For What It's Worth

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Watching... Fargo, The Brothers Sun, Monarch, A Murder at the End of the World, and more...

We've been watching A LOT of TV lately. We're on some weird documentary kick right now. I think because they're usually quick and don't require a binge worthy time investment and I always learn some weird, random thing I didn't know before. 

But we did watch several popular series & here's a quick round-up!

Fargo S5 FX/HULU - Starring (against type) Juno Temple (Keeley from ted Lasso) and Jon Hamm & a STELLAR Jennifer Jason Leigh - plus many, many more recognizable faces.

πŸ‘πŸ‘I saw Fargo, the movie, years ago but had never watched the TV series until now & WOWZA. This was some of the best television I've seen recently. We were riveted and holding our breath worrying about characters fates. 

We're going back and watching the series from the start now - every season is a new story/cast. S1 was excellent but nothing tops S5 to me. 

*TW: This show is very violent - so just a general warning there, but also this season is about domestic violence. It makes many references to past violence and and on screen domestic violence, as well as PTSD reactions to events. 

The Brothers Son Netflix - This stars, the always amazing, Michelle Yeoh. 

"When a mysterious enemy targets his family, a Taipei triad member heads to Los Angeles to protect his strong-willed mother and oblivious younger brother."

πŸ‘πŸ‘Fun, action packed (very bloody)


Monarch: Legacy of Monsters AppleTV - "After the world-shattering revelation that monsters are real, two siblings follow in their father's footsteps to uncover their family's connection to the secretive organization known as Monarch."

πŸ‘We liked it. Good background story and acting elevates, what feels like just another set up for a never-ending barrage of inter-connecting shows/movies and spin offs.


A Murder at the End of the World FX/HULU  - "A Murder at the End of the World" is a mystery series with a new kind of detective at the helm -- a Gen Z amateur sleuth and tech-savvy hacker named Darby Hart. In the new limited series, Darby and eight other guests are invited by a reclusive billionaire to participate in a retreat at a remote and dazzling location. When one of the other guests is found dead, Darby must put to use all of her combined skills to prove it was in fact murder, all against a tide of competing interests and before the killer takes another life."

πŸ‘We watched this because it starred Clive Owen and it was fine. There was a lot of hype around it but we felt like it dragged a bit too long and didn't make use of some of the bigger messages it kept dropping - like environmental, egomaniacal tech giants, cyber safety etc. But it was interesting and if you are into crime thrillers more than I am - give it a go. 


Love at First Sight - Based on The Statistical Probability of Falling in Love at First Sight by Jennifer E Smith Netflix

πŸ‘πŸ‘My friend and I do a weekly virtual movie date and this was our pick. We both loved it and thought it was one of the better rom-com type movies we've seen in a long time. Great acting, chemistry, good story, GREAT ending. 


Percy Jackson Disney - we're watching the new series adaptation and we're not hooked or anything but it follows the books and it's fun, even if it's not super compelling


We also watched all the recent Doctor Who - except for the Christmas special.\


Documentaries - Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, Rita Moreno, Squaring the Circle (about iconic album covers), Inventing David Geffen


  1. I have not watched TV since 2019, but I am curious about the Smith adaptation since I adored the book. Glad to hear you enjoyed it

  2. I just watched the new WEST SIDE STORY. I loved seeing Rita Moreno in it. It's been so long since I've seen the original.

    I haven't watched any of those series yet. I keep thinking Corey would love FARGO because he loved the movie. I hated the movie, but maybe the tv show would be better for me.

    We just started watching THE TUDORS. I've wanted to watch it for a long time. I love the history of that time period.

    1. I haven't seen either version *eek!* The documentary was great though. What a life! And she's a spitfire.

      The first season of (TV) Fargo is very similar to the movie. It even has a few Easter eggs if you remember the movie. Honestly, I missed it but Kevin knew lol

      S5 is very different (other than the basics -location, cops etc.) but ultra violent and possible trigger warnings for domestic abuse (wives and children).

  3. "We also watched all the recent Doctor Who - except for the Christmas special."
    πŸ˜ƒ No thoughts? I swear you won't hurt my feelings if you didn't love them πŸ˜‰.

    1. Apologies!!! lol No, we both really enjoyed all of them. I guess I watched so long ago that it's harder for me to remember specifics. How do you like the new Doctor? I only saw him in that last Tennent episode.
      My one - not criticism - but I wish Donna's daughter, Rose had more to do. I adore her (on this and as an actress on other shows I love). I misunderstood and thought she was going to be the new companion.

    2. Also...I wanted to actually get a post up and once I start overthinking and trying to include everything...I don't lol

  4. We are watching Monarch now (2 eps to go) and are invested. At first I spent a lot of time trying to see how it all fits together, but then I learned to let go. I do want to go back and watch the 2014 Godzilla now. We also just finished Percy Jackson. We were pretty invested at first, but the last few episodes just kind of dragged. But I still hope they do another season. I've heard a lot of good things about Fargo, but we haven't started it - is it set in the world of the movie?

    1. While I'm not super into the whole Monarch world - I did like the characters and their stories. And Godzilla lol

      For Fargo - each season is a whole new story with new characters (sometimes with tiny overlaps), all set in the same area. Very dark though.

  5. I just started watching Doctor Who for the first time. I hope it gets better because right now It's a little weird. lol But so many people like it I thought I would give it a chance.

    1. It's a strange show lol I've watched it on and off over the years - depending on the Doctor. And if you just jumped in at the new David Tennant ones - you'll be lost. The newest Doctor starts at the Christmas episode.

  6. Monarch and Murder are two that caught my eye. I love the concept of Monarch. I usually enjoy Clive Owen ever since Gosford PArk.

    Interesting about Geffen too... a lot of the music I discovered in the 80's (Kitaro, etc) was on his label then.

    1. I think you would really like Murder. It's a Greg kind of show lol

      I enjoyed Monarch but it felt so much like a set up (Marvel-esq) where they'll have a bunch of timelines and secrets etc...etc...

      The Geffen doc was interesting. He's such a fan of music/musicians and helped SO many but can also be an ass & betray them lol

  7. I've never seen Fargo anything, but maybe I should try the show at some point if it's that good! Aww weekly virtual movie date sounds fun!

    1. I saw the movie sooooo long ago! I don't think you need to have watched it to understand the series though.

      S5 is different in tone than the previous seasons/movie but still follows the same formula.

      My friend and I started the movie dates back after I lost my dog Fonzi & then the quarantine started and we kept it up and are still going strong almost 5 years later! IT started out with cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies but now we watch all kinds of things.

  8. I have only watched the Love at first sight, it was meh

  9. I went through a phase last year of watching all the documentaries. They somehow feel like less investment than a series is and they’re often more addictive. I’ve watched documentaries by all sorts of things and it gives me lots of useless knowledge and I love it. I also watch a lot of nature docs because who doesn’t love animals? I haven’t watched Love at First Sight yet, I feel a little weird about it because I remember the male lead from Eastenders so I still think of him as the character from the soap but I think I might need to get over myself and enjoy a good rom com.

    1. Yes! You can just sit back and enjoy without getting riled about the plot/characters/if it's going to be cancelled lol And you always learn something new. We're watching one about Pepsi now lol
      I'm not great with nature docs. I used to watch them ALL the time and then all of a sudden I couldn't anymore because they die.
      Oooh I have that problem with actors too.

  10. I love a good documentary series! I really enjoyed the first season of Fargo, but haven't been compelled to continue just yet. Jon Hamm sounds great in it!

    1. We are going back and watching the series from the start. We finished S1 and liked it - very much like the movie. S5 has the same bones but very different in tone. It's a bit more over-the-top in the characterizations but I was so hooked!
