For What It's Worth

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Blog All About It: Sky

Blog All About It is hosted by Anna from Herding Cats & Burning Soup and the August promt was Sky. I’m obviously late but still wanted to post the pics that I had.

They are all views from the townhome that we’re renting. We have beautiful sunsets with gorgeous colors that are always changing!


  1. Looks nice there! Great pics. :)

    1. I want to try to get a pic when it's foggy. It's very creepy looking and we call it Mordor lol

  2. I love the last one especially, but all the colours are great.

  3. Gorgeous! I like the sky at dusk. Even more so than sunrises. :)

    1. They were all taken at dusk! It's so weird how the sky is always different.

  4. Pretty pictures, Karen! I'm so behind on this challenge that I may as well give up, lol.

    1. This may have been the only one that I got around to lol Anna is super laid back about it so I tryt o be too and jump in when I can.

  5. Replies
    1. It is! The pinks and purples are the prettiest but very hard to capture on camera.

  6. I'm a sucker for sunsets! I love photographing them and looking at them. Nice photos!

    1. Thanks. This particular view is nice because of the tall townhomes and mountains in the distance.

  7. Replies
    1. It's very dramatic and always changing. I'm curious what happens in the winter. They say the colors are more intense.

  8. Great pictures! Love all the colors, but the one with the clouds is my favorite.

  9. These are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them. 🌄

    I wanted to ask you about your new camera. I know I have asked you this before, but I promise this time I am going to write it down, ha ha. What make and model is it, and most importantly... how are you liking it? I am starting to save money for a better camera. 📷

    1. So...these were all from my phone lol (Samsung 9 Note) I really need to use my camera more. but it's the Nikon D7200.

      I do love it but I need to learn it more. I maybe should have gotten the one right below it because it's more manual setting user friendly but I thought this would be better for once I get the hang of things.
