For What It's Worth

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Why I’m Weird Tag

I was originally tagged by Tanya from Girls Plus Books for Why I’m Weird loooong, looong ago (so long ago that I'm now wondering if I’m remembering correctly – was I even tagged?? Or did I already do this lol). Sunny Buzzy Books finally got around to posting her tag and since my brain is complete mush right now – it seemed like a good prompt to get me posting.



#1 – I am not a planner. Which seems like a weird stance in the bloggerverse. I don’t make lists, I don’t have schedules and I don’t like those cute little planners. They just totally freak me out and have the reverse effect. I get 0 things done because I feel pressured to check off the list, or design the planner…

I do not live in chaos though! I’m a post-it note gal. I have the sticky note app on my computer and jot down a few things just so they are on my radar (like review books) and post ideas, a calendar – just so I know what day it is (extra important these days lol) and notebooks everywhere. But everything is kind of random notes instead of a comprehensive list. It only makes sense to me but it works. 

Also, I won't commit myself to anything that requires that level of planning because - freak out.

#2 – I like bugs snakes and all the creepy things. Now, do I want to pick them up and cuddle?? No. I don't even like touching them. But I don’t kill any bugs in my house. They get a free ride to the great outdoors. And this was when I lived in FL and you get some serious creepy crawlies out there.

As I see it…

I AM THIS BIG. They are this big.

And they’re fascinating and live in complex little worlds.

Exceptions…anything attacking my pets, ticks, mosquitoes. Die motherfuckers...

#3 - I have a very specific candy assortment for the movies.  I have one Swedish Horse (it’s like Swedish Fish but from IKEA so they’re horses lol) and four dark chocolate M&M’s. The ratio is 2 M&M’s to 1/2 a horse per bite lol

To make it weirder – it has to be a total of 5 horses to 20 M&M’s plus 2 peanut M&M’s and one Twizzler. VERY SPECIFIC!!

#4 – I do not get OBSESSED. Another thing that makes me feel a little weird in the blogosphere and on SM. I do enjoy things but once I read/watch or  whatever – I’m done. I don’t stalk authors or actors to see what’s coming out next, I don't want to know anything about them in real life, or start collections. I do have books and movies on my shelves and I love them but I don’t LOVE them. Ya know what I mean??

#5 – I’m ok with doing nothing. I like to accomplish things, of course, but I’m fine with just sitting on my ass or taking a nap. I don’t feel guilty or like I’m wasting time. If I get a chance to chill, I take it. (except for extended quarantine chilling – this is just ridiculous!)

#6 – I can’t order through a drive-thru if someone is in the car with me. Even Kevin. I don’t know why but it’s makes me hyper conscious of my voice and trying to remember the order and I get flustered.

So, these are a few weird things about me.

What’s your brand of weird?


  1. I love doing nothing.

    ALso, bugs must die!

    1. I know my love of bugs is a lost cause lol

  2. #6 is hilarious, but I am onboard with doing nothing and not obsessing. I have actually been next to famous people, and been totally unaware, and they were people I am a fan of. Ooops.

    1. Me too. Or I've met them at things like BEA and been like hi...walks away while everyone is screeching lol

  3. You...actually...LIKE...creepy creatures?!?
    I mean, there's something to that extent in your Twitter bio, but LIKE...sounds a bit extreme LOL. Me, I can't even LOOK at them on paper, let alone on TV. That's why the only Supernatural episode I've never watched and never will is..."Bugs". I understand your reasoning, but...I don't care if they're small - they're disgusting. Yuck.

    Your candy assortments are, indeed, VERY specific LOL.

    I think the weirdest thing about me is that I hate the looks of fruit seeds - if I eat/squeeze a citrus, I have to take them out first and either throw them away immediately or hid them under the fruit's peel, in order not to have to look at them one moment longer than I have to. Also, there's this thing where I border on OCD - some things have to be placed in a very specific position/order in my household.

    1. I do! I was terrified os bugs when I first moved to FL and figured I'd need to get used to them and I ended up taking pictures of them and find them to be cute lol or at least interesting.

      I'm weird about folding things a certain way. I drive Kevin nuts because I always refold his hand towel because he DOES IT WRONG lol

  4. I can't do the creepy crawlies, but my boyfriend has two pet snakes. We even have one on display in a vivarium in our dining room!

  5. This was great! I love seeing what makes people tick! 👍✨

    I'm a creepy crawly lover, too, but I do love to touch them, well... except for tarantulas and scorpions. Ha ha. 🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜🐜

    I don't get obsessed either, not since my teens anyway. I'm glad there is someone else out there who thinks like me! 😁

    I'm sorry about the takeout thing. I used to get all weird about speaking if I saw someone I worked with out in public. I once told a co-worker I saw in the mall that their three year old looked like a "big good boy". 😅

    1. Yay!! I only know a few people who aren't afraid of bugs.

      You're obsessed with Harry Potter!!

      I'm bad at social interactions too. I just stand there and then try to say something that seems like a normal human thing to say but comes out awkward. And then I get that slow back away, weird look lol

    2. Yes, but not the actors! Hah. Do you know how many HP fans obsess about the actors? They know what other movies they've been in an are going to be in, who they're dating, their birthdays, their favorite foods, and on and on. 😁

  6. I'm not really a planner either. I do have several notebooks scattered around though and I'm always writing stuff down (post ideas, song lyrics, whatever) but as for an actual schedule. Nooooo

    "Exceptions…anything attacking my pets, ticks, mosquitoes. Die motherfuckers..."

    That made me laugh. :) I'm not a bug person. I always thought that as much as I love Florida I don't know if I could live down there or like Texas or wherever because of all the bugs. don't they get huge? And my grandparents used to say NEVER leave anything out or... bad things will happen lol.

    I do feel guilty sometimes for doing nothing (why do we feel like we always have to be on task??) but it's funny- as this lockdown things goes on I'm starting to accept that it's okay to do nothing. To just relax and not sweat little things since everything now seems in perspective! I used tohate naps but now... I'm team nap lololol.

    1. My father-in-law thinks there are alligators crawling all over FL and that's not true but I can't lie - there are SO many bugs, lizards and snakes. The cockroaches get big.

      And you absolutely have to seal all food up! It's weird being able to leave food on the counter here (WA). It doesn't go bad in one day from the heat or attract an army of insects.

    2. I think the lizards are cute when I see them out and about down there, but if they were in my house I feel like I'd be less amused. :) And cockroaches... just no. I would freak. But I guess in a tropical environment they must be super hard to get rid of?

  7. I'm such trash at not doing anything and I definitely obsess over things, but not so much lately.

    Is number 3 when you go to the movies or when you watch any movie?

    1. Only when I go to the movies. I don't really eat much candy otherwise.

  8. I'm not really a planner either. I have certain post series pre-scheduled on specific days, but I can't be doing with those neat little planner journals. I'd just be spending all day on that!
    I do think that perhaps your movie candy requirements are a little weird - or too strict at least! - but if that's what you like then why not. I'm curious though. Do you measure out the 4-&-a-halfs ahead of time?

    1. I do!!! lol I arrange it on the counter exactly like you see it in that picture & then throw in a baggie.
      If I bring a random supply of candy I'll eat it all and get sick but too little and I want more lol

  9. This is amazing Karen and a little bit weird 😂 I don't have obsessions either about consuming media. I'm not someone who watches Marvel films, or needs to play Animal Crossing or even likes Kpop. I plod along and while I know others are heavily into fandoms and things, I'm just... not. But no, no bugs. Nope. Nope. We have some big assed spiders in Australia, big enough to pay rent and get a job and nope, not having it whatsoever. My only exception is butterflies and bees and all the rest nopetity nope.

    1. I've seen most of the Marvel movies but years after and only if it's easy for me to watch. I don't really understand all the connections and the universes and all that.

      I have listened to some KPop because I had a friend that moved there to teach English and that's one of the ways she learned Korean. We would watch and analyze the videos lol

      But I could give or take any media.

  10. Better late than never! :) My friend, we part ways on the bug thing. All bugs can just eff right off. And when it comes to lizards (I realize they aren't bugs) I am downright phobic. I will lose my freaking mind when a lizard gets near me. So yeah, fun times living in FL with 9 bajillion lizards. LOL Um, the candy thing... I don't even know what to say. That's super specific. Haha. I am sooo good at doing nothing. I excel at it. I am the Master of Nothing!

    1. Lizards are EVERYWHERE in FL lol I didn't like them in my house because that inevitably led to a cat puking one up on me. Those tiny frogs too.

  11. Doesn't sound too weird to me. I am hyper planner - but I have no time for those cutsie planners. I use a calendar/todo list system on my computer/phone with a back up written list for day to day. I need order or I feel overwhelmed by all I have to do. I'm sure there are weird things I do, but it all seems normal to me!

    1. I love looking at other people's planners but they seem like so much more effort. Like - you could be getting the other stuff done if you weren't designing your planner. lol

      But it's a creative outlet and fun so I get it.

  12. So quirky! I love it!
    The one I can't get over is #2... It takes someone special to appreciate the creepy crawlies of the world!

    1. I didn't used to like them but after moving to FL - I figured I needed to get over it lol

  13. I know I was tagged in this one, so I'll have to do it at some point. LOL Most bugs don't really bother me, but stink bugs are just gross, and I'm terrified!!! of spiders. I don't want to touch any of them though. hah I love your movie candy ratios. That's fantastic!! I'm also okay with doing nothing - I love a good nap!


    1. We have stink bugs out here and they were ALL OVER my townhome when I first moved down here. I swear - I had more bugs here than in FL lol

      Naps FTW!

  14. I can't be in the room when my dad is making a phone call to banks or companies. It stresses me out. I hate answering the phone and making calls too. I'm scared rigid of spiders and hate all bugs but snakes do fascinate me.

  15. You know those gothic girls of the 90's? Yeah, that's kinda me now. lol I wear black all the time except for a pink shirt that I bought because it looked soft. My makeup is usually dark or pink, I used to dye my hair black but it's long enough for me to sit on so I don't do that anymore. I write down everything I need to say for phone calls before I make the call. I like the creepy bugs and animals too. lol

    1. I don't wear any make up or even like clothes shopping - which I guess could be another weird thing lol

      I know you've posted a few bug pics. *high five*!

  16. As long as your version of planning works for you who cares if it's messy and a little all over the place? I am a sucker for stationery so planners are the best for me. I've fully been sucked into the bullet journal world. You're the complete opposite of me when it comes to creepy crawlies, though. I can't help it, I know I'm far bigger than them but as soon as they get near I can't help but head in the other direction. It's an issue.

    1. I do love stationary. But cards, paper, pens. I can even appreciate a pretty planner even though I don't want to plan lol

      But yes...whatever works!

  17. You already know from my list that I get a lot of these... Totally normal. ;)

    However, number 4 I fail at. I do get obsessed. I get very obsessed. It's not that I can't let stuff go but... I can totally let stuff go. Yep. Yes, I can.

    1. There's nothing wrong woth that. Everyone I know does! I don't know why I don't.

  18. I also like bugs and snakes and creepy crawlies and I have no problem doing nothing. LOL But I do have a lot of obsessions and I feel like inanimate objects have personalities. :)

    Thanks for sharing! We all have our things!

    1. Oh yay!!! We're rare. I agree with the inanimate object thing!

  19. We are soul sisters except for #4. I totally get obsessed but not with real people only made up tv characters.

    1. lol I just don't and I don't know why because everyone around me does lol

  20. Oh this is FUN!! I am exactly like you in regard to number 1! And that is definitely unusual in the blogosphere! We definitely differ with obsessions though! I don't get obsessed easily, but when I do, I am all-in! I also cannot do the drive-thru, especially when others are in the car! Except Dunkin Donuts because I have to overcome to obtain caffeine.

  21. okay....this was fun to see your picks here...and weirdness is something I relate to. I never thought about the drive through though. And I wish I could sit and just do nothing, but alas, unless I am on vacation and in Hawaii or something I can't. I just like doing things. Even when I watch a movie or TV ...I am working on projects or crocheting or doing scrapbooking or research lol That is how I am weird
