For What It's Worth

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Tell Me Something tuesday

Tell Me Something Tuesday is hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings and discusses a wide range of topics from books to blogging.

Question: What are some of your bad reading habits you kicked or want to get rid of?

Answer: As I mentioned last week – I don’t really have reading habits so I’m straying a bit to include reading as it pertains to blogging.

I no longer bite off more than I can chew. I rarely request books now so no deadlines.

I’m taking chances trying new genres but I’m also getting better at narrowing down what I like – and dnf’ing what I don’t - instead of forcing myself to read things I’m not enjoying.

I don’t hoard books anymore. That could be a pro or con depending what kind of bookworm you are lol I ended up purging so many books when I moved and realized I didn’t really need them or even get to half of them.

Bottom line - I don't need habits - good or bad - because reading is a hobby and for fun so...



  1. "Bottom line - I don't need habits - good or bad - because reading is a hobby and for fun so..."

    THIS! Preach, my friend. I'm right there with you. I'm reading what I want, when I want and it's been a game changer. :)

  2. Sounds very positive! I love it. My biggest bad habit is watching TV or playing games INSTEAD of reading! lol

    1. I do this a lot lately but I figure my brain needs a break. lol

  3. Omg yes book hoarding, my favs that all are not even my favs, those are hard to let go

  4. You are doing the opposite of what I did when reading started feeling like a chore. I was trying to read outside my zone and I just wasn't enjoying it. I will read all my contemporary books without shame.

    1. That's more to do with audio. I can't listen to my usual reads, like romance, so I try new things. I like fantasy and angsty books on audio but I can't read them.

  5. That's right, we just need to read (eventually, when we remember).

    1. Ha! Yes. Less worries and more fun reading.

  6. First off, love the Schitt's Creek gif. And I'm definitely getting better at purging books. If they aren't an OMG favorite, or I don't think I'll get to them anytime soon, I'm trying to pass them along. I have an overload of books, so it'll take awhile, but baby steps!


    1. I'm down to about 50% and I haven't really made nay headway but I'm fine with that. It's not overwhelming and it gives me a good selection to choose from.

  7. Wow! Very cool that you were able to kick some of those habits, and I'm going to need to steal a few to try. I agree - these days I'm definitely more into the fun of reading,a nd don't want to be bogged down with deadlines. As always, a great post! Hugs, RO

  8. No reading habits are bad just the way you look at them. You do you! :D
    I usually check my reading and purchasing habits and despite how little I read or how my buying habits are, I'm generally good with them.

    1. I think you need habits (to some degree) if you request and review a lot - not for reading for fun. And that's why 99% of my reading is for fun now lol

  9. Amen to that. And same with books- I realized at some point I didn't need to have EVERY book in a physical copy lol. And oh my gosh is that Emily Hampshire in that GIF? I didn't know she was in that show, I LOVED her in 12 Monkeys!

    1. Yes!! She was on Schitt's Creek and awesome!

      I still have a pretty decent book collection but I'm more of a library girl now.

    2. I may have to watch that show now if she's on it... :)

    3. And it's a great show!! You have to push pass the first few episodes where everyone is AWFUL though. lol

  10. I don't have reading habits that are good or bad! I just read!

  11. All of this ^ also as someone who has had to move quite a few times in my life, I find that books are very cumbersome (but my favorites always have a spot on the bookshelf!).

  12. Gosh, I don't think I have any bad reading habits. ๐Ÿ˜„

    1. It has become a non issue now that I don't take on more than I can handle. So however I read is good :)

  13. I LOVE your answer to this! I feel like I have some things I might want to change eventually, but like you said, it's something that is supposed to be enjoyable so who cares how it happens! I would probably say not being so obsessive, but maybe that is just my personality at this point ๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. I think that if that's who you are then that's fine?? For me, the problem comes from taking on too many commitments so that I need habits lol

      I don't do well with schedules and all that so it's no longer fun for me but if that's what you enjoy and it works then go for it.
