For What It's Worth

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Tell Me Something Tuesday: Summer reading spots

Tell Me Something Tuesday is a weekly discussion post where bloggers discuss a wide range of topics from books and blogging to life in general. 

It is co-hosted by (Linda from Book Girl of Mur-y-Castell, Roberta from Offbeat YA, Jen from That’s What I’m Talking About, Berl's from Because Reading is Better than Real Life  and me) 

Join in by answering this weeks question in the comments or on your own blog.

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Question: Where is your favorite spot to read in the summer?

Answer: Honestly, I mostly read sitting on my sofa year round but in the summer I try to sit out on my deck to read for a little bit.

I tend to get distracted though, watching birds and bugs and my little hummingbird that visit my planters. And we sit higher up a hill so it gets windy too so I get cold. Wimp! 

We have a pergola covering a concrete pad downstairs where I planned to read this summer but they're building a house on the lot next door so its way too noisy.

I thought of brining a book down by the water to read but I cannot read with people around me or any kind of outside distractions. Weirdly enough though - I can read with the tv on.

Do you have a favorite summer reading spot?


  1. I love your reading spot! My at home spot is in my purple chair next to our front window where I can also get distracted by chipmunks, birds, rabbits. If the evening is pleasant, I sit outside on my porch.

    1. It gets pretty windy up there so that's why I'm not out there more often but it's a nice spot when it's warm.

  2. Your deck is so pretty. I would be out there with you (but not in the blistering temperatures.)

    1. For better or worse, it's full shade up there. It keep sit cool but can also get cold when it's windy - which is almost every afternoon.

      The other good thing is I added curtains so that blocks some of it. Other than our heat dome it's really pleasant out here in the summer. 70's - low 80's.

  3. It looks cozy and relaxing! Too bad for the wind.

    1. It's kind of nice in the summer. The evenings are always cool. But when I'm sitting and reading I get cold lol

  4. Nice deck :)
    I totally forgot about bugs! But I do love the sun, the heat, ahhh, love. We have so little of it here in the almost Arctic

    1. We don't have annoying, biting bugs here so I can just observe lol

      I love the warmer weather too. I hide all winter.

  5. Ugh. My deck furniture are very much exposed to the sun, so I can hardly sit out there and read. My reading spot is my couch. LOL.

    1. I love this little deck. And I added the curtains this year to block the wind and the sun as it shifts.

  6. Such a pretty spot, I would love to be able to read outside in the summer but ...well today we have a heat index of 112 and not a bit of just can't do it!

    1. I used to love in FL and I never read outside lol

  7. I try to read in my backyard but, as you say, it's easy to get distracted. But the novelty of being outdoors outweighs that, at least for a little while.

    1. My deck is probably the only space that I can read outside for any length of time. But I'm always stopping to look around lol

  8. I like reading outside as long as it's not too frickin hot. Ha I do like reading by the water too... it's very relaxing for some reason!

    1. We (usually) have very nice summers and you can sit outside without sweating lol

  9. My summer reading spot is basically anywhere with AC and a ceiling fan. LOL

    1. Yeah, there's no reading outside in FL in the summer lol

  10. I get distracted by things outside too! So many busy critters. Your deck chair looks comfy!

    1. I love nature so I'm easily distracted by critters, flowers... anything lol

  11. I'm pretty good at reading with noise around me, thank goodness, so I try and bring a book most places. I read on my front porch if its' not too hot...otherwise, in the summer, I read a lot in the pool.


    1. I wish I could but I cannot read with anything other than tv lol People are the worst for me - like in a Dr office.

  12. I usually read at my desk so I can listen to my youtube playlist and type notes about the book as I read. LOL
    But I really like your spot.

    1. Oh that's interesting. I don't think I could sit up like that. Or is it a relaxing chair?

      I can listen to audio books while on the computer though.

      The only noise I can handle though is the tv.

  13. That looks like a really nice reading spot. Also, how do you even read with the TV on? I tried it several times but I always end up watching instead. lol.
    My reading spot is definitely the couch in my room, quiet and no distractions.

    1. What's even weirder is that's the only distraction I can read with! No music, no people... just the TV lol

      I think I've watched TV since I was a kid, even fell asleep to it when my parents were watching after I went to bed so it's just white noise to me.

  14. Replies
    1. I can only read on my deck here. Not sure why - maybe because it's very secluded feeling lol Or it's right off my kitchen and I leave the sliding door open so maybe I feel like it's just another room?

  15. I read in two places fairly exclusively: my bed and the bath. I mean, in theory I love the idea of reading by the pool or something, but that would require being left alone for long enough to finish a chapter, so that is not happening! I cannot read around people either, though I can't read with the TV on like you can!

    1. The life of a mom lol

      That kind of happens to me with the dogs too. Less as they get older but every 5 minutes I have to get up and see what they've gotten into lol

  16. My mom could read with the TV on, too. Not me... no music (maybe wordless, slow music, but nothing with a beat or words - I start dancing and singing), no TV... I can read at the beach, but I'll take lots of people watching breaks.

    1. My parents used to watch tv in the bedroom (Johnny Carson lol) right across from my room when I was a kid so I think I just learned how to tune it out.

      I cannot do music or especially people talking (in real life - not tv) though.
