7. Omg I’m SO happy to hear this update on your little fighter! He’s so stinking cute and I’m so glad that this decision you made turned out to have such incredible results. I’d be so freaked out to have to decide that! Also it is so nice to see a very rare photo of you guys—quote the victory cry... and completely adorable ❤️ Hope you have a great weekend ahead!! Xoxo

    1. Such a hard decision when the experts don't agree lol They all agreed it would need to be done eventually but to put him at risk when he's healthy or wait until it's progressing? I felt like he had the best shot at recovery while everything else (like his liver) were still unaffected. Thankfully, I made the right choice. But it was scary.

  8. Such absolutely wonderful news Karen!! And yeah, Figment was probably just expressing his displeasure in the change to the status quo.

    1. He hates Fonzi for some reason. No idea why - he loved all my other dogs who were much more annoying to him - Fonzi won't even go near him lol

      he is SUCH a dramatic cat lol

  9. Poor Fonzi, I am so happy that he is ok and happy :D Hugs to him!

  10. Of course I was up-to-date with all this via Twitter, funny pics included ๐Ÿ˜†. Here's to a new, stress-free, sleep-filled year! But Figgy needs to learn his manners ๐Ÿ˜‚.

    1. I don't think Figment will ever change. He's a brat but I guess he's my brat so I love him anyway lol

  11. Oh that's wonderful news about Fonzi! You must be so relieved. Fingers crossed that the drama is over and his next blood test is normal. YEA!

    1. I am! And yes, fingers crossed that this was all we have to deal with.

  12. So glad that everything ended up going well and Fonzi is on the road to recovery!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  13. As you know I am SO happy that everything went well. I'm sure you were a most excellent nurse, home health care aide and all-around best dog mom and that helped a lot!

    1. And thank you for letting me vent my 2 week long panic to you lol

  14. I am so so happy that everything is okay and I hope his next results come back normal! I love the photo of you and Fonzi - so cute!! I love that he slept with you all his first night without the cone. That's kind of hilarious about Figment though...poor kitty. lol


    1. He's still sleeping with us most of them time and next to me on the couch too. No complaints from me!

  15. I am sorry that I didn’t know this was going down with Fonzi, I would have sent you positive thoughts. I am so happy that he did remarkably well and that he’s recovering so quickly. That has to be a huge burden off you. It is so hard when animals get sick. I have been through too much of that myself. Losing two cats in 15 months was a lot to handle. I am hoping that I can just sit back and enjoy the bengal kittens. Here’s more positive thoughts headed your way. Hugs!

    1. That's really rough Heidi. I went through something similar a few years ago. I lost 2 of my cats and a dog one right after the other. It's hard.

      Positive vibes for all of us in 2020!

  16. What an ordeal it's been... and what a relief that it's over! It's encouraging to know that his liver will return to normal now. Hooray for the good news!

    1. That's what the surgeon said so I'm really hoping this was the cause of his original issue and not just another one.

  17. This makes my heart happy! Here's to a better, healthier 2020! *hugs*

    1. Mine too! I know you've been through major pet surgeries as well.

  18. I am so late reading this full Fonzi update and I am so glad I took the time to read it because yay! Glad you're through the worst of it and he's come through OK because I know how worried you were. I mean, I've not been blogging for a month and still managed to see on Twitter how worried you were. Fingers crossed when he does go back in for the blood tests they come through all clear but at least that's a load off for the start of this year.

    1. It's been 1 month so he definitely made it through any side effects from the surgery so hopefully it also addressed his original problems.
