I haven't been reading consistently for so long that these posts didn't seem worth doing, but I seem to have hit a groove. Nowhere near my previous reading highs - but I'm always reading something now, so yay!
Library of Borrowed Hearts by Lucy Gilmore ~ Goodreads I hope to write a full review for this one soon but I ADORED it!!
Love in Bloom by Lucy Eden ~ Goodreads This was a 3-ish star read. I really disliked the narrator but the couple and small town vibes/modern twist on cosy romance was cute. Some drama but mostly low key. (short goodreads review here)
The Girl From Earth's End by Tara Dairman ~ Goodreads I always enjoy Dairman's mid-grade stories and I appreciate how much research she puts into them. This was a (bitter) sweet one with a lot of inclusivity - LGBQT and disability rep which is hard to find in MG. Another book I hope to write a longer review for soon but I loved it.
I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy ~ Goodreads As the title implies, this isn't going to be a light fluffy read, but this memoir has been on my list since I missed the window to get the ALC on libro.fm. My library hold just came in and it's only a 6-ish hour audiobook.
Cinderella and the Beast (or, Beauty and the Glass Slipper) The Princess Swap Book #1 by Kim Bussing ~ Goodreads This is the first book I've gotten from a publisher in years! It's light and fluffy and just what I need some days. The swapped princesses' are a little disconcerting at first lol but it's cute.
With my resurgent reading, I've also felt like reviewing and maybe dabbling back into requesting books. Not to the point of getting overwhelmed again though!
I updated my Netgalley profile since I haven't even looked on there in several years. I guess they have their own reader now, so I'll have to see what that's all about. If I even get approved for anything after all this time. My ratio is still holding at a statistically impossibly 102 % lol
I'm also checking out Storygraph. I already had an account but haven't really looked or used it. I don't really care about stats. I just like to record what I've read for reference. so I would stick with the free version. Does anyone use them? Have any tips?
I am able to get a reciprocal library card with the nearby larger city. I already have the basic access which gives me Libby and Hoopla but I'm going in to show proof of address to get full access. They have a lot of services, events and online resources. I'm excited!
And.....I've already reached my Goodreads Reading Goal - only 12 books (I set it low) but that's more reading I've done at this point in a really long time.