For What It's Worth

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Tell Me Something Tuesday: tales of an introvert

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Question: Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

Answer: TOTAL introvert. Let's just say that 6 feet distance, canceled social gatherings and masks have not been one of the things that bothered me about this past year 😂

I do just fine by myself and most of my friendships are of the online variety with texting. I do meet up with people on occasion (pre-pandemic & in the future) but I have a time limit where I can tolerate interaction. I do have a good time but it's usually about a 3 hour window and I'm done lol

I did shockingly well at large events like BEA and being in NYC. I think that's because even though there were tons of people - the interactions were short. I'm fine walking un large groups (like in NYC) as long as I don't have to talk to them. Although any of that kind of thing requires me to mentally prepare and then decompress for at least a week after.  

I never went to the publisher parties or group things where I'd have to talk too much. I'm just not great at people-ing lol

If it weren't for the dogs needing to go out and exercise I would probably be a hermit lol

What about you? Introvert or extrovert?


  1. Right? Covid lockdown totally fit my lifestyle. So much less stress not having to be "on" every day when I'm at work. Totally dreading going back to the office where I will have to people.

    1. Kevin's Christmas party was canceled, I don't have to talk to anyone, the stores were quiet. It was great lol (Not COVID, of course, but I was ok with the restrictions)

  2. I really think book nerds tend to be. Lol. I am a total introvert and loving the lockdowns. Lol.

    1. I've met so many people like me through blogging. With panic attacks too - I had never known anyone else who had them before.

  3. Yes. Yes to everything you just said. lol If I didn't have Falcor I probably wouldn't go out much at all. I don't do well face to face with people.

    1. After we lost Fonzi, I was in my pj's by 6pm and in bed by 8.

      The dogs force me out in the world.

  4. As you can tell from my nickname (Shybiker) I'm also a total introvert. Like you, I can handle social interaction but it drains me. Thus, I agree with your limiting those events by duration (3 hours sounds good) and frequency.

    1. I actually lose my voice after I do meet up with people because it's so rare for me lol

  5. I'm an introvert too and can relate to that. :) People? Why lol? But seriously, yeah the pandemic and isolating hasn't bothered me as much as it does some. Funny thing is, i like to go out and about, but small talk exhausts me if it goes on too long and yeah- about 3 hours sounds right. After that I definitely need to decompress.

    1. Yes, I do love to go out and I'm (mostly) ok if people are there. I just don't want to talk to them lol

  6. Token extrovert checking in! I feel like such a minority in the book community, honestly. Though funny enough, the pandemic makes me feel less bad about being alone because like, everyone is alone? Also, I am very opposite in that big crowds/stranger interaction stresses me out, but I LOVE things like publisher parties where I can actually like, sit down and TALK-talk to people. So, we're complete and total opposites in every way, but that is what makes life interesting!

    1. lol Most of the people I know are extroverts! I only found my people after I started blogging.

      I think it's all good as long as we respect each others preference (don't drag an introvert out - don't make an extrovert stay in)

      Now the crowd thing - I don't want to interreact with anyone and with larger crowds I feel like so much is going on there's no focus on me so I feel more relaxed. I do NOT like big crushing crowds though. That's a whole other panic attack inducing thing lol

  7. Yep, 100% introvert here! Like you, I haven't suffered too much with the social distance and limited contact aspects of the last year. I'm just fine with it! :) When I do see friends/family, a short duration is best. After a while I need space. Too much talking, too much interaction... and I need some quiet time.

    1. Other than obvious horror of the past year - I've been living my best introverted life lol

  8. I'm definitely an introvert. I'd say I have extrovert tendencies though when it comes to certain things, but I fall way more on the introvert side of things. I don't like big crowds (at least not for very long). I think smaller groups or one-on-one is better. I'm more of a listener than a talker (most of the time). I need to decompress and be alone after big events most of the time. It's funny because I'm actually reading the book Quiet by Susan Cain for a book club and it's all about being introverts in a world that seems to LOVE extroverts. It's really good so far!


    1. See, I am weird in that large groups don't bother me as much as small. I feel like I can get lost in crowds and not need to interact. (I do not like crushing crowds - I get panic attacks) but small groups freak me out and drain me because I'll have to talk more.

  9. Can I be both? Ha ha. I am very IRL social, BUT I am super picky about socializing and there are times when I prefer to be hermitting at home. 😁

    1. Yes! I think a lot of people are both. I know a lot of people who are social when it comes to family and close friends but are an introvert with strangers. Or who need interaction but then down time to regroup.

  10. Most people have been stircrazy and like omg burn down the city if we can't go to a pub!. I have been all, eh, who cares, I am an introvert. I can sit at home for YEARS

    1. Same! I go out but just for short errand or walks with the dogs. There are a few things I missed but I could (and did) live without lol

  11. I definitely fall on the extrovert side of the spectrum, but I enjoy being home with my family, watching TV more than going out.

  12. Yes same!! I do like meeting up with really close friends sometimes but other than that, the pandemic lifestyle really did fit me as well.

    1. I was fiiiiiine lol I finally felt like the world made sense in some ways lol

  13. YES to us powerful introverts, but I think my career choices have always forced me to fake extrovertness to the point where I'm probably 30% extrovert depending on the situation.

    1. I also think you can fake it to a certain degree when you have to lol

      I can in short doses but need a long recovery time.

      Does it help that you're in a profession that you enjoy? I did better at things like BEA because I was around like minded people.

  14. I completely relate. I have a work happy hour today and I agreed to do it - because networking is smart if you want to get ahead at work, right? Not enough to be good at what you do - but man, I just want to pick up my baby and go home.

    1. {hugs} I get that!

      I've made myself do it - like BEA, ALA and I did have fun but I think I was around other introverts that got it and we met up for an hour or so then went our own way.

      My husband's Christmas party gave me SO MUCH STRESS. I was thrilled it was canceled last year lol

      When I do need to do something, I need recovery time.

  15. "I do have a good time but it's usually about a 3 hour window and I'm done lol"
    That's very specific 😂.

    1. Around 2 hours I start getting ansty and want to leave - at 3 hours I'm DONE lol

  16. I'm SO with you on the "three hour limit". That's about right for me too.

    1. You can have a good conversation in 3 hours lol Then I need quiet and recharge time.

  17. I've been really fine with quarantine as well. While I've never been one to like to be completely alone, give me just my family to spend time with and I'm just fine. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. I'm surprised s many people feel this way. Or maybe not - most bloggers are introverts but most of my non blogger friends & family are not.

  18. Lololol I’m not always great at people-ing either. It’s weird. I was always a social butterfly, then I had a panic attack in public around 10 years ago, and I feel like I never recovered if that makes sense. But like you, I totally have a time limit on my interactions. Three hours sounds about right and then I want my pajamas and dog/baby snuggles lol. Also I think I became really comfortable with my alone time during the pandemic. Some positives, right?

    1. I have panic attaks when I'm forced around people so I totally get that. lol

  19. I'm also an introvert. Used to enjoy socializing more, but I definitely always needed that recharge time after a while!

    1. I just had company for a few days and I'm so drained lol

  20. Yep! Introvert here too and I've loved the reduced capacities while out and keeping distance and having a legit "excuse" not to have to leave my house and do anything that people try to make me do in the name of being social... The keeping away from people aspects of the pandemic have suited me just fine. However, I love going and doing things with my husband and kid and I've struggled horribly with not being able to do that because everything was closed... I want to CHOOSE to stay home instead of being forced to... But things are getting better!

    I definitely need recovery time after peopling. The longer I'm forced to be "on" the longer the time I need to myself afterwards.
